{:group-id "suspendable", :artifact-id "suspendable", :version "0.2.0", :analysis {"clj" ({:name suspendable.core, :publics ({:name resume-system, :file "suspendable/core.cljc", :line 44, :arglists ([system old-system] [system old-system component-keys]), :doc "Resume components in a new system using components from a previously\nsuspended system. Components that are not suspendable or that are missing from\nthe previous system are started instead. Returns the resumed system.", :type :var} {:name suspend-system, :file "suspendable/core.cljc", :line 16, :arglists ([system] [system component-keys]), :doc "Suspend or stop every component in a system. Returns the suspended system.\n", :type :var} {:name Suspendable, :file "suspendable/core.cljc", :line 7, :type :protocol, :members ({:name resume, :arglists ([component old-component]), :doc "Given a new component and a suspended old component, return a component\nthat incorporates the suspended data into the new component, if possible.", :type :var} {:name suspend, :arglists ([component]), :doc "Suspend a component and return the suspended component. Expected to be\ncalled before a resume.", :type :var})}), :doc "A protocol and methods for allowing connections and other stateful objects\nto persist in components across resets."}), "cljs" ({:name suspendable.core, :doc "A protocol and methods for allowing connections and other stateful objects\nto persist in components across resets.", :publics ({:name resume-system, :file "suspendable/core.cljc", :line 44, :arglists ([system old-system] [system old-system component-keys]), :doc "Resume components in a new system using components from a previously\nsuspended system. Components that are not suspendable or that are missing from\nthe previous system are started instead. Returns the resumed system.", :type :var} {:name suspend-system, :file "suspendable/core.cljc", :line 16, :arglists ([system] [system component-keys]), :doc "Suspend or stop every component in a system. Returns the suspended system.\n", :type :var} {:name Suspendable, :file "suspendable/core.cljc", :line 7, :type :protocol, :members ({:name resume, :arglists ([component old-component]), :doc "Given a new component and a suspended old component, return a component\nthat incorporates the suspended data into the new component, if possible.", :type :var} {:name suspend, :arglists ([component]), :doc "Suspend a component and return the suspended component. Expected to be\ncalled before a resume.", :type :var})})})}, :pom-str "\n\n 4.0.0\n suspendable\n suspendable\n jar\n 0.2.0\n suspendable\n A library that adds suspend and resume methods to Component\n https://github.com/weavejester/suspendable\n \n \n The MIT License\n http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT\n \n \n \n https://github.com/weavejester/suspendable\n scm:git:git://github.com/weavejester/suspendable.git\n scm:git:ssh://git@github.com/weavejester/suspendable.git\n b1d5b27201af5a23d562a036a78170fb04338d7a\n \n \n src\n test\n \n \n resources\n \n \n \n \n resources\n \n \n target\n target/classes\n \n \n \n \n central\n https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/\n \n false\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n clojars\n https://repo.clojars.org/\n \n true\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n org.clojure\n clojure\n 1.8.0\n \n \n com.stuartsierra\n component\n 1.1.0\n \n \n org.clojure\n clojurescript\n 1.10.597\n provided\n \n \n\n\n\n"}