Support for the array API standard#


Array API standard support is still experimental and hidden behind an environment variable. Only a small part of the public API is covered right now.

This guide describes how to use and add support for the Python array API standard. This standard allows users to use any array API compatible array library with parts of SciPy out of the box.

The RFC defines how SciPy implements support for the standard, with the main principle being “array type in equals array type out”. In addition, the implementation does more strict validation of allowed array-like inputs, e.g. rejecting numpy matrix and masked array instances, and arrays with object dtype.

In the following, an array API compatible namespace is noted as xp.

Using array API standard support#

To enable the array API standard support, an environment variable must be set before importing SciPy:


This both enables array API standard support and the more strict input validation for array-like arguments. Note that this environment variable is meant to be temporary, as a way to make incremental changes and merge them into ``main`` without affecting backwards compatibility immediately. We do not intend to keep this environment variable around long-term.

This clustering example shows usage with PyTorch tensors as inputs and return values:

>>> import torch
>>> from scipy.cluster.vq import vq
>>> code_book = torch.tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
...                           [2., 2., 2.]])
>>> features  = torch.tensor([[1.9, 2.3, 1.7],
...                           [1.5, 2.5, 2.2],
...                           [0.8, 0.6, 1.7]])
>>> code, dist = vq(features, code_book)
>>> code
tensor([1, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int32)
>>> dist
tensor([0.4359, 0.7348, 0.8307])

Note that the above example works for PyTorch CPU tensors. For GPU tensors or CuPy arrays, the expected result for vq is a TypeError, because vq uses compiled code in its implementation, which won’t work on GPU.

More strict array input validation will reject np.matrix and instances, as well as arrays with object dtype:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.cluster.vq import vq
>>> code_book = np.array([[1., 1., 1.],
...                       [2., 2., 2.]])
>>> features  = np.array([[1.9, 2.3, 1.7],
...                       [1.5, 2.5, 2.2],
...                       [0.8, 0.6, 1.7]])
>>> vq(features, code_book)
(array([1, 1, 0], dtype=int32), array([0.43588989, 0.73484692, 0.83066239]))

>>> # The above uses numpy arrays; trying to use np.matrix instances or object
>>> # arrays instead will yield an exception with `SCIPY_ARRAY_API=1`:
>>> vq(np.asmatrix(features), code_book)
TypeError: 'numpy.matrix' are not supported

>>> vq(, code_book)
TypeError: '' are not supported

>>> vq(features.astype(np.object_), code_book)
TypeError: object arrays are not supported

Currently supported functionality#

The following modules provide array API standard support when the environment variable is set:

Support is provided in scipy.special for the following functions: scipy.special.log_ndtr, scipy.special.ndtr, scipy.special.ndtri, scipy.special.erf, scipy.special.erfc, scipy.special.i0, scipy.special.i0e, scipy.special.i1, scipy.special.i1e, scipy.special.gammaln, scipy.special.gammainc, scipy.special.gammaincc, scipy.special.logit, scipy.special.expit, scipy.special.entr, scipy.special.rel_entr, scipy.special.rel_entr, scipy.special.xlogy, and scipy.special.chdtrc.

Support is provided in scipy.stats for the following functions: scipy.stats.describe, scipy.stats.moment, scipy.stats.skew, scipy.stats.kurtosis, scipy.stats.kstat, scipy.stats.kstatvar, scipy.stats.circmean, scipy.stats.circvar, scipy.stats.circstd, scipy.stats.entropy, scipy.stats.variation , scipy.stats.sem, scipy.stats.ttest_1samp, scipy.stats.pearsonr, scipy.stats.chisquare, scipy.stats.skewtest, scipy.stats.kurtosistest, scipy.stats.normaltest, scipy.stats.jarque_bera, scipy.stats.bartlett, scipy.stats.power_divergence, and scipy.stats.monte_carlo_test.

Please see the tracker issue for updates.

Implementation notes#

A key part of the support for the array API standard and specific compatibility functions for Numpy, CuPy and PyTorch is provided through array-api-compat. This package is included in the SciPy codebase via a git submodule (under scipy/_lib), so no new dependencies are introduced.

array-api-compat provides generic utility functions and adds aliases such as xp.concat (which, for numpy, mapped to np.concatenate before NumPy added np.concat in NumPy 2.0). This allows using a uniform API across NumPy, PyTorch, CuPy and JAX (with other libraries, such as Dask, being worked on).

When the environment variable isn’t set and hence array API standard support in SciPy is disabled, we still use the wrapped version of the NumPy namespace, which is array_api_compat.numpy. That should not change behavior of SciPy functions, as it’s effectively the existing numpy namespace with a number of aliases added and a handful of functions amended/added for array API standard support. When support is enabled, xp = array_namespace(input) will be the standard-compatible namespace matching the input array type to a function (e.g., if the input to cluster.vq.kmeans is a PyTorch tensor, then xp is array_api_compat.torch).

Adding array API standard support to a SciPy function#

As much as possible, new code added to SciPy should try to follow as closely as possible the array API standard (these functions typically are best-practice idioms for NumPy usage as well). By following the standard, effectively adding support for the array API standard is typically straightforward, and we ideally don’t need to maintain any customization.

Various helper functions are available in scipy._lib._array_api - please see the __all__ in that module for a list of current helpers, and their docstrings for more information.

To add support to a SciPy function which is defined in a .py file, what you have to change is:

  1. Input array validation,

  2. Using xp rather np functions,

  3. When calling into compiled code, convert the array to a NumPy array before and convert it back to the input array type after.

Input array validation uses the following pattern:

xp = array_namespace(arr) # where arr is the input array
# alternatively, if there are multiple array inputs, include them all:
xp = array_namespace(arr1, arr2)

# replace np.asarray with xp.asarray
arr = xp.asarray(arr)
# uses of non-standard parameters of np.asarray can be replaced with _asarray
arr = _asarray(arr, order='C', dtype=xp.float64, xp=xp)

Note that if one input is a non-NumPy array type, all array-like inputs have to be of that type; trying to mix non-NumPy arrays with lists, Python scalars or other arbitrary Python objects will raise an exception. For NumPy arrays, those types will continue to be accepted for backwards compatibility reasons.

If a function calls into a compiled code just once, use the following pattern:

x = np.asarray(x)  # convert to numpy right before compiled call(s)
y = _call_compiled_code(x)
y = xp.asarray(y)  # convert back to original array type

If there are multiple calls to compiled code, ensure doing the conversion just once to avoid too much overhead.

Here is an example for a hypothetical public SciPy function toto:

def toto(a, b):
    a = np.asarray(a)
    b = np.asarray(b, copy=True)

    c = np.sum(a) -

    # this is some C or Cython call
    d = cdist(c)

    return d

You would convert this like so:

def toto(a, b):
    xp = array_namespace(a, b)
    a = xp.asarray(a)
    b = xp_copy(b, xp=xp)  # our custom helper is needed for copy

    c = xp.sum(a) -

    # this is some C or Cython call
    c = np.asarray(c)
    d = cdist(c)
    d = xp.asarray(d)

    return d

Going through compiled code requires going back to a NumPy array, because SciPy’s extension modules only work with NumPy arrays (or memoryviews in the case of Cython). For arrays on CPU, the conversions should be zero-copy, while on GPU and other devices the attempt at conversion will raise an exception. The reason for that is that silent data transfer between devices is considered bad practice, as it is likely to be a large and hard-to-detect performance bottleneck.

Adding tests#

The following pytest markers are available:

  • array_api_compatible -> xp: use a parametrisation to run a test on multiple array backends.

  • skip_xp_backends(backend=None, reason=None, np_only=False, cpu_only=False, exceptions=None): skip certain backends or categories of backends. @pytest.mark.usefixtures("skip_xp_backends") must be used alongside this marker for the skips to apply. See the fixture’s docstring in scipy.conftest for information on how use this marker to skip tests.

  • xfail_xp_backends(backend=None, reason=None, np_only=False, cpu_only=False, exceptions=None): xfail certain backends or categories of backends. @pytest.mark.usefixtures("xfail_xp_backends") must be used alongside this marker for the xfails to apply. See the fixture’s docstring in scipy.conftest for information on how use this marker to xfail tests.

  • skip_xp_invalid_arg is used to skip tests that use arguments which are invalid when SCIPY_ARRAY_API is enabled. For instance, some tests of scipy.stats functions pass masked arrays to the function being tested, but masked arrays are incompatible with the array API. Use of the skip_xp_invalid_arg decorator allows these tests to protect against regressions when SCIPY_ARRAY_API is not used without resulting in failures when SCIPY_ARRAY_API is used. In time, we will want these functions to emit deprecation warnings when they receive array API invalid input, and this decorator will check that the deprecation warning is emitted without it causing the test to fail. When SCIPY_ARRAY_API=1 behavior becomes the default and only behavior, these tests (and the decorator itself) will be removed.

scipy._lib._array_api contains array-agnostic assertions such as xp_assert_close which can be used to replace assertions from numpy.testing.

The following examples demonstrate how to use the markers:

from scipy.conftest import array_api_compatible, skip_xp_invalid_arg
from scipy._lib._array_api import xp_assert_close
@pytest.mark.skip_xp_backends(np_only=True, reason='skip reason')
def test_toto1(self, xp):
    a = xp.asarray([1, 2, 3])
    b = xp.asarray([0, 2, 5])
    xp_assert_close(toto(a, b), a)
                              reason='skip reason 1')
                              reason='skip reason 2')
def test_toto2(self, xp):
# Do not run when SCIPY_ARRAY_API is used
def test_toto_masked_array(self):

Passing a custom reason to reason when cpu_only=True is unsupported since cpu_only=True can be used alongside passing backends. Also, the reason for using cpu_only is likely just that compiled code is used in the function(s) being tested.

Passing names of backends into exceptions means that they will not be skipped by cpu_only=True. This is useful when delegation is implemented for some, but not all, non-CPU backends, and the CPU code path requires conversion to NumPy for compiled code:

# array-api-strict and CuPy will always be skipped, for the given reasons.
# All libraries using a non-CPU device will also be skipped, apart from
# JAX, for which delegation is implemented (hence non-CPU execution is supported).
@pytest.mark.skip_xp_backends(cpu_only, exceptions=['jax.numpy'])
@pytest.mark.skip_xp_backends('array_api_strict', reason='skip reason 1')
@pytest.mark.skip_xp_backends('cupy', reason='skip reason 2')
def test_toto(self, xp):

When every test function in a file has been updated for array API compatibility, one can reduce verbosity by telling pytest to apply the markers to every test function using pytestmark:

from scipy.conftest import array_api_compatible

pytestmark = [array_api_compatible, pytest.mark.usefixtures("skip_xp_backends")]
skip_xp_backends = pytest.mark.skip_xp_backends
@skip_xp_backends(np_only=True, reason='skip reason')
def test_toto1(self, xp):

After applying these markers, test can be used with the new option -b or --array-api-backend:

python test -b numpy -b torch -s cluster

This automatically sets SCIPY_ARRAY_API appropriately. To test a library that has multiple devices with a non-default device, a second environment variable (SCIPY_DEVICE, only used in the test suite) can be set. Valid values depend on the array library under test, e.g. for PyTorch, valid values are "cpu", "cuda", "mps". To run the test suite with the PyTorch MPS backend, use: SCIPY_DEVICE=mps python test -b torch.

Note that there is a GitHub Actions workflow which tests with array-api-strict, PyTorch, and JAX on CPU.

Additional information#

Here are some additional resources which motivated some design decisions and helped during the development phase:

  • Initial PR with some discussions

  • Quick started from this PR and some inspiration taken from scikit-learn.

  • PR adding Array API support to scikit-learn

  • Some other relevant scikit-learn PRs: #22554 and #25956