{:group-id "enterprises.wizard", :artifact-id "garden", :version "1.5.569", :analysis {"clj" ({:name garden.arithmetic, :publics ({:name *, :file "garden/arithmetic.cljc", :line 59, :arglists ([] [x] [x y] [x y & more]), :doc "Generic multiplication operation. Transparently computes the product\nbetween `CSSUnit`s, `CSSColor`s, and numbers.", :type :var} {:name +, :file "garden/arithmetic.cljc", :line 23, :arglists ([] [x] [x y] [x y & more]), :doc "Generic addition operator. Transparently computes the sum of\n`CSSUnit`s,`CSSColor`s, and numbers.", :type :var} {:name -, :file "garden/arithmetic.cljc", :line 38, :arglists ([x] [x y] [x y & more]), :doc "Generic subtraction operator. Transparently computes the difference\nbetween `CSSUnit`s, `CSSColor`s, and numbers.", :type :var} {:name /, :file "garden/arithmetic.cljc", :line 74, :arglists ([x] [x y] [x y & more]), :doc "Generic division operation. Transparently computes the quotient\nbetween `CSSUnit`s, `CSSColor`s, and numbers.", :type :var}), :doc "Generic arithmetic operators for computing sums, differences,\nproducts, and quotients between CSSUnits, CSSColors, and numbers."} {:name garden.color, :publics ({:name abs, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name analogous, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 407, :arglists ([color] [color clockwise?]), :doc "Given a color return a triple of colors which are 0, 30, and 60\ndegrees clockwise from it. If a second falsy argument is passed the\nreturned values will be in a counter-clockwise direction.", :type :var} {:name as-color, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 44, :type :var} {:name as-hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 262, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Convert a color to a hexadecimal string.\n", :type :var} {:name as-hsl, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 283, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Convert a color to a HSL.\n", :type :var} {:name as-hsla, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 293, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Converts a color to HSLA. Assumes an alpha value of 1.00 unless one is\ncurrently set on color.", :type :var} {:name as-rgb, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 273, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Convert a color to a RGB.\n", :type :var} {:name color*, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 332, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Multiply the RGB components of two or more colors.\n", :type :var} {:name color+, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 322, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Add the RGB components of two or more colors.\n", :type :var} {:name color-, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 327, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Subtract the RGB components of two or more colors.\n", :type :var} {:name color-div, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 337, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Divide the RGB components of two or more colors.\n", :type :var} {:name color-name->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 466, :type :var} {:name color?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 113, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Return true if x is a color.\n", :type :var} {:name complement, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 398, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return the complement of a color.\n", :type :var} {:name darken, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 367, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Decrease the lightness value a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name desaturate, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 357, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Decrease the saturation value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name from-name, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 629, :arglists ([n]), :doc "Given a CSS color name n return an instance of CSSColor.\n", :type :var} {:name hex->hsl, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 246, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Convert a hexadecimal color to an HSL color.\n", :type :var} {:name hex->rgb, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 130, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Convert a hexadecimal color to an RGB color map.\n", :type :var} {:name hex-re, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 118, :doc "Regular expression for matching a hexadecimal color.\nMatches hexadecimal colors of length three or six possibly\nlead by a \"#\". The color portion is captured.", :type :var} {:name hex?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 125, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Returns true if x is a hexadecimal color.\n", :type :var} {:name hsl, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 66, :arglists ([[h s l]] [h s l]), :doc "Create an HSL color.\n", :type :var} {:name hsl->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 236, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Convert an HSL color map to a hexadecimal string.\n", :type :var} {:name hsl->rgb, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 188, :arglists ([{:keys [hue saturation lightness], :as color}]), :doc "Convert an HSL color map to an RGB color map.\n", :type :var} {:name hsl?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 101, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return true if color is an HSL color.\n", :type :var} {:name hsla, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 79, :arglists ([[h s l a]] [h s l a]), :doc "Create an HSLA color.\n", :type :var} {:name hsla->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 241, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Convert an HSLA color map to a hexadecimal string.\n", :type :var} {:name hsla->rgba, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 206, :arglists ([{:keys [hue saturation lightness alpha], :as color}]), :doc "Convert an HSLA color map to an RGBA color map.\n", :type :var} {:name hsla?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 107, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return true if color is an HSLA color.\n", :type :var} {:name invert, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 382, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return the inversion of a color.\n", :type :var} {:name lighten, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 362, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Increase the lightness value a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name mix, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 387, :arglists ([color-1 color-2] [color-1 color-2 & more]), :doc "Mix two or more colors by averaging their RGB channels.\n", :type :var} {:name opacify, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 377, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Increases the alpha value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name percent-clip, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 251, :type :var} {:name rgb, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 46, :arglists ([[r g b :as vs]] [r g b]), :doc "Create an RGB color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgb->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 141, :arglists ([{r :red, g :green, b :blue}]), :doc "Convert an RGB color map to a hexadecimal color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgb->hsl, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 163, :arglists ([{:keys [red green blue], :as color}]), :doc "Convert an RGB color map to an HSL color map.\n", :type :var} {:name rgb-clip, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 259, :type :var} {:name rgb?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 89, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return true if color is an RGB color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgba, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 56, :arglists ([[r g b a]] [r g b a]), :doc "Create an RGBA color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgba->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 149, :arglists ([{r :red, g :green, b :blue, a :alpha}]), :doc "Convert an RGB color map to a hexadecimal color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgba?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 95, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return true if color is an RGBA color.\n", :type :var} {:name rotate-hue, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 347, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Rotates the hue value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name saturate, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 352, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Increase the saturation value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name scale-alpha, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 655, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Scales the alpha of a color by amount, which is treated as a percentage.\nSupply positive values to scale upwards and negative values to scale downwards.", :type :var} {:name scale-lightness, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 643, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Scales the lightness of a color by amount, which is treated as a percentage.\nSupply positive values to scale upwards and negative values to scale downwards.", :type :var} {:name scale-saturation, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 649, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Scales the saturation of a color by amount, which is treated as a percentage.\nSupply positive values to scale upwards and negative values to scale downwards.", :type :var} {:name shades, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 452, :arglists ([color] [color step]), :doc "Given a color return a list of shades from lightest to darkest by\na step. By default the step is 10. White and black are excluded from\nthe returned list.", :type :var} {:name split-complement, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 423, :arglists ([color] [color distance-from-complement]), :doc "Given a color return a triple of the color and the two colors on\neither side of it's complement.", :type :var} {:name tetrad, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 437, :arglists ([color] [color angle]), :doc "Given a color return a quadruple of four colors which are\nequidistance on the color wheel (ie. a pair of complements). An\noptional angle may be given for color of the second complement in the\npair (this defaults to 90 when only color is passed).", :type :var} {:name transparentize, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 372, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Decreases the alpha value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name triad, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 417, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Given a color return a triple of colors which are equidistance apart\non the color wheel.", :type :var} {:name trim-one, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 160, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name weighted-mix, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 694, :arglists ([color-1 color-2 weight]), :doc "`weight` is number 0 to 100 (%).\nAt 0, it weighs color-1 at 100%.\nAt 100, it weighs color-2 at 100%.\nReturns hex string.", :type :var}), :doc "Utilities for color creation, conversion, and manipulation.\n"} {:name garden.compiler, :publics ({:name compile-css, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 799, :arglists ([flags & rules]), :doc "Convert any number of Clojure data structures to CSS.\n", :type :var} {:name compile-style, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 753, :arglists ([ms]), :doc "Convert a sequence of maps into CSS for use with the HTML style\nattribute.", :type :var} {:name CSSRenderer, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 364, :type :protocol, :members ({:name render-css, :arglists ([this]), :doc "Convert a Clojure data type in to a string of CSS.\n", :type :var})} {:name expand-declaration-1, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 151, :arglists ([declaration]), :type :var} {:name IExpandable, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 131, :type :protocol, :members ({:name expand, :arglists ([this]), :doc "Return a list containing the expanded form of `this`.\n", :type :var})} {:name with-media-query-context, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 82, :arglists ([selector-context & body]), :type :macro} {:name with-selector-context, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 77, :arglists ([selector-context & body]), :type :macro}), :doc "Functions for compiling Clojure data structures to CSS.\n"} {:name garden.compression, :publics ({:name compress-stylesheet, :file "garden/compression.cljc", :line 14, :arglists ([stylesheet] [stylesheet line-break-position]), :doc "Compress a stylesheet with the YUI CSSCompressor. Set\nline-break-position to -1 for no line breaks, 0 for a line break\nafter each rule, and n > 0 for a line break after at most n\ncolumns. Defaults to no -1", :type :var}), :doc "Stylesheet compression utilities.\n"} {:name garden.core, :publics ({:name css, :file "garden/core.cljc", :line 5, :arglists ([rules] [flags? rules]), :doc "Convert a variable number of Clojure data structure to a string of\nCSS. The first argument may be a list of flags for the compiler.", :type :var} {:name style, :file "garden/core.cljc", :line 12, :arglists ([& maps]), :doc "Convert a variable number of maps into a string of CSS for use with\nthe HTML `style` attribute.", :type :var}), :doc "Convert Clojure data structures to CSS.\n"} {:name garden.def, :publics ({:name defcssfn, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 44, :arglists ([sym] [sym & fn-tail]), :doc "Define a function for creating custom CSS functions. The generated\nfunction will automatically create an instance of\n`garden.types.CSSFunction` of which the `:args` field will be set\nto whatever the return value of the original function is. The\n`:function` field will be set to `(str name)`.\n\nIf only the `name` argument is provided the returned function will\naccept any number of arguments.\n\nEx.\n (defcssfn url)\n ;; => #'user/url\n\n (url \"http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato\")\n ;; => #garden.types.CSSFunction{:function \"url\", :args \"http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato\"}\n\n (css (url \"http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato\"))\n ;; => url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato) \n\nEx.\n (defcssfn attr\n ([name] name)\n ([name type-or-unit]\n [[name type-or-unit]])\n ([name type-or-unit fallback]\n [name [type-or-unit fallback]]))\n ;; => #'user/attr\n\n (attr :vertical :length)\n ;; => #garden.types.CSSFunction{:function \"url\", :args [:vertical :length]}\n\n (css (attr :vertical :length))\n ;; => \"attr(vertical length)\"\n\n (attr :end-of-quote :string :inherit) \n ;; => #garden.types.CSSFunction{:function \"url\", :args [:end-of-quote [:string :inherit]]}\n\n (css (attr :end-of-quote :string :inherit))\n ;; => \"attr(end-of-quote string, inherit)\"", :type :macro} {:name defkeyframes, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 97, :arglists ([sym & frames]), :doc "Define a CSS @keyframes animation.\n\nEx. \n (defkeyframes my-animation\n [:from\n {:background \"red\"}]\n\n [:to\n {:background \"yellow\"}])\n\n (css {:vendors [\"webkit\"]}\n my-animation ;; Include the animation in the stylesheet.\n [:div\n ^:prefix ;; Use vendor prefixing (optional).\n {:animation [[my-animation \"5s\"]]}])", :type :macro} {:name defrule, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 18, :arglists ([sym & selectors]), :doc "Define a function for creating rules. If only the `name` argument is\nprovided the rule generating function will default to using it as the\nprimary selector.\n\nEx.\n (defrule a)\n ;; => #'user/a\n\n (a {:text-decoration \"none\"})\n ;; => [:a {:text-decoration \"none\"}]\n\nEx.\n (defrule sub-headings :h4 :h5 :h6)\n ;; => #'user/sub-headings\n\n (sub-headings {:font-weight \"normal\"})\n ;; => [:h4 :h5 :h6 {:font-weight \"normal\"}]", :type :macro} {:name defstyles, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 8, :arglists ([name & styles]), :doc "Convenience macro equivalent to `(def name (list styles*))`.\n", :type :macro} {:name defstylesheet, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 13, :arglists ([name & styles]), :doc "Convenience macro equivalent to `(def name (css opts? styles*))`.\n", :type :macro})} {:name garden.media, :publics ({:name media-features, :file "garden/media.cljc", :line 5, :type :var}), :doc "Utility functions for working with media queries.\n"} {:name garden.repl, :publics (), :doc "Method definitions for `print-method` with Garden types.\n"} {:name garden.selectors, :publics ({:name &, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 1000, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "Parent selector.\n", :type :var} {:name +, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 975, :arglists ([a b]), :doc "Adjacent sibling combinator.\n", :type :var} {:name -, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 980, :arglists ([a b]), :doc "General sibling combinator.\n", :type :var} {:name >, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 985, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Child combinator.\n", :type :var} {:name a, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS a type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name abbr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS abbr type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name active, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :active pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name address, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS address type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name after, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 908, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ::after pseudo element selector.\n", :type :var} {:name area, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS area type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name article, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS article type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name aside, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS aside type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name attr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 929, :arglists ([attr-name] [attr-name op attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-contains, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 944, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-ends-with, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 954, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-matches, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 957, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-starts-with, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 947, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-starts-with*, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 951, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr=, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 941, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name audio, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS audio type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name b, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS b type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name base, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS base type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name bdi, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS bdi type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name bdo, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS bdo type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name before, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 912, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ::before pseudo element selector.\n", :type :var} {:name blockquote, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS blockquote type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name body, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS body type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name br, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS br type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name button, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS button type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name canvas, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS canvas type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name caption, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS caption type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name checked, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :checked pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name cite, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS cite type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name code, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS code type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name col, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS col type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name colgroup, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS colgroup type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name command, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS command type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name datalist, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS datalist type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name dd, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS dd type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name default, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :default pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name defclass, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 600, :arglists ([sym]), :type :macro} {:name defid, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 604, :arglists ([sym]), :type :macro} {:name defpseudoclass, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 608, :arglists ([sym & fn-tail]), :doc "Define an instance of a CSSSelector named sym for creating a CSS\npseudo class. This instance doubles as both a function and a\nliteral (when passed to the css-selector). When the function is called\nit will return a new instance that possesses the same properties. All\narguments to the function must satisfy ICSSSelector.\n\nOptionally fn-tail may be passed to create a structual pseudo class.\nThe return value of the function constructed from fn-tail will be\ncast to a string via css-selector or str.\n\nExample:\n\n (defselector a)\n ;; => #'user/a\n (defpseudoclass hover)\n ;; => #'user/hover\n (hover)\n ;; => #\n (p/selector (a hover))\n ;; => \"a:hover\"\n\nExample:\n\n (defpseudoclass not [x]\n (p/selector x))\n ;; => #'user/not\n (p/selector (a hover (not \"span\"))\n ;; => a:hover:not(span)\n\n ;; Where p/selector is garden.protocols/selector\n", :type :macro} {:name defpseudoelement, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 656, :arglists ([sym]), :doc "Define an instance of a CSSSelector named sym for creating a CSS\npseudo element. This instance doubles as both a function and a\nliteral (when passed to the css-selector). When the function is called\nit will return a new instance that possesses the same properties. All\narguments to the function must satisfy ICSSSelector.\n\nExample:\n\n (defselector p)\n ;; => #'user/p\n (defpseudoelement first-letter)\n ;; => #'user/first-letter\n (first-letter)\n ;; => #\n (p/selector (p first-letter))\n ;; => \"p::first-letter\"\n\n ;; Where p/selector is garden.protocols/selector\n", :type :macro} {:name defselector, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 573, :arglists ([sym] [sym strval]), :doc "Define an instance of a CSSSelector named sym for creating a\nCSS selector. This instance doubles as both a function and a\nliteral (when passed to the css-selector). When the function is called\nit will return a new instance that possesses the same properties. All\narguments to the function must satisfy ICSSSelector.\n\nExample:\n\n (defselector a)\n ;; => #'user/a\n (a \":hover\")\n ;; => #\n (css-selector a)\n ;; => \"a\"\n (css-selector (a \":hover\"))\n ;; => \"a:hover\"\n", :type :macro} {:name del, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS del type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name descendant, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 965, :arglists ([a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Descendant combinator.\n", :type :var} {:name details, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS details type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name dfn, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS dfn type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name disabled, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :disabled pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name div, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS div type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name dl, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS dl type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name dt, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS dt type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name em, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS em type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name embed, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS embed type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name empty, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :empty pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name enabled, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :enabled pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name fieldset, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS fieldset type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name figcaption, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS figcaption type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name figure, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS figure type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :first pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :first-child pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first-letter, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 916, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ::first-letter pseudo element selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first-line, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 920, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ::first-line pseudo element selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :first-of-type pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name focus, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :focus pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name footer, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS footer type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name form, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS form type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name fullscreen, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :fullscreen pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h1, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h1 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h2, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h2 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h3, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h3 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h4, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h4 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h5, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h5 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h6, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h6 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name head, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS head type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name header, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS header type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name hgroup, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS hgroup type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name hover, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :hover pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name hr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS hr type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name html, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS html type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name i, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS i type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ICSSSelector, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 23, :type :protocol, :members ({:name css-selector, :arglists ([this]), :type :var})} {:name iframe, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS iframe type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name img, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS img type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name in-range, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :in-range pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name indeterminate, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :indeterminate pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name input, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS input type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ins, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ins type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name invalid, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :invalid pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name kbd, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS kbd type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name keygen, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS keygen type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name label, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS label type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name lang, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 858, :arglists ([language]), :type :var} {:name last-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :last-child pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name last-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :last-of-type pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name left, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :left pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name legend, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS legend type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name li, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS li type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name link, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS link type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name links, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :links pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name map, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS map type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name mark, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS mark type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name marker, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :marker pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name math, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS math type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name menu, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS menu type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name meta, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS meta type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name meter, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS meter type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nav, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS nav type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name noscript, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS noscript type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name not, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 861, :arglists ([selector]), :type :var} {:name nth-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 883, :arglists ([x]), :doc "CSS :nth-child pseudo class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nth-child-re, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 865, :type :var} {:name nth-last-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 890, :arglists ([x]), :doc "CSS :nth-last-child pseudo class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nth-last-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 900, :arglists ([x]), :doc "CSS :nth-last-of-type pseudo class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nth-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 895, :arglists ([x]), :doc "CSS :nth-of-type pseudo class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nth-x, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 872, :arglists ([x]), :doc "nth-child helper.\n", :type :var} {:name object, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS object type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ol, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ol type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name only-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :only-child pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name only-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :only-of-type pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name optgroup, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS optgroup type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name option, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS option type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name optional, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :optional pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name out-of-range, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :out-of-range pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name output, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS output type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name p, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS p type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name param, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS param type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name pre, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS pre type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name progress, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS progress type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name q, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS q type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name read-only, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :read-only pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name read-write, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :read-write pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name required, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :required pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name right, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :right pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name root, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :root pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name rp, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS rp type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name rt, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS rt type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ruby, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ruby type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name s, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS s type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name samp, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS samp type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name scope, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :scope pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name script, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS script type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name section, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS section type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name select, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS select type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name selector, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 566, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name selector?, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 26, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name small, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS small type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name source, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS source type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name span, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS span type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name specificity, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 1041, :arglists ([selector]), :doc "Calculate a CSS3 selector's specificity.\n\nExample:\n\n (specificity \"#s12:not(FOO)\")\n ;; => 101\n (specificity (a hover))\n ;; => 10\n", :type :var} {:name strong, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS strong type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name style, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS style type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name sub, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS sub type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name summary, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS summary type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name sup, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS sup type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name svg, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS svg type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name table, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS table type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name target, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :target pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name tbody, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS tbody type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name td, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS td type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name textarea, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS textarea type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name tfoot, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS tfoot type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name th, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS th type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name thead, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS thead type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name time, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS time type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name title, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS title type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name tr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS tr type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name track, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS track type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name u, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS u type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ul, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ul type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name valid, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :valid pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name var, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS var type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name video, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS video type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name visited, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :visited pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name wbr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS wbr type selector.\n", :type :var}), :doc "Macros and functions for working with CSS selectors.\n"} {:name garden.stylesheet, :publics ({:name at-font-face, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 43, :arglists ([& font-properties]), :doc "Create a CSS @font-face rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-import, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 48, :arglists ([url] [url & media-queries]), :doc "Create a CSS @import rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-keyframes, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 68, :arglists ([identifier & frames]), :doc "Create a CSS @keyframes rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-media, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 57, :arglists ([media-queries & rules]), :doc "Create a CSS @media rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-supports, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 63, :arglists ([feature-queries & rules]), :type :var} {:name cssfn, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 34, :arglists ([fn-name]), :type :var} {:name hsl, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 81, :arglists ([h s l]), :doc "Create a color from HSL values.\n", :type :var} {:name rgb, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 76, :arglists ([r g b]), :doc "Create a color from RGB values.\n", :type :var} {:name rule, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 12, :arglists ([selector & more]), :doc "Create a rule function for the given selector. The `selector`\nargument must be valid selector (ie. a keyword, string, or symbol).\nAdditional arguments may consist of extra selectors or\ndeclarations.\n\nThe returned function accepts any number of arguments which represent\nthe rule's children.\n\nEx.\n (let [text-field (rule \"[type=\"text\"])]\n (text-field {:border [\"1px\" :solid \"black\"]}))\n ;; => [\"[type=\"text\"] {:boder [\"1px\" :solid \"black\"]}]", :type :var}), :doc "Utility functions for CSS properties, directives and functions.\n"} {:name garden.types, :publics (), :doc "Internal types used by Garden.\n"} {:name garden.units, :publics ({:name angle?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 47, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name angular-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 23, :type :var} {:name ch, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name cm, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name defunit, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 260, :arglists ([name] [name unit]), :doc "Create a suite of functions for unit creation, conversion,\nvalidation, and arithmetic.", :type :macro} {:name deg, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name dpcm, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpi, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dppx, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name em, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name ex, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name fr, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name frequency-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 29, :type :var} {:name frequency?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 57, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name grad, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name Hz, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name in, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name kHz, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name length-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 20, :type :var} {:name length?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 42, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name make-unit-adder, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 195, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Create a addition function for adding Units.\n", :type :var} {:name make-unit-divider, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 241, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Create a division function for dividing Units.\n", :type :var} {:name make-unit-fn, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 170, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Creates a function for creating and converting `CSSUnit`s for the\ngiven unit. If a number n is passed the function it will produce a\nnew `CSSUnit` record with a the magnitude set to n. If a `CSSUnit`\nis passed the function will attempt to convert it.", :type :var} {:name make-unit-multiplier, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 222, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Create a multiplication function for multiplying Units.\n", :type :var} {:name make-unit-predicate, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 165, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Creates a function for verifying the given unit type.\n", :type :var} {:name make-unit-subtractor, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 209, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Create a subtraction function for subtracting Units.\n", :type :var} {:name mm, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name ms, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name pc, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name percent, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name pt, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name px, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name rad, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name read-unit, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 157, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Read a `CSSUnit` object from the string `s`.\n", :type :var} {:name rem, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name resolution-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 32, :type :var} {:name resolution?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 62, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name s, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name time-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 26, :type :var} {:name time?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 52, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name turn, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name unit?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 37, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if x is of type CSSUnit.\n", :type :var} {:name vh, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vmax, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmin, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vw, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var}), :doc "Functions and macros for working with CSS units.\n"} {:name garden.util, :publics ({:name as-str, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 41, :arglists ([& args]), :doc "Convert a variable number of values into strings.\n", :type :var} {:name at-import?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 119, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `x` is a CSS `@import` rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-keyframes?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 114, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `x` is a CSS `@keyframes` rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-media?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 104, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `x` is a CSS `@media` rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-rule?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 100, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name at-supports?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 109, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `x` is a CSS `@supports` rule.\n", :type :var} {:name average, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 161, :arglists ([n m & more]), :doc "Return the average of two or more numbers.\n", :type :var} {:name between?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 148, :arglists ([n a b]), :doc "True if n is a number between a and b.\n", :type :var} {:name cartesian-product, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 167, :arglists ([& seqs]), :doc "All the ways to take one item from each sequence.\n", :type :var} {:name clip, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 155, :arglists ([a b n]), :doc "Return a number such that n is no less than a and no more than b.\n", :type :var} {:name comma-join, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 69, :arglists ([xs]), :doc "Return a comma separated list of values. Subsequences are joined with\nspaces.", :type :var} {:name declaration?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 96, :doc "Alias to `hash-map?`.\n", :type :var} {:name format, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 25, :type :var} {:name hash-map?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 87, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `(map? x)` and `x` does not satisfy `clojure.lang.IRecord`.\n", :type :var} {:name int->string, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 55, :arglists ([i & [radix]]), :doc "Convert an integer to a string with optional base.\n", :type :var} {:name natural?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 143, :arglists ([n]), :doc "True if n is a natural number.\n", :type :var} {:name prefix, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 124, :arglists ([p s]), :doc "Attach a CSS style prefix to s.\n", :type :var} {:name rule?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 92, :doc "Alias to `vector?`.\n", :type :var} {:name space-join, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 64, :arglists ([xs]), :doc "Return a space separated list of values.\n", :type :var} {:name string->int, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 46, :arglists ([s & [radix]]), :doc "Convert a string to an integer with optional base.\n", :type :var} {:name ToString, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 27, :type :protocol, :members ({:name to-str, :arglists ([this]), :doc "Convert a value into a string.\n", :type :var})} {:name vendor-prefix, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 132, :arglists ([p s]), :doc "Attach a CSS vendor prefix to s.\n", :type :var} {:name wrap-quotes, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 79, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Wrap a string with double quotes.\n", :type :var}), :doc "Utility functions used by Garden.\n"}), "cljs" ({:name garden.arithmetic, :doc "Generic arithmetic operators for computing sums, differences,\nproducts, and quotients between CSSUnits, CSSColors, and numbers.", :publics ({:name *, :file "garden/arithmetic.cljc", :line 59, :arglists ([] [x] [x y] [x y & more]), :doc "Generic multiplication operation. Transparently computes the product\nbetween `CSSUnit`s, `CSSColor`s, and numbers.", :type :var} {:name +, :file "garden/arithmetic.cljc", :line 23, :arglists ([] [x] [x y] [x y & more]), :doc "Generic addition operator. Transparently computes the sum of\n`CSSUnit`s,`CSSColor`s, and numbers.", :type :var} {:name -, :file "garden/arithmetic.cljc", :line 38, :arglists ([x] [x y] [x y & more]), :doc "Generic subtraction operator. Transparently computes the difference\nbetween `CSSUnit`s, `CSSColor`s, and numbers.", :type :var} {:name /, :file "garden/arithmetic.cljc", :line 74, :arglists ([x] [x y] [x y & more]), :doc "Generic division operation. Transparently computes the quotient\nbetween `CSSUnit`s, `CSSColor`s, and numbers.", :type :var})} {:name garden.color, :doc "Utilities for color creation, conversion, and manipulation.\n", :publics ({:name analogous, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 407, :arglists ([color] [color clockwise?]), :doc "Given a color return a triple of colors which are 0, 30, and 60\ndegrees clockwise from it. If a second falsy argument is passed the\nreturned values will be in a counter-clockwise direction.", :type :var} {:name as-color, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 44, :type :var} {:name as-hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 262, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Convert a color to a hexadecimal string.\n", :type :var} {:name as-hsl, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 283, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Convert a color to a HSL.\n", :type :var} {:name as-hsla, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 293, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Converts a color to HSLA. Assumes an alpha value of 1.00 unless one is\ncurrently set on color.", :type :var} {:name as-rgb, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 273, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Convert a color to a RGB.\n", :type :var} {:name color*, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 332, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Multiply the RGB components of two or more colors.\n", :type :var} {:name color+, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 322, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Add the RGB components of two or more colors.\n", :type :var} {:name color-, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 327, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Subtract the RGB components of two or more colors.\n", :type :var} {:name color-div, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 337, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Divide the RGB components of two or more colors.\n", :type :var} {:name color-name->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 466, :type :var} {:name color?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 113, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Return true if x is a color.\n", :type :var} {:name complement, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 398, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return the complement of a color.\n", :type :var} {:name darken, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 367, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Decrease the lightness value a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name desaturate, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 357, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Decrease the saturation value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name from-name, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 629, :arglists ([n]), :doc "Given a CSS color name n return an instance of CSSColor.\n", :type :var} {:name hex->hsl, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 246, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Convert a hexadecimal color to an HSL color.\n", :type :var} {:name hex->rgb, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 130, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Convert a hexadecimal color to an RGB color map.\n", :type :var} {:name hex-re, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 118, :doc "Regular expression for matching a hexadecimal color.\nMatches hexadecimal colors of length three or six possibly\nlead by a \"#\". The color portion is captured.", :type :var} {:name hex?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 125, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Returns true if x is a hexadecimal color.\n", :type :var} {:name hsl, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 66, :arglists ([[h s l]] [h s l]), :doc "Create an HSL color.\n", :type :var} {:name hsl->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 236, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Convert an HSL color map to a hexadecimal string.\n", :type :var} {:name hsl->rgb, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 188, :arglists ([{:keys [hue saturation lightness], :as color}]), :doc "Convert an HSL color map to an RGB color map.\n", :type :var} {:name hsl?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 101, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return true if color is an HSL color.\n", :type :var} {:name hsla, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 79, :arglists ([[h s l a]] [h s l a]), :doc "Create an HSLA color.\n", :type :var} {:name hsla->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 241, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Convert an HSLA color map to a hexadecimal string.\n", :type :var} {:name hsla->rgba, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 206, :arglists ([{:keys [hue saturation lightness alpha], :as color}]), :doc "Convert an HSLA color map to an RGBA color map.\n", :type :var} {:name hsla?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 107, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return true if color is an HSLA color.\n", :type :var} {:name invert, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 382, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return the inversion of a color.\n", :type :var} {:name lighten, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 362, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Increase the lightness value a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name mix, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 387, :arglists ([color-1 color-2] [color-1 color-2 & more]), :doc "Mix two or more colors by averaging their RGB channels.\n", :type :var} {:name opacify, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 377, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Increases the alpha value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name percent-clip, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 251, :type :var} {:name rgb, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 46, :arglists ([[r g b :as vs]] [r g b]), :doc "Create an RGB color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgb->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 141, :arglists ([{r :red, g :green, b :blue}]), :doc "Convert an RGB color map to a hexadecimal color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgb->hsl, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 163, :arglists ([{:keys [red green blue], :as color}]), :doc "Convert an RGB color map to an HSL color map.\n", :type :var} {:name rgb-clip, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 259, :type :var} {:name rgb?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 89, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return true if color is an RGB color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgba, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 56, :arglists ([[r g b a]] [r g b a]), :doc "Create an RGBA color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgba->hex, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 149, :arglists ([{r :red, g :green, b :blue, a :alpha}]), :doc "Convert an RGB color map to a hexadecimal color.\n", :type :var} {:name rgba?, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 95, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Return true if color is an RGBA color.\n", :type :var} {:name rotate-hue, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 347, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Rotates the hue value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name saturate, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 352, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Increase the saturation value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name scale-alpha, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 655, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Scales the alpha of a color by amount, which is treated as a percentage.\nSupply positive values to scale upwards and negative values to scale downwards.", :type :var} {:name scale-lightness, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 643, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Scales the lightness of a color by amount, which is treated as a percentage.\nSupply positive values to scale upwards and negative values to scale downwards.", :type :var} {:name scale-saturation, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 649, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Scales the saturation of a color by amount, which is treated as a percentage.\nSupply positive values to scale upwards and negative values to scale downwards.", :type :var} {:name shades, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 452, :arglists ([color] [color step]), :doc "Given a color return a list of shades from lightest to darkest by\na step. By default the step is 10. White and black are excluded from\nthe returned list.", :type :var} {:name split-complement, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 423, :arglists ([color] [color distance-from-complement]), :doc "Given a color return a triple of the color and the two colors on\neither side of it's complement.", :type :var} {:name tetrad, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 437, :arglists ([color] [color angle]), :doc "Given a color return a quadruple of four colors which are\nequidistance on the color wheel (ie. a pair of complements). An\noptional angle may be given for color of the second complement in the\npair (this defaults to 90 when only color is passed).", :type :var} {:name transparentize, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 372, :arglists ([color amount]), :doc "Decreases the alpha value of a given color by amount.\n", :type :var} {:name triad, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 417, :arglists ([color]), :doc "Given a color return a triple of colors which are equidistance apart\non the color wheel.", :type :var} {:name trim-one, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 160, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name weighted-mix, :file "garden/color.cljc", :line 694, :arglists ([color-1 color-2 weight]), :doc "`weight` is number 0 to 100 (%).\nAt 0, it weighs color-1 at 100%.\nAt 100, it weighs color-2 at 100%.\nReturns hex string.", :type :var})} {:name garden.compiler, :doc "Functions for compiling Clojure data structures to CSS.\n", :publics ({:name compile-css, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 799, :arglists ([flags & rules]), :doc "Convert any number of Clojure data structures to CSS.\n", :type :var} {:name compile-style, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 753, :arglists ([ms]), :doc "Convert a sequence of maps into CSS for use with the HTML style\nattribute.", :type :var} {:name CSSRenderer, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 364, :type :protocol, :members ({:name render-css, :arglists ([this]), :doc "Convert a Clojure data type in to a string of CSS.\n", :type :var})} {:name expand-declaration-1, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 151, :arglists ([declaration]), :type :var} {:name IExpandable, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 131, :type :protocol, :members ({:name expand, :arglists ([this]), :doc "Return a list containing the expanded form of `this`.\n", :type :var})} {:name with-media-query-context, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 82, :arglists ([selector-context & body]), :type :macro} {:name with-selector-context, :file "garden/compiler.cljc", :line 77, :arglists ([selector-context & body]), :type :macro})} {:name garden.compression, :doc "Stylesheet compression utilities.\n", :publics ({:name compress-stylesheet, :file "garden/compression.cljc", :line 85, :arglists ([stylesheet]), :doc "Compress a string of CSS using a basic compressor.\n", :type :var})} {:name garden.core, :doc "Convert Clojure data structures to CSS.\n", :publics ({:name css, :file "garden/core.cljc", :line 5, :arglists ([rules] [flags? rules]), :doc "Convert a variable number of Clojure data structure to a string of\nCSS. The first argument may be a list of flags for the compiler.", :type :var} {:name style, :file "garden/core.cljc", :line 12, :arglists ([& maps]), :doc "Convert a variable number of maps into a string of CSS for use with\nthe HTML `style` attribute.", :type :var})} {:name garden.def, :publics ({:name defcssfn, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 44, :arglists ([sym] [sym & fn-tail]), :doc "Define a function for creating custom CSS functions. The generated\nfunction will automatically create an instance of\n`garden.types.CSSFunction` of which the `:args` field will be set\nto whatever the return value of the original function is. The\n`:function` field will be set to `(str name)`.\n\nIf only the `name` argument is provided the returned function will\naccept any number of arguments.\n\nEx.\n (defcssfn url)\n ;; => #'user/url\n\n (url \"http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato\")\n ;; => #garden.types.CSSFunction{:function \"url\", :args \"http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato\"}\n\n (css (url \"http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato\"))\n ;; => url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato) \n\nEx.\n (defcssfn attr\n ([name] name)\n ([name type-or-unit]\n [[name type-or-unit]])\n ([name type-or-unit fallback]\n [name [type-or-unit fallback]]))\n ;; => #'user/attr\n\n (attr :vertical :length)\n ;; => #garden.types.CSSFunction{:function \"url\", :args [:vertical :length]}\n\n (css (attr :vertical :length))\n ;; => \"attr(vertical length)\"\n\n (attr :end-of-quote :string :inherit) \n ;; => #garden.types.CSSFunction{:function \"url\", :args [:end-of-quote [:string :inherit]]}\n\n (css (attr :end-of-quote :string :inherit))\n ;; => \"attr(end-of-quote string, inherit)\"", :type :macro} {:name defkeyframes, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 97, :arglists ([sym & frames]), :doc "Define a CSS @keyframes animation.\n\nEx. \n (defkeyframes my-animation\n [:from\n {:background \"red\"}]\n\n [:to\n {:background \"yellow\"}])\n\n (css {:vendors [\"webkit\"]}\n my-animation ;; Include the animation in the stylesheet.\n [:div\n ^:prefix ;; Use vendor prefixing (optional).\n {:animation [[my-animation \"5s\"]]}])", :type :macro} {:name defrule, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 18, :arglists ([sym & selectors]), :doc "Define a function for creating rules. If only the `name` argument is\nprovided the rule generating function will default to using it as the\nprimary selector.\n\nEx.\n (defrule a)\n ;; => #'user/a\n\n (a {:text-decoration \"none\"})\n ;; => [:a {:text-decoration \"none\"}]\n\nEx.\n (defrule sub-headings :h4 :h5 :h6)\n ;; => #'user/sub-headings\n\n (sub-headings {:font-weight \"normal\"})\n ;; => [:h4 :h5 :h6 {:font-weight \"normal\"}]", :type :macro} {:name defstyles, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 8, :arglists ([name & styles]), :doc "Convenience macro equivalent to `(def name (list styles*))`.\n", :type :macro} {:name defstylesheet, :file "garden/def.clj", :line 13, :arglists ([name & styles]), :doc "Convenience macro equivalent to `(def name (css opts? styles*))`.\n", :type :macro})} {:name garden.media, :doc "Utility functions for working with media queries.\n", :publics ({:name media-features, :file "garden/media.cljc", :line 5, :type :var})} {:name garden.selectors, :doc "Macros and functions for working with CSS selectors.\n", :publics ({:name &, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 1000, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "Parent selector.\n", :type :var} {:name +, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 975, :arglists ([a b]), :doc "Adjacent sibling combinator.\n", :type :var} {:name -, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 980, :arglists ([a b]), :doc "General sibling combinator.\n", :type :var} {:name >, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 985, :arglists ([a] [a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Child combinator.\n", :type :var} {:name a, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS a type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name abbr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS abbr type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name active, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :active pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name address, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS address type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name after, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 908, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ::after pseudo element selector.\n", :type :var} {:name area, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS area type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name article, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS article type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name aside, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS aside type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name attr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 929, :arglists ([attr-name] [attr-name op attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-contains, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 944, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-ends-with, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 954, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-matches, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 957, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-starts-with, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 947, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr-starts-with*, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 951, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name attr=, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 941, :arglists ([attr-name attr-value]), :type :var} {:name audio, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS audio type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name b, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS b type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name base, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS base type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name bdi, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS bdi type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name bdo, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS bdo type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name before, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 912, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ::before pseudo element selector.\n", :type :var} {:name blockquote, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS blockquote type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name body, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS body type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name br, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS br type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name button, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS button type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name canvas, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS canvas type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name caption, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS caption type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name checked, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :checked pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name cite, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS cite type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name code, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS code type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name col, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS col type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name colgroup, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS colgroup type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name command, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS command type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name datalist, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS datalist type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name dd, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS dd type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name default, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :default pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name defclass, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 600, :arglists ([sym]), :type :macro} {:name defid, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 604, :arglists ([sym]), :type :macro} {:name defpseudoclass, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 608, :arglists ([sym & fn-tail]), :doc "Define an instance of a CSSSelector named sym for creating a CSS\npseudo class. This instance doubles as both a function and a\nliteral (when passed to the css-selector). When the function is called\nit will return a new instance that possesses the same properties. All\narguments to the function must satisfy ICSSSelector.\n\nOptionally fn-tail may be passed to create a structual pseudo class.\nThe return value of the function constructed from fn-tail will be\ncast to a string via css-selector or str.\n\nExample:\n\n (defselector a)\n ;; => #'user/a\n (defpseudoclass hover)\n ;; => #'user/hover\n (hover)\n ;; => #\n (p/selector (a hover))\n ;; => \"a:hover\"\n\nExample:\n\n (defpseudoclass not [x]\n (p/selector x))\n ;; => #'user/not\n (p/selector (a hover (not \"span\"))\n ;; => a:hover:not(span)\n\n ;; Where p/selector is garden.protocols/selector\n", :type :macro} {:name defpseudoelement, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 656, :arglists ([sym]), :doc "Define an instance of a CSSSelector named sym for creating a CSS\npseudo element. This instance doubles as both a function and a\nliteral (when passed to the css-selector). When the function is called\nit will return a new instance that possesses the same properties. All\narguments to the function must satisfy ICSSSelector.\n\nExample:\n\n (defselector p)\n ;; => #'user/p\n (defpseudoelement first-letter)\n ;; => #'user/first-letter\n (first-letter)\n ;; => #\n (p/selector (p first-letter))\n ;; => \"p::first-letter\"\n\n ;; Where p/selector is garden.protocols/selector\n", :type :macro} {:name defselector, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 573, :arglists ([sym] [sym strval]), :doc "Define an instance of a CSSSelector named sym for creating a\nCSS selector. This instance doubles as both a function and a\nliteral (when passed to the css-selector). When the function is called\nit will return a new instance that possesses the same properties. All\narguments to the function must satisfy ICSSSelector.\n\nExample:\n\n (defselector a)\n ;; => #'user/a\n (a \":hover\")\n ;; => #\n (css-selector a)\n ;; => \"a\"\n (css-selector (a \":hover\"))\n ;; => \"a:hover\"\n", :type :macro} {:name del, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS del type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name descendant, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 965, :arglists ([a b] [a b & more]), :doc "Descendant combinator.\n", :type :var} {:name details, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS details type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name dfn, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS dfn type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name disabled, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :disabled pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name div, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS div type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name dl, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS dl type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name dt, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS dt type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name em, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS em type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name embed, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS embed type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name empty, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :empty pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name enabled, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :enabled pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name fieldset, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS fieldset type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name figcaption, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS figcaption type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name figure, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS figure type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :first pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :first-child pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first-letter, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 916, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ::first-letter pseudo element selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first-line, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 920, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ::first-line pseudo element selector.\n", :type :var} {:name first-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :first-of-type pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name focus, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :focus pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name footer, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS footer type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name form, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS form type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name fullscreen, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :fullscreen pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h1, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h1 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h2, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h2 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h3, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h3 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h4, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h4 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h5, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h5 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name h6, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS h6 type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name head, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS head type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name header, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS header type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name hgroup, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS hgroup type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name hover, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :hover pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name hr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS hr type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name html, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS html type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name i, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS i type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ICSSSelector, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 23, :type :protocol, :members ({:name css-selector, :arglists ([this]), :type :var})} {:name iframe, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS iframe type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name img, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS img type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name in-range, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :in-range pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name indeterminate, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :indeterminate pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name input, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS input type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ins, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ins type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name invalid, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :invalid pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name kbd, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS kbd type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name keygen, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS keygen type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name label, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS label type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name lang, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 858, :arglists ([language]), :type :var} {:name last-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :last-child pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name last-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :last-of-type pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name left, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :left pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name legend, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS legend type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name li, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS li type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name link, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS link type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name links, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :links pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name map, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS map type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name mark, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS mark type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name marker, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :marker pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name math, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS math type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name menu, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS menu type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name meta, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS meta type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name meter, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS meter type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nav, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS nav type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name noscript, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS noscript type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name not, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 861, :arglists ([selector]), :type :var} {:name nth-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 883, :arglists ([x]), :doc "CSS :nth-child pseudo class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nth-child-re, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 865, :type :var} {:name nth-last-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 890, :arglists ([x]), :doc "CSS :nth-last-child pseudo class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nth-last-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 900, :arglists ([x]), :doc "CSS :nth-last-of-type pseudo class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nth-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 895, :arglists ([x]), :doc "CSS :nth-of-type pseudo class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name nth-x, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 872, :arglists ([x]), :doc "nth-child helper.\n", :type :var} {:name object, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS object type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ol, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ol type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name only-child, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :only-child pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name only-of-type, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :only-of-type pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name optgroup, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS optgroup type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name option, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS option type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name optional, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :optional pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name out-of-range, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :out-of-range pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name output, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS output type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name p, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS p type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name param, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS param type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name pre, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS pre type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name progress, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS progress type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name q, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS q type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name read-only, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :read-only pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name read-write, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :read-write pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name required, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :required pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name right, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :right pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name root, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :root pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name rp, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS rp type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name rt, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS rt type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ruby, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ruby type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name s, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS s type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name samp, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS samp type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name scope, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :scope pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name script, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS script type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name section, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS section type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name select, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS select type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name selector, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 566, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name selector?, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 26, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name small, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS small type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name source, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS source type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name span, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS span type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name specificity, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 1041, :arglists ([selector]), :doc "Calculate a CSS3 selector's specificity.\n\nExample:\n\n (specificity \"#s12:not(FOO)\")\n ;; => 101\n (specificity (a hover))\n ;; => 10\n", :type :var} {:name strong, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS strong type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name style, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS style type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name sub, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS sub type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name summary, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS summary type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name sup, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS sup type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name svg, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS svg type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name table, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS table type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name target, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :target pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name tbody, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS tbody type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name td, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS td type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name textarea, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS textarea type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name tfoot, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS tfoot type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name th, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS th type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name thead, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS thead type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name time, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS time type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name title, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS title type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name tr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS tr type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name track, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS track type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name u, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS u type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name ul, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS ul type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name valid, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :valid pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name var, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS var type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name video, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS video type selector.\n", :type :var} {:name visited, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 853, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS :visited pseudo-class selector.\n", :type :var} {:name wbr, :file "garden/selectors.cljc", :line 802, :arglists ([& selectors]), :doc "CSS wbr type selector.\n", :type :var})} {:name garden.stylesheet, :doc "Utility functions for CSS properties, directives and functions.\n", :publics ({:name at-font-face, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 43, :arglists ([& font-properties]), :doc "Create a CSS @font-face rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-import, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 48, :arglists ([url] [url & media-queries]), :doc "Create a CSS @import rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-keyframes, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 68, :arglists ([identifier & frames]), :doc "Create a CSS @keyframes rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-media, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 57, :arglists ([media-queries & rules]), :doc "Create a CSS @media rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-supports, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 63, :arglists ([feature-queries & rules]), :type :var} {:name cssfn, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 34, :arglists ([fn-name]), :type :var} {:name hsl, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 81, :arglists ([h s l]), :doc "Create a color from HSL values.\n", :type :var} {:name rgb, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 76, :arglists ([r g b]), :doc "Create a color from RGB values.\n", :type :var} {:name rule, :file "garden/stylesheet.cljc", :line 12, :arglists ([selector & more]), :doc "Create a rule function for the given selector. The `selector`\nargument must be valid selector (ie. a keyword, string, or symbol).\nAdditional arguments may consist of extra selectors or\ndeclarations.\n\nThe returned function accepts any number of arguments which represent\nthe rule's children.\n\nEx.\n (let [text-field (rule \"[type=\"text\"])]\n (text-field {:border [\"1px\" :solid \"black\"]}))\n ;; => [\"[type=\"text\"] {:boder [\"1px\" :solid \"black\"]}]", :type :var})} {:name garden.types, :doc "Internal types used by Garden.\n", :publics ()} {:name garden.units, :doc "Functions and macros for working with CSS units.\n", :publics ({:name angle?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 47, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name angular-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 23, :type :var} {:name ch, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name ch?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 303, :type :var} {:name cm, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name cm?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 291, :type :var} {:name defunit, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 260, :arglists ([name] [name unit]), :doc "Create a suite of functions for unit creation, conversion,\nvalidation, and arithmetic.", :type :macro} {:name deg, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name deg?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 319, :type :var} {:name dpcm, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpcm?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 337, :type :var} {:name dpi, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dpi?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 336, :type :var} {:name dppx, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name dppx?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 338, :type :var} {:name em, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name em?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 301, :type :var} {:name ex, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name ex?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 302, :type :var} {:name fr, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name fr?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 315, :type :var} {:name frequency-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 29, :type :var} {:name frequency?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 57, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name grad, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name grad?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 320, :type :var} {:name Hz, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name Hz?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 331, :type :var} {:name in, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name in?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 293, :type :var} {:name kHz, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name kHz?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 332, :type :var} {:name length-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 20, :type :var} {:name length?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 42, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name make-unit-adder, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 195, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Create a addition function for adding Units.\n", :type :var} {:name make-unit-divider, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 241, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Create a division function for dividing Units.\n", :type :var} {:name make-unit-fn, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 170, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Creates a function for creating and converting `CSSUnit`s for the\ngiven unit. If a number n is passed the function it will produce a\nnew `CSSUnit` record with a the magnitude set to n. If a `CSSUnit`\nis passed the function will attempt to convert it.", :type :var} {:name make-unit-multiplier, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 222, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Create a multiplication function for multiplying Units.\n", :type :var} {:name make-unit-predicate, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 165, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Creates a function for verifying the given unit type.\n", :type :var} {:name make-unit-subtractor, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 209, :arglists ([unit]), :doc "Create a subtraction function for subtracting Units.\n", :type :var} {:name mm, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name mm?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 292, :type :var} {:name ms, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name ms?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 327, :type :var} {:name pc, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name pc?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 296, :type :var} {:name percent, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name percent?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 297, :type :var} {:name pt, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name pt?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 295, :type :var} {:name px, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name px?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 294, :type :var} {:name rad, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name rad?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 321, :type :var} {:name read-unit, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 157, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Read a `CSSUnit` object from the string `s`.\n", :type :var} {:name rem, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name rem?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 304, :type :var} {:name resolution-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 32, :type :var} {:name resolution?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 62, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name s, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name s?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 326, :type :var} {:name time-units, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 26, :type :var} {:name time?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 52, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name turn, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name turn?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 322, :type :var} {:name unit?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 37, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if x is of type CSSUnit.\n", :type :var} {:name vh, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vh?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 309, :type :var} {:name vmax, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmax?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 311, :type :var} {:name vmin, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vmin?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 310, :type :var} {:name vw, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw*, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw+, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw-, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw-div, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var} {:name vw?, :file "garden/units.cljc", :line 308, :type :var})} {:name garden.util, :doc "Utility functions used by Garden.\n", :publics ({:name as-str, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 41, :arglists ([& args]), :doc "Convert a variable number of values into strings.\n", :type :var} {:name at-import?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 119, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `x` is a CSS `@import` rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-keyframes?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 114, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `x` is a CSS `@keyframes` rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-media?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 104, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `x` is a CSS `@media` rule.\n", :type :var} {:name at-rule?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 100, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name at-supports?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 109, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `x` is a CSS `@supports` rule.\n", :type :var} {:name average, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 161, :arglists ([n m & more]), :doc "Return the average of two or more numbers.\n", :type :var} {:name between?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 148, :arglists ([n a b]), :doc "True if n is a number between a and b.\n", :type :var} {:name cartesian-product, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 167, :arglists ([& seqs]), :doc "All the ways to take one item from each sequence.\n", :type :var} {:name clip, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 155, :arglists ([a b n]), :doc "Return a number such that n is no less than a and no more than b.\n", :type :var} {:name comma-join, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 69, :arglists ([xs]), :doc "Return a comma separated list of values. Subsequences are joined with\nspaces.", :type :var} {:name declaration?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 96, :doc "Alias to `hash-map?`.\n", :type :var} {:name format, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 18, :arglists ([fmt & args]), :doc "Formats a string using goog.string.format.\n", :type :var} {:name hash-map?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 87, :arglists ([x]), :doc "True if `(map? x)` and `x` does not satisfy `clojure.lang.IRecord`.\n", :type :var} {:name int->string, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 55, :arglists ([i & [radix]]), :doc "Convert an integer to a string with optional base.\n", :type :var} {:name natural?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 143, :arglists ([n]), :doc "True if n is a natural number.\n", :type :var} {:name prefix, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 124, :arglists ([p s]), :doc "Attach a CSS style prefix to s.\n", :type :var} {:name rule?, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 92, :doc "Alias to `vector?`.\n", :type :var} {:name space-join, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 64, :arglists ([xs]), :doc "Return a space separated list of values.\n", :type :var} {:name string->int, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 46, :arglists ([s & [radix]]), :doc "Convert a string to an integer with optional base.\n", :type :var} {:name ToString, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 27, :type :protocol, :members ({:name to-str, :arglists ([this]), :doc "Convert a value into a string.\n", :type :var})} {:name vendor-prefix, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 132, :arglists ([p s]), :doc "Attach a CSS vendor prefix to s.\n", :type :var} {:name wrap-quotes, :file "garden/util.cljc", :line 79, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Wrap a string with double quotes.\n", :type :var})})}, :pom-str "\n\n 4.0.0\n enterprises.wizard\n garden\n 1.5.569\n garden\n Release of noprompt/garden master to clojars\n https://github.com/wizard-enterprises/garden\n 2021\n \n Wizard Enterprises\n https://wizard.enterprises\n \n \n UTF-8\n \n \n \n MPL-2.0\n https://www.mozilla.org/media/MPL/2.0/index.txt\n \n \n \n https://github.com/wizard-enterprises/garden\n scm:git:git://github.com/wizard-enterprises/garden.git\n scm:git:ssh://git@github.com/wizard-enterprises/garden.git\n 0b5b4a69ff69b79d493112202a0ebf154b1138eb\n \n \n \n com.yahoo.platform.yui\n yuicompressor\n 2.4.8\n \n \n \n src\n \n \n src\n \n \n \n \n org.apache.maven.plugins\n maven-compiler-plugin\n 3.8.1\n \n 1.8\n 1.8\n \n \n \n org.apache.maven.plugins\n maven-jar-plugin\n 3.2.0\n \n \n \n 0b5b4a69ff69b79d493112202a0ebf154b1138eb\n \n \n \n \n \n org.apache.maven.plugins\n maven-gpg-plugin\n 1.6\n \n \n sign-artifacts\n verify\n \n sign\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n clojars\n https://repo.clojars.org/\n \n \n \n \n clojars\n Clojars repository\n https://clojars.org/repo\n \n \n\n"}