Visualize source time courses (stcs)#

This tutorial focuses on visualization of source estimates.

Surface Source Estimates#

First, we get the paths for the evoked data and the source time courses (stcs).

# Authors: The MNE-Python contributors.
# License: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright the MNE-Python contributors.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import mne
from mne import read_evokeds
from mne.datasets import fetch_hcp_mmp_parcellation, sample
from mne.minimum_norm import apply_inverse, read_inverse_operator

data_path = sample.data_path()
meg_path = data_path / "MEG" / "sample"
subjects_dir = data_path / "subjects"

fname_evoked = meg_path / "sample_audvis-ave.fif"
fname_stc = meg_path / "sample_audvis-meg"

Then, we read the stc from file.

stc = mne.read_source_estimate(fname_stc, subject="sample")

This is a SourceEstimate object.


The SourceEstimate object is in fact a surface source estimate. MNE also supports volume-based source estimates but more on that later.

We can plot the source estimate using the stc.plot just as in other MNE objects. Note that for this visualization to work, you must have PyVista installed on your machine.

initial_time = 0.1
brain = stc.plot(
    clim=dict(kind="value", lims=[3, 6, 9]),

You can also morph it to fsaverage and visualize it using a flatmap.

stc_fs = mne.compute_source_morph(
    stc, "sample", "fsaverage", subjects_dir, smooth=5, verbose="error"
brain = stc_fs.plot(
    clim=dict(kind="value", lims=[3, 6, 9]),
    size=(1000, 500),

# to help orient us, let's add a parcellation (red=auditory, green=motor,
# blue=visual)
brain.add_annotation("HCPMMP1_combined", borders=2)

# You can save a movie like the one on our documentation website with:
# brain.save_movie(time_dilation=20, tmin=0.05, tmax=0.16,
#                  interpolation='linear', framerate=10)

Note that here we used initial_time=0.1, but we can also browse through time using time_viewer=True.

In case PyVista is not available, we also offer a matplotlib backend. Here we use verbose=’error’ to ignore a warning that not all vertices were used in plotting.

mpl_fig = stc.plot(

Volume Source Estimates#

We can also visualize volume source estimates (used for deep structures).

Let us load the sensor-level evoked data. We select the MEG channels to keep things simple.

evoked = read_evokeds(fname_evoked, condition=0, baseline=(None, 0))
evoked.pick(picks="meg").crop(0.05, 0.15)
# this risks aliasing, but these data are very smooth
evoked.decimate(10, verbose="error")

Then, we can load the precomputed inverse operator from a file.

fname_inv = meg_path / "sample_audvis-meg-vol-7-meg-inv.fif"
inv = read_inverse_operator(fname_inv)
src = inv["src"]
mri_head_t = inv["mri_head_t"]

The source estimate is computed using the inverse operator and the sensor-space data.

snr = 3.0
lambda2 = 1.0 / snr**2
method = "dSPM"  # use dSPM method (could also be MNE or sLORETA)
stc = apply_inverse(evoked, inv, lambda2, method)
del inv

This time, we have a different container (VolSourceEstimate) for the source time course.


This too comes with a convenient plot method.

stc.plot(src, subject="sample", subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

For this visualization, nilearn must be installed. This visualization is interactive. Click on any of the anatomical slices to explore the time series. Clicking on any time point will bring up the corresponding anatomical map.

We could visualize the source estimate on a glass brain. Unlike the previous visualization, a glass brain does not show us one slice but what we would see if the brain was transparent like glass, and maximum intensity projection) is used:

stc.plot(src, subject="sample", subjects_dir=subjects_dir, mode="glass_brain")

You can also extract label time courses using volumetric atlases. Here we’ll use the built-in aparc+aseg.mgz:

fname_aseg = subjects_dir / "sample" / "mri" / "aparc+aseg.mgz"
label_names = mne.get_volume_labels_from_aseg(fname_aseg)
label_tc = stc.extract_label_time_course(fname_aseg, src=src)

lidx, tidx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(label_tc), label_tc.shape)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, layout="constrained")
ax.plot(stc.times, label_tc.T, "k", lw=1.0, alpha=0.5)
xy = np.array([stc.times[tidx], label_tc[lidx, tidx]])
xytext = xy + [0.01, 1]
ax.annotate(label_names[lidx], xy, xytext, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), color="r")
ax.set(xlim=stc.times[[0, -1]], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Activation")
for key in ("right", "top"):

We can plot several labels with the most activation in their time course for a more fine-grained view of the anatomical loci of activation.

labels = [
    for idx in np.argsort(label_tc.max(axis=1))[:7]
    if "unknown" not in label_names[idx].lower()
]  # remove catch-all
brain = mne.viz.Brain(
brain.add_volume_labels(aseg="aparc+aseg", labels=labels)
brain.show_view(azimuth=250, elevation=40, distance=400)

And we can project these label time courses back to their original locations and see how the plot has been smoothed:

stc_back = mne.labels_to_stc(fname_aseg, label_tc, src=src)
stc_back.plot(src, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, mode="glass_brain")

Vector Source Estimates#

If we choose to use pick_ori='vector' in apply_inverse

fname_inv = data_path / "MEG" / "sample" / "sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-meg-inv.fif"
inv = read_inverse_operator(fname_inv)
stc = apply_inverse(evoked, inv, lambda2, "dSPM", pick_ori="vector")
brain = stc.plot(

Dipole fits#

For computing a dipole fit, we need to load the noise covariance, the BEM solution, and the coregistration transformation files. Note that for the other methods, these were already used to generate the inverse operator.

fname_cov = meg_path / "sample_audvis-cov.fif"
fname_bem = subjects_dir / "sample" / "bem" / "sample-5120-bem-sol.fif"
fname_trans = meg_path / "sample_audvis_raw-trans.fif"

Dipoles are fit independently for each time point, so let us crop our time series to visualize the dipole fit for the time point of interest.

evoked.crop(0.1, 0.1)
dip = mne.fit_dipole(evoked, fname_cov, fname_bem, fname_trans)[0]

Finally, we can visualize the dipole.

dip.plot_locations(fname_trans, "sample", subjects_dir)

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