- skrub.datasets.fetch_employee_salaries(data_home=None)[source]#
Fetches the employee salaries dataset (regression), available at skrub-data/skrub-data-files
- Description of the dataset:
Annual salary information including gross pay and overtime pay for all active, permanent employees of Montgomery County, MD paid in calendar year 2016. This information will be published annually each year.
- Parameters:
- data_home: str or path, default=None
The directory where to download and unzip the files.
- Returns:
- bunchsklearn.utils.Bunch
A dictionary-like object with the following keys:
employee_salaries : pd.DataFrame, the dataframe
X : pd.DataFrame, features, i.e. the dataframe without the target labels
y : pd.DataFrame, target labels
metadata : a dictionary containing the name, description, source and target
Gallery examples#
Encoding: from a dataframe to a numerical matrix for machine learning
Encoding: from a dataframe to a numerical matrix for machine learning