{:group-id "org.soulspace.clj", :artifact-id "overarch", :version "0.16.0-SNAPSHOT", :analysis {"clj" ({:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.exports.edn, :publics ({:name edn-filename, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/edn.clj", :line 17, :arglists ([options namespace kind]), :doc "Returns the filename for the `namespace` and the `kind` of data.\n", :type :var} {:name write-edn, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/edn.clj", :line 25, :arglists ([options namespace kind coll]), :doc "Write the elements of the `coll` to an EDN file.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.exports.json, :publics ({:name export-json, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/json.clj", :line 8, :arglists ([options]), :doc "Exports the data files in the model directory, as specified by `options`,\nto JSON.", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.exports.structurizr, :publics ({:name alias-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 64, :arglists ([id]), :doc "Returns the alias name for the element `id` .\n", :type :var} {:name element-hierarchy, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 33, :doc "Hierarchy for rendering elements.\n", :type :var} {:name element-type->structurizr, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 16, :doc "Maps the element to a structurizr type.\n", :type :var} {:name render-element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 69, :doc "Renders a structurizr model element.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name render-model, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 93, :arglists ([model elements]), :doc "Renders the structurizr model.\n", :type :var} {:name render-view, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 102, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Renders a structurizr view.\n", :type :var} {:name render-views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 119, :arglists ([model views]), :doc "Renders the structurizr views.\n", :type :var} {:name render-workspace, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 127, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Renders a structurizr workspace.\n", :type :var} {:name structurizr-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 49, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true, if the element `e` is to be exported to structurizr.\n", :type :var} {:name structurizr-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 44, :doc "Contains the model element types exported to structurizr.\n", :type :var} {:name structurizr-view?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 59, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns true, if the `view` is to be exported to structurizr.\n", :type :var} {:name structurizr-views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 54, :doc "Contains the views types exported to structurizr.\n", :type :var} {:name view-type->structurizr, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/exports/structurizr.clj", :line 24, :doc "Maps the view type\n", :type :var}), :doc "Functions for the export to structurizr.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.render.graphviz, :publics ({:name alias-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/graphviz.clj", :line 19, :arglists ([kw]), :doc "Returns a valid alias for the namespaced keyword `kw`.\n", :type :var} {:name graphviz-view?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/graphviz.clj", :line 78, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns true, if the view is to be rendered with graphviz.\n", :type :var} {:name graphviz-views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/graphviz.clj", :line 74, :doc "Contains the views rendered with graphviz.\n", :type :var} {:name render-element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/graphviz.clj", :line 29, :doc "Renders an element `e` in the `view` with markdown according to the given `options`.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name render-graphviz-view, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/graphviz.clj", :line 59, :arglists ([model options view]), :doc "Renders the `view` with graphviz according to the given `options`.\n", :type :var} {:name render-layout, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/graphviz.clj", :line 49, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Renders the layout options for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name short-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/graphviz.clj", :line 24, :arglists ([kw]), :doc "Returns a valid alias for the name part of the keyword `kw`.\n", :type :var}), :doc "Functions to export views to GraphViz.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.render.markdown, :publics ({:name markdown-view?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/markdown.clj", :line 92, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns true, if the view is to be rendered with markdown.\n", :type :var} {:name markdown-views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/markdown.clj", :line 86, :doc "Contains the views rendered with markdown.\n", :type :var} {:name references?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/markdown.clj", :line 18, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns true, if relations should be rendered.\n", :type :var} {:name render-element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/markdown.clj", :line 35, :doc "Renders an `element` in the `view` with markdown according to the given `options`.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name render-markdown-view, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/markdown.clj", :line 76, :arglists ([model options view]), :doc "Renders the `view` with markdown according to the given `options`.\n", :type :var} {:name render-reference, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/markdown.clj", :line 40, :arglists ([model rel]), :doc "Renders the relation as reference.\n", :type :var} {:name render-type, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/markdown.clj", :line 27, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Renders the type of the element `e` including the subtype, if defined.\n", :type :var}), :doc "Functions to export views to markdown.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.render.plantuml, :publics ({:name alias-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 165, :arglists ([kw]), :doc "Returns a valid PlantUML alias for the namespaced keyword `kw`.\n", :type :var} {:name collect-all-sprites, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 209, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Collects all sprites for the collection of elements.\n", :type :var} {:name collect-sprites, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 204, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns the set of sprites for the elements of the `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name linetypes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 84, :doc "Maps linetype keys to PlantUML C4.\n", :type :var} {:name load-sprite-mappings, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 113, :arglists ([options]), :doc "Loads the mappings from tech to sprite.\n", :type :var} {:name load-sprite-mappings-from-dir, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 97, :arglists ([dir]), :doc "Loads the mappings from the directory `dir` and returns the merged map.\n", :type :var} {:name load-sprite-mappings-from-resource, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 104, :arglists ([resources]), :doc "Loads the list of `resources` and returns the merged map.\n", :type :var} {:name local-import, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 222, :arglists ([path] [prefix path]), :doc "Renders a local import.\n", :type :var} {:name plantuml-view?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 282, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns true, if the view is to be rendered with plantuml.\n", :type :var} {:name plantuml-views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 276, :doc "Contains the views to be rendered with plantuml.\n", :type :var} {:name remote-import, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 229, :arglists ([url] [prefix path]), :doc "Renders a remote import.\n", :type :var} {:name render-c4-element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 175, :doc "Renders a C4 element in PlantUML.\n\nMultifunction dispatching on the value of the :el key of the element `e`.", :type :multimethod} {:name render-plantuml-view, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 157, :doc "Renders the diagram with PlantUML.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name render-sprite-import, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 236, :arglists ([view sprite]), :doc "Renders the import for an sprite.\n", :type :var} {:name render-sprite-imports, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 253, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Renders the imports for icon/sprite libraries.\n", :type :var} {:name render-spritelib-import, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 243, :arglists ([view sprite-lib]), :doc "Renders the imports for an sprite library.\n", :type :var} {:name render-title, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 268, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Renders the title of the diagram.\n", :type :var} {:name render-uml-element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 182, :doc "Renders a UML element in PlantUML.\n\nMultifunction dispatching on the value of the :el key of the element `e`.", :type :multimethod} {:name renderer, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 152, :arglists ([_ _ view]), :doc "Returns the renderer for the view.\n", :type :var} {:name short-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 170, :arglists ([kw]), :doc "Returns a valid PlantUML alias for the name part of the keyword `kw`.\n", :type :var} {:name sorted-sprite-mappings, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 131, :arglists ([m]), :doc "Returns a list of sprite mappings sorted by the key.\n", :type :var} {:name sprite-collector, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 197, :arglists ([] [acc] [acc e]), :doc "Adds the sprite of `e` to the accumulator `acc`.\n", :type :var} {:name sprite-libraries, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 22, :doc "Definition of sprite libraries.\n", :type :var} {:name sprite-path, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 122, :arglists ([sprite]), :doc "Returns a path for the given `sprite`.\n", :type :var} {:name sprite-resources, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 93, :type :var} {:name sprite?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 139, :arglists ([tech]), :doc "Returns true if the icon-map contains an icon for the given technology.\n", :type :var} {:name sprites-for-view, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 214, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Collects the sprites for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name tech->sprite, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 120, :type :var} {:name view-hierarchy, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml.clj", :line 71, :doc "Hierarchy for views\n", :type :var}), :doc "Functions to export views to PlantUML.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.render.plantuml.c4, :publics ({:name c4-directions, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 48, :doc "Maps direction keys to PlantUML C4 Rel suffixes.\n", :type :var} {:name c4-element->method, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 7, :doc "Map from element type to PlantUML C4 method.\n", :type :var} {:name c4-layouts, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 42, :doc "Maps layout keys to PlantUML C4.\n", :type :var} {:name c4-line-style->method, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 61, :doc "Maps the line style keys to the PlantUML C4 method.\n", :type :var} {:name c4-style->method, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 55, :doc "Maps the style element keys to the PlantUML C4 method.\n", :type :var} {:name c4-styles-hierarchy, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 218, :doc "Hierarchy for style methods.\n", :type :var} {:name c4-subtype->suffix, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 37, :doc "Maps the subtype of an element to the PlantUML C4 suffix.\n", :type :var} {:name c4-view-type->import, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 28, :doc "Map from diagram type to PlantUML C4 import.\n", :type :var} {:name render-c4-imports, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 205, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Renders the imports for the diagram.\n", :type :var} {:name render-c4-layout, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 263, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Renders the layout for the C4 diagram.\n", :type :var} {:name render-c4-legend, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 286, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Renders the legend for the diagram.\n", :type :var} {:name render-c4-style, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/c4.clj", :line 227, :doc "Renders a styles for the diagram.\n", :type :multimethod})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.render.plantuml.uml, :publics ({:name render-uml-layout, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/uml.clj", :line 383, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Renders the layout for the UML diagram.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-cardinality, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/uml.clj", :line 21, :doc "Maps cardinality keys to PlantUML UML cardinalities.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-directions, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/uml.clj", :line 7, :doc "Maps direction keys to PlantUML UML directions.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-hides, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/uml.clj", :line 33, :doc "Maps view-types to PlantUML UML hide directives for more compact layouts.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-layouts, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/uml.clj", :line 28, :doc "Maps layout keys to PlantUML UML directives.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-visibility, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/uml.clj", :line 14, :doc "Maps visibility keys to PlantUML UML directions.\n", :type :var} {:name use-case-level->color, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/render/plantuml/uml.clj", :line 38, :doc "Maps the use case level to a color.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.repository.file-model-repository, :publics ({:name read-model, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/repository/file_model_repository.clj", :line 28, :arglists ([dir]), :doc "Reads a model by reading all files in `dir`.\n", :type :var} {:name read-model-file, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/repository/file_model_repository.clj", :line 20, :arglists ([file]), :doc "Reads a model `file`.\n", :type :var} {:name split-path, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/repository/file_model_repository.clj", :line 12, :arglists ([path]), :doc "Splits a path into a sequence of file entries.\n", :type :var} {:name windows-path?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/repository/file_model_repository.clj", :line 7, :arglists ([path]), :doc "Returns true, if the path is of a windows system.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.template.comb, :publics ({:name compile-fn, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/template/comb.clj", :line 49, :arglists ([args src]), :type :var} {:name delimiters, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/template/comb.clj", :line 19, :type :var} {:name emit-expr, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/template/comb.clj", :line 32, :arglists ([expr]), :type :var} {:name emit-string, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/template/comb.clj", :line 29, :arglists ([s]), :type :var} {:name eval, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/template/comb.clj", :line 63, :arglists ([source] [source bindings]), :doc "Evaluate a template using the supplied bindings. The template source may\nbe a string, or an I/O source such as a File, Reader or InputStream.", :type :var} {:name fn, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/template/comb.clj", :line 56, :arglists ([args source]), :doc "Compile a template into a function that takes the supplied arguments. The\ntemplate source may be a string, or an I/O source such as a File, Reader or\nInputStream.", :type :macro} {:name parser-regex, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/template/comb.clj", :line 21, :type :var}), :doc "Clojure templating library.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.adapter.ui.cli, :publics ({:name -main, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 242, :arglists ([& args]), :doc "Main function as CLI entry point.\n", :type :var} {:name appname, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 36, :type :var} {:name cli-opts, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 45, :type :var} {:name description, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 37, :type :var} {:name dispatch, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 190, :arglists ([model options]), :doc "Dispatch on `options` to the requested actions.\n", :type :var} {:name error-msg, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 81, :arglists ([errors]), :doc "Returns a message containing the parsing errors.\n", :type :var} {:name exit, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 87, :arglists ([status msg]), :doc "Exits the process.\n", :type :var} {:name export-formats, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 118, :doc "Contains the supported render formats.\n", :type :var} {:name handle, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 221, :arglists ([options]), :doc "Handle the `options` and generate the requested outputs.\n", :type :var} {:name model-info, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 151, :arglists ([model options]), :doc "Reports information about the model and views.\n", :type :var} {:name model-warnings, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 140, :arglists ([model options]), :doc "Reports warnings about the model and views.\n", :type :var} {:name print-sprite-mappings, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 165, :arglists ([] [sprite-mappings]), :doc "Prints the given list of the sprite mappings.\n", :type :var} {:name render-formats, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 129, :doc "Contains the supported render formats.\n", :type :var} {:name select-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 173, :arglists ([options]), :doc "Returns the model elements selected by criteria specified in the `options`.\n", :type :var} {:name select-references, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 181, :arglists ([options]), :doc "Returns references to the model elements selected by criteria specified in the `options`.\n", :type :var} {:name update-and-dispatch!, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 214, :arglists ([options]), :doc "Read models and export the data according to the given `options`.\n", :type :var} {:name usage-msg, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 68, :arglists ([summary] [name summary] [name description summary]), :doc "Returns a message containing the program usage.\n", :type :var} {:name validate-args, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/adapter/ui/cli.clj", :line 93, :arglists ([args cli-opts]), :doc "Validate command line arguments `args` according to the given `cli-opts`.\nEither returns a map indicating the program should exit\n(with an error message and optional success status), or a map\nindicating the options provided.", :type :var}), :doc "Functions for the command line interface of overarch.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.application.export, :publics ({:name export, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/export.clj", :line 30, :doc "Exports the data in the given format.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name export-file, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/export.clj", :line 26, :doc "Returns the export file for the given format.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name export-format, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/export.clj", :line 19, :arglists ([m format options] [m format options & args]), :doc "Returns the export format for the data.\n", :type :var} {:name indent, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/export.clj", :line 9, :arglists ([n]), :doc "Renders an indent of n space chars.\n", :type :var}), :doc "Contains general functions for the export of the model data.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.application.model-repository, :publics ({:name input-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 43, :arglists ([] [model]), :doc "Returns the set of input elements.\n", :type :var} {:name model, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 38, :arglists ([]), :doc "Returns the model.\n", :type :var} {:name model-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 64, :arglists ([] [model]), :doc "Returns the set of model elements (nodes and relations).\n", :type :var} {:name node-by-id, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 85, :arglists ([id] [model id]), :doc "Returns the node with the given `id`.\n", :type :var} {:name nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 50, :arglists ([] [model]), :doc "Returns the set of nodes.\n", :type :var} {:name read-models, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 18, :doc "Reads the models with the repository of type `rtype` from all locations of the given `path`.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name relation-by-id, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 94, :arglists ([id] [model id]), :doc "Returns the relation with the given `id`.\n", :type :var} {:name relations, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 57, :arglists ([] [model]), :doc "Returns the set of relations.\n", :type :var} {:name repo-type, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 11, :arglists ([rtype] [rtype _]), :doc "Returns the repository type.\n", :type :var} {:name state, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 26, :type :var} {:name themes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 78, :arglists ([] [model]), :doc "Returns the set of themes.\n", :type :var} {:name update-state!, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 28, :arglists ([path]), :doc "Updates the state with the registered data read from `path`.\n", :type :var} {:name view-by-id, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 103, :arglists ([id] [model id]), :doc "Returns the view with the given `id`.\n", :type :var} {:name views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/model_repository.clj", :line 71, :arglists ([] [model]), :doc "Returns the set of views.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.application.render, :publics ({:name indent, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/render.clj", :line 21, :arglists ([n]), :doc "Renders an indent of n space chars.\n", :type :var} {:name render, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/render.clj", :line 47, :doc "Renders all relevant views in the given format.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name render-file, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/render.clj", :line 39, :doc "Returns the render file for the given format.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name render-format, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/render.clj", :line 30, :arglists ([m format] [m format options] [m format options view]), :doc "Returns the render format for the multimethod invocation.\n", :type :var} {:name render-view, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/render.clj", :line 43, :doc "Renders the view in the given format.\n", :type :multimethod}), :doc "Contains dispatch functions for the rendering of the views.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.application.template, :publics ({:name apply-template, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 82, :doc "Applies the `template` to the `data` and returns the output.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name artifact-filename, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 133, :arglists ([ctx] [ctx el]), :doc "Returns the filename of the artifact given the generation context `ctx`\nand optionally a model element `el`.", :type :var} {:name artifact-path, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 151, :arglists ([ctx] [ctx el]), :doc "Returns the path for the artifact given the generation context `ctx`\nand optionally a model element `el`.", :type :var} {:name begin-pattern, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 89, :arglists ([area-marker]), :doc "Returns the regex pattern for the begin of a protected area based on the area marker.\n", :type :var} {:name create-path, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 184, :arglists ([pathname]), :doc "Creates the path by creating all neccessary directories.\n", :type :var} {:name ctx-defaults, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 208, :type :var} {:name end-pattern, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 94, :arglists ([area-marker area-id]), :doc "Returns the regex pattern for the end of a protected area based on the area marker and area id.\n", :type :var} {:name engine-type, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 70, :arglists ([ttype] [ttype & r]), :doc "Returns the template engine type.\n", :type :var} {:name generate, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 237, :arglists ([model options]), :doc "Generates artifacts for the generation specification `spec`.\n", :type :var} {:name generate-artifact, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 224, :arglists ([template ctx model e]), :doc "Generates an artifact\n", :type :var} {:name parse-protected-areas, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 105, :arglists ([area-marker lines]), :doc "Parse the lines into a protected area map.\n", :type :var} {:name read-config, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 214, :arglists ([options]), :doc "Reads the generator configuration.\n", :type :var} {:name read-lines, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 99, :arglists ([file]), :doc "Reads the file given and returns a non lazy sequence a of its lines.\n", :type :var} {:name read-protected-areas, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 121, :arglists ([ctx path]), :doc "Reads the given path and returns the proected areas as a map.\n", :type :var} {:name read-template, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 78, :doc "Reads and parses the `template`.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name repo-type, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 63, :arglists ([rtype] [rtype & r]), :doc "Returns the repository type.\n", :type :var} {:name write-artifact, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/application/template.clj", :line 191, :arglists ([pathname result]), :doc "Write the generated artifact to file.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.analytics, :publics ({:name check-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 148, :arglists ([]), :doc "Validates the references in the model.\n", :type :var} {:name check-relations, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 140, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Validates the relations in the model.\n", :type :var} {:name check-views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 153, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Validates the references in the views.\n", :type :var} {:name count-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 49, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns a map with the count of views per type in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name count-external, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 57, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns a map with the count of external and internal elements in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name count-namespaces, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 14, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns a map with the count of identifiable elements per namespace in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name count-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 22, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns a map with the count of relations per type in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name count-relations, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 31, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns a map with the count of relations per type in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name count-synthetic, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 64, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns a map with the count of synthetic and normal elements in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name count-views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 40, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns a map with the count of views per type in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name key-set, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 104, :arglists ([m]), :doc "Returns a set of the keys of the map `m`.\n", :type :var} {:name namespace-match?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 91, :arglists ([r]), :doc "Returns true, if the relation namespace matches the referrer namespace.\n", :type :var} {:name unidentifiable-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 71, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns the elements without an id in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name unmatched-relation-namespaces, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 96, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Checks if the relation namespace matches the referrer namespace.\n", :type :var} {:name unnamed-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 84, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns the elements without an id in the given `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name unnamespaced-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 77, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns the elements without a namespaced id.\n", :type :var} {:name unrelated-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 109, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns the set of ids of identifiable model nodes not taking part in any relation.\n", :type :var} {:name unresolved-refs, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 130, :arglists ([model element]), :doc "Checks references in an element.\n", :type :var} {:name unresolved-related, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/analytics.clj", :line 118, :arglists ([model rel]), :doc "Checks references in a relation.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.element, :publics ({:name architecture-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 25, :doc "Node types in the architecture model.\n", :type :var} {:name architecture-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 447, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a architecture model node.\n", :type :var} {:name architecture-relation-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 29, :doc "Relation types in the architecture model.\n", :type :var} {:name architecture-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 452, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a architecture model relation.\n", :type :var} {:name boundary-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 90, :doc "Element types of boundaries.\n", :type :var} {:name boundary?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 411, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if `e` is a boundary.\n", :type :var} {:name c4-view-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 120, :doc "The set of C4 view types.\n", :type :var} {:name child?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 433, :arglists ([e p]), :doc "Returns true, if element `e` is a child of model element `p`.\n", :type :var} {:name children, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 737, :arglists ([model e]), :doc "Returns the children of the element `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name class-model-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 487, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a class model node.\n", :type :var} {:name class-model-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 492, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a class model relation.\n", :type :var} {:name class-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 59, :doc "Node types for class models.\n", :type :var} {:name class-relation-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 63, :doc "Relation types for class models.\n", :type :var} {:name class-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 176, :doc "Element types of a class view.\n", :type :var} {:name code-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 141, :doc "Element types of a C4 code view.\n", :type :var} {:name collect-technologies, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 779, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns the set of technologies for the elements of the coll.\n", :type :var} {:name component-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 136, :doc "Element types of a C4 component view.\n", :type :var} {:name concept-model-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 497, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a concept model node.\n", :type :var} {:name concept-model-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 502, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a concept model relation.\n", :type :var} {:name concept-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 78, :doc "Node types for concept models.\n", :type :var} {:name concept-relation-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 83, :doc "Relation types of concept models.\n", :type :var} {:name concept-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 194, :doc "Element types of a concept view.\n", :type :var} {:name concept-view-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 190, :doc "The set of concept views types.\n", :type :var} {:name container-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 131, :doc "Element types of a C4 container view.\n", :type :var} {:name context-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 126, :doc "Element types of a C4 context view.\n", :type :var} {:name deployment-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 33, :doc "Node types for deployment models.\n", :type :var} {:name deployment-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 457, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a deployment model node.\n", :type :var} {:name deployment-relation-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 37, :doc "Relation types for deployment models.\n", :type :var} {:name deployment-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 462, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a deployment model relation.\n", :type :var} {:name deployment-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 149, :doc "Element types of a C4 deployment view.\n", :type :var} {:name descendant-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 748, :arglists ([e c]), :doc "Returns true, if `c` is a descendant of `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name descendant-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 742, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns the set of descendants of the node `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name dynamic-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 155, :doc "Element types of a C4 dynamic view.\n", :type :var} {:name element->ref, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 575, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns a ref for the element `e`, if it is identifiable.\n", :type :var} {:name element-hierarchy, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 222, :doc "Hierarchy for rendering methods.\n", :type :var} {:name element-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 581, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns the name of the element `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name element-namespace, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 591, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns the namespace of the element `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 341, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` has a type (:el key).\n", :type :var} {:name elements-by-namespace, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 597, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Returns the elements of the `coll` grouped by namespace.\n", :type :var} {:name external?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 396, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is external.\n", :type :var} {:name generate-node-id, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 602, :arglists ([e p]), :doc "Generates an identifier for element `e` based on the id of the parent `p`.\n\nThe generated id takes the id of `p` as prefix and appends the lowercase\nname of `e` and the element type of `e` separated by a hyphen.", :type :var} {:name generate-relation-id, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 616, :arglists ([{:keys [el from to]}] [el from to]), :doc "Generates an identifier for a relation `r`.\n\nThe generated id takes the id of the referrer as prefix and appends the relation type\nof the relation and the name part of the referred id separated by a hyphen.", :type :var} {:name glossary-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 199, :doc "Element types of a glossary view.\n", :type :var} {:name hierarchical-view-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 211, :doc "The set of hierarchical view types.\n", :type :var} {:name hierarchical-view?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 537, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a hierarchical view.\n", :type :var} {:name id->element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 689, :arglists ([] [acc] [acc e]), :doc "Step function to create an id to element map.\nAdds the association of the id of the element `e` to the map `acc`.", :type :var} {:name id->map, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 754, :arglists ([coll]), :type :var} {:name id->parent, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 702, :arglists ([] [[res ctx]] [[res ctx] e]), :doc "Step function to create an id to parent element map.\nAdds the association from the id of element `e` to the parent `p` to the map `acc`.\nUses a list as stack in the accumulator to manage the context of the current element `e`\nin the traversal of the tree.", :type :var} {:name identifiable-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 351, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is an element and named.\n", :type :var} {:name identifiable-named-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 371, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is an element, identifiable and named.\n", :type :var} {:name identifiable-relational-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 386, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is an identifiable relation.\n", :type :var} {:name identifiable?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 346, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` has an ID (:id key).\n", :type :var} {:name ids-xf, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 556, :doc "Returns a transducer to extract the id of each element.\n", :type :var} {:name internal?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 401, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is internal.\n", :type :var} {:name key->element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 679, :arglists ([k]), :doc "Returns a step function to create an key `k` to element map.\nAdds the association of the id of the element `e` to the map `acc`.", :type :var} {:name model-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 113, :doc "Element types for the model.\n", :type :var} {:name model-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 416, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a model element.\n", :type :var} {:name model-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 98, :doc "Node types of the model.\n", :type :var} {:name model-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 427, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element is a node in the model element graph.\nA model node is a model element which is not a relation.", :type :var} {:name model-relation-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 105, :doc "Relation types of the model.\n", :type :var} {:name model-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 421, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a relation.\n", :type :var} {:name named-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 366, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is an element and named.\n", :type :var} {:name named-relational-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 391, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a named relation.\n", :type :var} {:name named?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 361, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` has a name (:name key).\n", :type :var} {:name namespaced?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 356, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true, if the id of element `e` has a namespace.\n", :type :var} {:name namespaces-xf, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 561, :doc "Returns a transducer to extract the namespaces of some elements.\n", :type :var} {:name node-ids-xf, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 566, :doc "Returns a transducer to extract the id of each node.\n", :type :var} {:name node-of?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 517, :arglists ([kind e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a node of `kind`.\n", :type :var} {:name reference-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 94, :doc "Element types of references.\n", :type :var} {:name reference?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 507, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a reference.\n", :type :var} {:name referred-id->relation, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 726, :arglists ([] [acc] [acc e]), :doc "Step function to create an map of referred ids to relations.\nAdds the relation `r` to the set associated with the id of the :to reference in the map `acc`.", :type :var} {:name referrer-id->relation, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 718, :arglists ([] [acc] [acc e]), :doc "Step function to create an map of referrer ids to relations.\nAdds the relation `r` to the set associated with the id of the :from reference in the map `acc`.", :type :var} {:name relation-of?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 522, :arglists ([kind e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a relation of `kind`.\n", :type :var} {:name relational-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 381, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a relation.\n", :type :var} {:name relational?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 376, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a relation.\n", :type :var} {:name state-machine-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 171, :doc "Element types of a state machine view.\n", :type :var} {:name statemachine-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 51, :doc "Node types for statemachine models.\n", :type :var} {:name statemachine-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 477, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a statemachine model node.\n", :type :var} {:name statemachine-relation-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 55, :doc "Relation types for statemachine models.\n", :type :var} {:name statemachine-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 482, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a statemachine model relation.\n", :type :var} {:name system-landscape-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 145, :doc "Element types of a C4 system-landscape view.\n", :type :var} {:name tech-collector, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 672, :arglists ([] [acc] [acc e]), :doc "Step function to collect the technologies.\nAdds the tech of `e` to the accumulator `acc`.", :type :var} {:name tech?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 406, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` has a tech (:tech key).\n", :type :var} {:name technical-architecture-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 21, :doc "Technical node types in the architecture model.\n", :type :var} {:name technical-architecture-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 442, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a technical architecture model node.\n", :type :var} {:name technologies, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 773, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns a vector of the technologies used by the element `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name theme?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 527, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a theme.\n", :type :var} {:name traverse, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 630, :arglists ([step-fn coll] [select-fn step-fn coll]), :doc "Recursively traverses the `coll` of elements and returns the elements (selected\nby the optional `select-fn`) and transformed by the `step-fn`.\n\n`select-fn` - a predicate on the current element\n`step-fn` - a function with three signatures [], [acc] and [acc e]\n\nThe no args signature of the `step-fn` should return an empty accumulator,\nthe one args signature extracts the result from the accumulator on return\nand the 2 args signature receives the accumulator and the current element and\nshould add the transformed element to the accumulator.", :type :var} {:name tree->set, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 666, :arglists ([] [acc] [acc e]), :doc "Step function to convert a hierarchical tree of elements to a flat set of elements.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 67, :doc "Node types for UML models.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-relation-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 71, :doc "Relation types of UML models.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 181, :doc "Element types of UML views.\n", :type :var} {:name uml-view-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 162, :doc "The set of UML view types.\n", :type :var} {:name union-by-id, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 762, :arglists ([& sets]), :doc "Returns a set that is the union of the input `sets`.\nEquality is based on the id (:id key) of the element maps in the sets, not on value equality of the maps (entity equality vs. value equality).\nElement maps with the same id will be merged in left-to-right order. If a key occurs in more than one map, the mapping from the latter (left-to-right) will be the mapping in the result", :type :var} {:name unresolved-ref?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 512, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a reference.\n", :type :var} {:name use-case-view-element-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 166, :doc "Element types of a use case view.\n", :type :var} {:name usecase-node-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 44, :doc "Node types for usecase models.\n", :type :var} {:name usecase-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 467, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a usecase model node.\n", :type :var} {:name usecase-relation-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 47, :doc "Relation types for usecase models.\n", :type :var} {:name usecase-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 472, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a usecase model relation.\n", :type :var} {:name value-xf, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 551, :arglists ([k]), :doc "Returns a transducer to extract the value of the key `k` of each element.\n", :type :var} {:name view-of?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 542, :arglists ([e kind]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a view of `kind`.\n", :type :var} {:name view-types, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 207, :doc "The set of view types.\n", :type :var} {:name view?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/element.clj", :line 532, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns true if the given element `e` is a view.\n", :type :var}), :doc "This namespace contains element specific logic.\nIt defines the different element categories of model elements and views\nand the hierarchical relationships. The namespace also defines predicates\nto query the elements and functionality requiring only elements or collections\nof elements without references to the model as a whole."} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.model, :publics ({:name ->relational-model, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 313, :arglists ([] [[res ctx]] [[res ctx] e]), :doc "Step function for the conversion of the hierachical input model into a relational model of nodes, relations and views.\n", :type :var} {:name aggregable-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 173, :arglists ([model r1 r2]), :doc "Returns true, if the relations `r1` and `r2` are aggregable.\n", :type :var} {:name all-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 121, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns a set of all elements.\n", :type :var} {:name ancestor-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 111, :arglists ([model e c]), :doc "Returns true, if `c` is an ancestor of `e` in the `model`.\n", :type :var} {:name ancestor-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 103, :arglists ([model e]), :doc "Returns the ancestor nodes of the `node`.\n", :type :var} {:name build-model, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 341, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Builds the working model from the input `coll` of elements.\n", :type :var} {:name criteria-predicate, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 454, :arglists ([model criteria]), :doc "Returns a filter predicate for the given `criteria`.\nThe resulting predicate is a logical conjunction (and) of the predicates for\neach criterium.", :type :var} {:name criteria-predicates, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 467, :arglists ([model criteria]), :doc "Returns a filter predicate for the given `criteria`.\nIf a vector of criteria maps is given, the resulting predicate is a logical\ndisjunction (or) of the predicates.", :type :var} {:name criterium-predicate, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 352, :arglists ([model [k v]]), :doc "Returns a predicate for the given `criterium`.\n", :type :var} {:name filter-xf, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 483, :arglists ([model criteria]), :doc "Returns a filter transducer for the given `criteria`.\n", :type :var} {:name from-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 129, :arglists ([model rel]), :doc "Returns the name of the from reference of the relation.\n", :type :var} {:name input-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 68, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns the collection of elements.\n", :type :var} {:name model-element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 28, :arglists ([model id]), :doc "Returns the model element with the given `id`.\n", :type :var} {:name model-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 83, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns the collection of model elements.\n", :type :var} {:name nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 73, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns the collection of model nodes.\n", :type :var} {:name parent, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 98, :arglists ([model e]), :doc "Returns the parent of the element `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name parent-of-relation, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 189, :arglists ([p-id e-id]), :doc "Returns a parent-of relation for parent `p` and element `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name related, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 145, :arglists ([model coll]), :doc "Returns the related elements for the given collection of relations\n", :type :var} {:name related-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 164, :arglists ([model coll]), :doc "Returns the set of nodes of the model `m` that are part of at least one relation in the `coll`.\n", :type :var} {:name relations, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 78, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns the collection of model relations.\n", :type :var} {:name relations-of-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 153, :arglists ([model coll]), :doc "Returns the relations of the model `m` connecting nodes from the given collection of model nodes.\n", :type :var} {:name resolve-element, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 47, :arglists ([model e]), :doc "Resolves the model element for the ref `e`.\n", :type :var} {:name resolve-id, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 40, :arglists ([model id]), :doc "Resolves the model element for the `id`\n", :type :var} {:name resolve-ref, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 33, :arglists ([model r]), :doc "Resolves the model element for the ref `r`.\n", :type :var} {:name themes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 93, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns the set of themes from the `model`.\n", :type :var} {:name to-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 137, :arglists ([model rel]), :doc "Returns the name of the from reference of the relation.\n", :type :var} {:name unresolved-refs-xf, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 58, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns a transducer to extract unresolved refs\n", :type :var} {:name update-acc, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 199, :arglists ([acc p e]), :doc "Update the accumulator `acc` of the model with the element `e`\nin the context of the parent `p` (if given).", :type :var} {:name views, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/model.clj", :line 88, :arglists ([model]), :doc "Returns the set of views from the `model`.\n", :type :var}), :doc "Functions for the definition and handling of the overarch model.\n\nThe loaded overarch working model is a map with these keys:\n\n:input-elements -> the given data\n:nodes -> the set of nodes (incl. child nodes)\n:relations -> the set of relations (incl. contains relations)\n:views -> the set of views\n:themes -> the set of themes\n:id->element -> a map from id to element (nodes, relations and views)\n:id->parent -> a map from id to parent element\n:referrer-id->relations -> a map from id to set of relations where the id is the referrer (:from)\n:referred-id->relations -> a map from id to set of relations where the id is referred (:to)"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.spec, :publics ({:name check-input-model, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/spec.clj", :line 187, :arglists ([input-model]), :doc "Checks the input model against its specification. If valid returns the `input-model`, otherwise returns the validation errors.\n", :type :var} {:name check-selection-criteria, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/spec.clj", :line 194, :arglists ([selection-criteria]), :doc "Checks the input model against its specification. If valid returns the `input-model`, otherwise returns the validation errors.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.view, :publics ({:name element-to-render, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 87, :doc "Returns the model element to be rendered for element `e` for the `view` in the context of the `model`.\nMaps some elements to other elements (e.g. boundaries), depending on the type of view.", :type :multimethod} {:name elements-in-view, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 285, :arglists ([model view] [model elements view coll]), :doc "Returns the elements rendered in the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name elements-to-render, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 273, :arglists ([model view] [model view coll]), :doc "Returns the list of elements to render from the `view`\nor the given `coll` of elements, depending on the type\nof the view.", :type :var} {:name include-content?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 83, :doc "Returns true if the content of element `e` is rendered in the `view` in the context of the `model`.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name include-spec, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 35, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns the include specification for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name included-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 214, :arglists ([model view coll]), :doc "Takes the specified elements and includes the neccessary elements for the input spec.\n", :type :var} {:name layout-spec, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 40, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns the layout specification for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name legend-spec, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 45, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns the legend specification for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name linetype-spec, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 50, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns the linetype specification for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name merged-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 202, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the model elements for the given `view` which are selected by critera merged\nwith the content references. Preserves overrides of keys in the content references\nincluded in the view.", :type :var} {:name referenced-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 109, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the relations explicitly referenced in the given `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name referenced-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 95, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the model nodes explicitly referenced in the given `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name referenced-relations, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 102, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the relations explicitly referenced in the given `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name render-model-element?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 79, :doc "Returns true if the element `e` is rendered in the `view` in the context of the `model`.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name rendered-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 256, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the model elements to be rendered by the given `view`.\nTakes the view spec into account for resolving model elements not explicitly specified.", :type :var} {:name rendered-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 235, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the model nodes to be rendered by the given `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name rendered-relations, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 245, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the relations to be rendered by the given `view`.\nTakes the view spec into account for resolving relations not explicitly specified.", :type :var} {:name selected-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 115, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the model elements selected by criteria for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name selection-spec, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 55, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns the selection specification for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name sketch-spec, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 60, :arglists ([view]), :doc "Returns the sketch specification for the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name specified-elements, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 190, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the model elements and relations explicitly specified in the `view`.\nTakes the view spec into account for resolving relations not explicitly referenced.", :type :var} {:name specified-nodes, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 125, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the model nodes specified in the given `view`.\nTakes the view spec into account for resolving model nodes not explicitly referenced.", :type :var} {:name specified-relations, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 159, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the relations specified in the given `view`.\nTakes the view spec into account for resolving relations not explicitly referenced.", :type :var} {:name styles-spec, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 65, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the styles specification for the `model` and the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name technologies-in-view, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 299, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the technologies in the `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name themes->styles, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 28, :arglists ([model view]), :doc "Returns the vector of styles from the themes of the given `view`.\n", :type :var} {:name view-type, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/view.clj", :line 15, :arglists ([view] [model view] [model view & _]), :doc "Returns the type of the `view`.\n", :type :var}), :doc "Functions for the definition and handling of views.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.class-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.component-view, :publics ({:name as-boundary?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/views/component_view.clj", :line 11, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns the boundary element, if the element should be rendered\nas a boundary for this view type, false otherwise.", :type :var} {:name element->boundary, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/views/component_view.clj", :line 6, :doc "Maps model types to boundary types depending on the view type.\n", :type :var} {:name render-model-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/views/component_view.clj", :line 22, :arglists ([model view e]), :doc "Returns true if the node `e` is rendered in the component view.\n", :type :var} {:name render-model-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/views/component_view.clj", :line 31, :arglists ([model view e]), :doc "Returns true if the relation `e` is rendered in the container view.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.concept-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.container-view, :publics ({:name as-boundary?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/views/container_view.clj", :line 11, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Returns the boundary element, if the element should be rendered\nas a boundary for this view type, false otherwise.", :type :var} {:name element->boundary, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/views/container_view.clj", :line 7, :doc "Maps model types to boundary type.\n", :type :var} {:name render-model-node?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/views/container_view.clj", :line 22, :arglists ([model view e]), :doc "Returns true if the node `e` is rendered in the container view.\n", :type :var} {:name render-model-relation?, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/domain/views/container_view.clj", :line 31, :arglists ([model view e]), :doc "Returns true if the relation `e` is rendered in the container view.\n", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.context-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.deployment-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.dynamic-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.glossary-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.state-machine-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.system-landscape-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.domain.views.use-case-view, :publics ()} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.util.functions, :publics ({:name data-tapper, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/functions.clj", :line 27, :arglists ([data] [ctx data]), :doc "Sends the `data` and and optional context `ctx` to the tap.\nUseful for viewing data and debugging.", :type :var} {:name keyword-set, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/functions.clj", :line 7, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "Converts the `coll` of strings or symbols into a set of keywords.\n", :type :var} {:name tokenize-string, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/functions.clj", :line 14, :arglists ([s] [s re]), :doc "Returns a vector of strings by tokenizing the string `s` with the optional regex `re`\n(comma per default).", :type :var})} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.util.io, :publics ({:name load-edn, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/io.clj", :line 15, :arglists ([filename]), :doc "Returns the data from the file named `filename`.\n", :type :var} {:name load-edn-from-resource, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/io.clj", :line 7, :arglists ([filename]), :doc "Returns the data from the resource named `filename`.\n", :type :var} {:name write-json, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/io.clj", :line 22, :arglists ([filename data]), :doc "Writes the data as JSON to `filename`.\n", :type :var}), :doc "Contains I/O related functions.\n"} {:name org.soulspace.overarch.util.plantuml-sprites, :publics ({:name capitalize-parts, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 12, :arglists ([s separator]), :doc "Returns a version of the string with capitalized parts, separated by `separator`\n", :type :var} {:name excluded-libs, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 10, :type :var} {:name key-length, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 65, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Returns the length of the key of `x`.\n", :type :var} {:name plantuml-imports, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 29, :arglists ([dir]), :doc "Returns a collection of vectors of all the PlantUML '*.puml' files in\nthe given directory `dir` containing the path relative to the `dir`\nand the base name of the import file.", :type :var} {:name sprite-entry, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 45, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Prepares sprite entry info from collection PlantUML imports.\n", :type :var} {:name tech-name, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 20, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Create a tech name from the sprite name `s`.\n", :type :var} {:name write-csv, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 39, :arglists ([file coll]), :doc "Writes the collection `coll` in CSV format to `file`.\n", :type :var} {:name write-sprite-map, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 72, :arglists ([file coll]), :doc "Writes the collection `coll` to `file`.\n", :type :var} {:name write-sprite-maps, :file "org/soulspace/overarch/util/plantuml_sprites.clj", :line 89, :arglists ([m]), :doc "Writes the tech to sprite mappings for the libs in the map `m`.\n", :type :var})})}, :pom-str "\n\n 4.0.0\n org.soulspace.clj\n overarch\n jar\n 0.16.0-SNAPSHOT\n overarch\n Overarch provides a data model for the holistic description of a software system, opening multiple use cases on the model data.\n \n \n Eclipse Public License\n http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html\n \n \n \n https://github.com/soulspace-org/overarch\n 97e307042964ff83952799896b0b1a74ea857f2f\n \n \n src\n test\n \n \n resources\n \n \n \n \n resources\n \n \n target\n target/classes\n \n \n \n \n central\n https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/\n \n false\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n clojars\n https://repo.clojars.org/\n \n true\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n org.clojure\n clojure\n 1.11.1\n \n \n org.clojure\n data.json\n 2.4.0\n \n \n org.clojure\n tools.cli\n 1.0.206\n \n \n com.cnuernber\n charred\n 1.028\n \n \n com.nextjournal\n beholder\n 1.0.2\n \n \n expound\n expound\n 0.9.0\n \n \n org.slf4j\n slf4j-nop\n 1.7.36\n \n \n org.soulspace.clj\n clj.java\n 0.9.1\n \n \n org.soulspace.clj\n cmp.markdown\n 0.4.1\n \n \n djblue\n portal\n 0.49.1\n test\n \n \n criterium\n criterium\n 0.4.6\n test\n \n \n com.clojure-goes-fast\n clj-java-decompiler\n 0.3.4\n test\n \n \n\n\n\n"}