Getting started with mne.Report#

mne.Report is a way to create interactive HTML summaries of your data. These reports can show many different visualizations for one or multiple participants. A common use case is creating diagnostic summaries to check data quality at different stages in the processing pipeline. The report can show things like plots of data before and after each preprocessing step, epoch rejection statistics, MRI slices with overlaid BEM shells, all the way up to plots of estimated cortical activity.

Compared to a Jupyter notebook, mne.Report is easier to deploy, as the HTML pages it generates are self-contained and do not require a running Python environment. However, it is less flexible as you can’t change code and re-run something directly within the browser. This tutorial covers the basics of building a report. As usual, we will start by importing the modules and data we need:

# Authors: The MNE-Python contributors.
# License: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright the MNE-Python contributors.
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage

import mne

data_path = Path(mne.datasets.sample.data_path(verbose=False))
sample_dir = data_path / "MEG" / "sample"
subjects_dir = data_path / "subjects"

The basic process for creating an HTML report is to instantiate the Report class and then use one or more of its many methods to add content, one element at a time.

You may also use the parse_folder() method to select particular files to include in the report. But more on that later.

Adding Raw data#

Raw data can be added via the mne.Report.add_raw() method. It can operate with a path to a raw file and Raw objects, and will produce – among other output – a slider that allows you to scrub through 10 equally-spaced 1-second segments of the data:


In the following example, we crop the raw data to 60 seconds merely to speed up processing; this is not usually recommended!

raw_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw.fif"
raw =
raw.pick(picks=["eeg", "eog", "stim"]).crop(tmax=60).load_data()

report = mne.Report(title="Raw example")
# This method also accepts a path, e.g., raw=raw_path
report.add_raw(raw=raw, title="Raw", psd=False)  # omit PSD plot"report_raw.html", overwrite=True)

Adding events#

Events can be added via mne.Report.add_events(). You also need to supply the sampling frequency used during the recording; this information is used to generate a meaningful time axis.

events_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw-eve.fif"
events = mne.find_events(raw=raw)
sfreq =["sfreq"]

report = mne.Report(title="Events example")
report.add_events(events=events_path, title="Events from Path", sfreq=sfreq)
report.add_events(events=events, title='Events from "events"', sfreq=sfreq)"report_events.html", overwrite=True)

Adding Epochs#

Epochs can be added via mne.Report.add_epochs(). Note that although this method accepts a path to an epochs file too, in the following example we only add epochs that we create on the fly from raw data. To demonstrate the representation of epochs metadata, we’ll add some of that, too.

event_id = {
    "auditory/left": 1,
    "auditory/right": 2,
    "visual/left": 3,
    "visual/right": 4,
    "face": 5,
    "buttonpress": 32,

metadata, _, _ = mne.epochs.make_metadata(
    events=events, event_id=event_id, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.5,["sfreq"]
epochs = mne.Epochs(raw=raw, events=events, event_id=event_id, metadata=metadata)

report = mne.Report(title="Epochs example")
report.add_epochs(epochs=epochs, title='Epochs from "epochs"')"report_epochs.html", overwrite=True)

Adding Evoked#

Evoked data can be added via mne.Report.add_evokeds(). By default, the Evoked.comment attribute of each evoked will be used as a title. We can specify custom titles via the titles parameter. Again, this method also accepts the path to an evoked file stored on disk; in the following example, however, we load the evokeds manually first, since we only want to add a subset of them to the report. The evokeds are not baseline-corrected, so we apply baseline correction, too. Lastly, by providing an (optional) noise covariance, we can add plots evokeds that were “whitened” using this covariance matrix.

By default, this method will produce topographic plots at 21 equally-spaced time points (or fewer, if the data contains fewer time points). We can adjust this via the n_time_points parameter.

evoked_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis-ave.fif"
cov_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis-cov.fif"

evokeds = mne.read_evokeds(evoked_path, baseline=(None, 0))
evokeds_subset = evokeds[:2]  # The first two
for evoked in evokeds_subset:
    evoked.pick("eeg")  # just for speed of plotting

report = mne.Report(title="Evoked example")
    titles=["evoked 1", "evoked 2"],  # Manually specify titles
)"report_evoked.html", overwrite=True)

Adding Covariance#

(Noise) covariance objects can be added via mne.Report.add_covariance(). The method accepts Covariance objects and the path to a file on disk. It also expects us to pass an Info object or the path to a file to read the measurement info from, as well as a title.

cov_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis-cov.fif"

report = mne.Report(title="Covariance example")
report.add_covariance(cov=cov_path, info=raw_path, title="Covariance")"report_cov.html", overwrite=True)

Adding Projection vectors#

Projection vectors can be added via mne.Report.add_projs(). The method requires an Info object (or the path to one) and a title. Projectors found in the Info will be visualized. You may also supply a list of Projection objects or a path to projectors stored on disk. In this case, the channel information is read from the Info, but projectors potentially included will be ignored; instead, only the explicitly passed projectors will be plotted.

ecg_proj_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis_ecg-proj.fif"
report = mne.Report(title="Projectors example")
report.add_projs(info=raw_path, title="Projs from info")

# Now a joint plot
events = mne.read_events(sample_dir / "sample_audvis_ecg-eve.fif")
raw_full = / "sample_audvis_raw.fif").crop(0, 60).load_data()
ecg_evoked = mne.Epochs(
    baseline=(None, None),
report.img_max_width = None  # do not constrain image width
    title="ECG projs from path",
    joint=True,  # use joint version of the plot
)"report_projs.html", overwrite=True)
del raw_full, events, ecg_evoked

Adding ICA#

ICA objects can be added via mne.Report.add_ica(). Aside from the parameters ica (that accepts an ICA instance or a path to an ICA object stored on disk) and the title, there is a third required parameter, inst. inst is used to specify a Raw or Epochs object for producing ICA property plots and overlay plots demonstrating the effects of ICA cleaning. If, instead, you only want to generate ICA component topography plots, explicitly pass inst=None.


mne.Report.add_ica() only works with fitted ICAs.

You can optionally specify for which components to produce topography and properties plots by passing picks. By default, all components will be shown. It is also possible to pass evoked signals based on ECG and EOG events via ecg_evoked and eog_evoked. This allows you directly see the effects of ICA component removal on these artifactual signals. Artifact detection scores produced by find_bads_ecg() and find_bads_eog() can be passed via the ecg_scores and eog_scores parameters, respectively, producing visualizations of the scores for each ICA component.

Lastly, by passing n_jobs, you may largely speed up the generation of the properties plots by enabling parallel execution.


In the following example, we request a small number of ICA components to estimate, set the threshold for assuming ICA convergence to a very liberal value, and only visualize 2 of the components. All of this is done to largely reduce the processing time of this tutorial, and is usually not recommended for an actual data analysis.

ica = mne.preprocessing.ICA(
    n_components=5,  # fit 5 ICA components
    fit_params=dict(tol=0.01),  # assume very early on that ICA has converged

# create epochs based on EOG events, find EOG artifacts in the data via pattern
# matching, and exclude the EOG-related ICA components
eog_epochs = mne.preprocessing.create_eog_epochs(raw=raw)
eog_components, eog_scores = ica.find_bads_eog(
    ch_name="EEG 001",  # a channel close to the eye
    threshold=1,  # lower than the default threshold
ica.exclude = eog_components

report = mne.Report(title="ICA example")
    title="ICA cleaning",
    picks=ica.exclude,  # plot the excluded EOG components
    n_jobs=None,  # could be increased!
)"report_ica.html", overwrite=True)

Adding MRI with BEM#

MRI slices with superimposed traces of the boundary element model (BEM) surfaces can be added via mne.Report.add_bem(). All you need to pass is the FreeSurfer subject name and subjects directory, and a title. To reduce the resulting file size, you may pass the decim parameter to only include every n-th volume slice, and width to specify the width of the resulting figures in pixels.

report = mne.Report(title="BEM example")
    title="MRI & BEM",
)"report_mri_and_bem.html", overwrite=True)

Adding coregistration#

The sensor alignment (head -> mri transformation obtained by “coregistration”) can be visualized via mne.Report.add_trans(). The method expects the transformation either as a Transform object or as a path to a trans.fif file, the FreeSurfer subject name and subjects directory, and a title. The alpha parameter can be used to control the transparency of the head, where a value of 1 means fully opaque.

trans_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis_raw-trans.fif"

report = mne.Report(title="Coregistration example")
)"report_coregistration.html", overwrite=True)

Adding a Forward solution#

Forward solutions (“leadfields”) can be added by passing a Forward object or the path to a forward solution stored on disk to meth:mne.Report.add_forward.

fwd_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-fwd.fif"

report = mne.Report(title="Forward solution example")
report.add_forward(forward=fwd_path, title="Forward solution")"report_forward_sol.html", overwrite=True)

Adding an InverseOperator#

An inverse operator can be added via mne.Report.add_inverse_operator(). The method expects an InverseOperator object or a path to one stored on disk, and a title.

inverse_op_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-meg-inv.fif"

report = mne.Report(title="Inverse operator example")
report.add_inverse_operator(inverse_operator=inverse_op_path, title="Inverse operator")"report_inverse_op.html", overwrite=True)

Adding a SourceEstimate#

An inverse solution (also called source estimate or source time course, STC) can be added via mne.Report.add_stc(). The method expects an SourceEstimate, the corresponding FreeSurfer subject name and subjects directory, and a title. By default, it will produce snapshots at 51 equally-spaced time points (or fewer, if the data contains fewer time points). We can adjust this via the n_time_points parameter.

stc_path = sample_dir / "sample_audvis-meg"

report = mne.Report(title="Source estimate example")
    title="Source estimate",
    n_time_points=2,  # few for speed
)"report_inverse_sol.html", overwrite=True)

Adding source code (e.g., a Python script)#

It is possible to add code or scripts (e.g., the scripts you used for analysis) to the report via mne.Report.add_code(). The code blocks will be automatically syntax-highlighted. You may pass a string with the respective code snippet, or the path to a file. If you pass a path, it must be a pathlib.Path object (and not a string), otherwise it will be treated as a code literal.

Optionally, you can specify which programming language to assume for syntax highlighting by passing the language parameter. By default, we’ll assume the provided code is Python.

mne_init_py_path = Path(mne.__file__)  # in the MNE-Python root
mne_init_py_content = mne_init_py_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")

report = mne.Report(title="Code example")
report.add_code(code=mne_init_py_path, title="Code from Path")
report.add_code(code=mne_init_py_content, title="Code from string")"report_code.html", overwrite=True)

Adding custom figures#

Custom Matplotlib figures can be added via add_figure(). Required parameters are the figure and a title. Optionally, may add a caption to appear below the figure. You can also specify the image format of the image file that will be generated from the figure, so it can be embedded in the HTML report.

x = np.linspace(start=0, stop=10, num=100)
y = x**2

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y, ls="--", lw=2, color="blue", label="my function")

report = mne.Report(title="Figure example")
    title="A custom figure",
    caption="A blue dashed line reaches up into the sky …",
)"report_custom_figure.html", overwrite=True)

Multiple figures can be grouped into a single section via the section parameter.

fig_1, ax_1 = plt.subplots()
ax_1.plot([1, 2, 3])

fig_2, ax_2 = plt.subplots()
ax_2.plot([3, 2, 1])

section = "Section example"

report = mne.Report(title="Figure section example")
report.add_figure(fig=fig_1, title="Figure 1", section=section, tags="fig-1")
report.add_figure(fig=fig_2, title="Figure 2", section=section, tags="fig-2")"report_custom_figure_sections.html", overwrite=True)

The mne.Report.add_figure() method can also add multiple figures at once. In this case, a slider will appear, allowing users to intuitively browse the figures. To make this work, you need to provide a collection o figures, a title, and optionally a collection of captions.

In the following example, we will read the MNE logo as a Matplotlib figure and rotate it with different angles. Each rotated figure and its respective caption will be added to a list, which is then used to create the slider.

mne_logo_path = Path(mne.__file__).parent / "icons" / "mne_icon-cropped.png"
fig_array = plt.imread(mne_logo_path)
rotation_angles = np.linspace(start=0, stop=360, num=8, endpoint=False)

figs = []
captions = []
for angle in rotation_angles:
    # Rotate and remove some rounding errors to avoid Matplotlib warnings
    fig_array_rotated = scipy.ndimage.rotate(input=fig_array, angle=angle)
    fig_array_rotated = fig_array_rotated.clip(min=0, max=1)

    # Create the figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3), layout="constrained")

    # Store figure and caption
    captions.append(f"Rotation angle: {round(angle, 1)}°")

report = mne.Report(title="Multiple figures example")
report.add_figure(fig=figs, title="Fun with figures! 🥳", caption=captions)"report_custom_figures.html", overwrite=True)
for fig in figs:
del figs

Adding image files#

Existing images (e.g., photos, screenshots, sketches etc.) can be added to the report via mne.Report.add_image(). Supported image formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SVG (and possibly others). Like with Matplotlib figures, you can specify a caption to appear below the image.

report = mne.Report(title="Image example")
    image=mne_logo_path, title="MNE", caption="Powered by 🧠 🧠 🧠 around the world!"
)"report_custom_image.html", overwrite=True)

Working with tags#

Each add_* method accepts a keyword parameter tags, which can be used to pass one or more tags to associate with the respective content elements. By default, each add_* method adds a tag describing the data type, e.g., evoked or source-estimate. When viewing the HTML report, the Filter by tags dropdown menu can be used to interactively show or hide content with specific tags. This allows you e.g. to only view evoked or participant-001 data, should you have added those tags. Visible tags will appear with blue, and hidden tags with gray background color.

To toggle the visibility of all tags, use the respective checkbox in the Filter by tags dropdown menu, or press T.

report = mne.Report(title="Tags example")
    title="MNE Logo",
    tags=("image", "mne", "logo", "open-source"),
)"report_tags.html", overwrite=True)

Editing a saved report#

Saving to HTML is a write-only operation, meaning that we cannot read an .html file back as a Report object. In order to be able to edit a report once it’s no longer in-memory in an active Python session, save it as an HDF5 file instead of HTML:

report = mne.Report(title="Saved report example", verbose=True)
report.add_image(image=mne_logo_path, title="MNE 1")"report_partial.hdf5", overwrite=True)

The saved report can be read back and modified or amended. This allows the possibility to e.g. run multiple scripts in a processing pipeline, where each script adds new content to an existing report.

report_from_disk = mne.open_report("report_partial.hdf5")
report_from_disk.add_image(image=mne_logo_path, title="MNE 2")"report_partial.hdf5", overwrite=True)

To make this even easier, mne.Report can be used as a context manager (note the with statement)`):

with mne.open_report("report_partial.hdf5") as report:
    report.add_image(image=mne_logo_path, title="MNE 3")"report_final.html", overwrite=True)

With the context manager, the updated report is also automatically saved back to report.h5 upon leaving the block.

Adding an entire folder of files#

We also provide a way to add an entire folder of files to the report at once, without having to invoke the individual add_* methods outlined above for each file. This approach, while convenient, provides less flexibility with respect to content ordering, tags, titles, etc.

Before getting started with mne.Report, make sure the files you want to render follow the filename conventions defined by MNE:

Data object

Filename convention (ends with)


-raw.fif(.gz), -raw_sss.fif(.gz), -raw_tsss.fif(.gz), _meg.fif(.gz), _eeg.fif(.gz), _ieeg.fif(.gz)


















Alternatively, the dash - in the filename may be replaced with an underscore _ (except for the .stc files).

For our first example, we’ll generate a barebones report for all the .fif files containing raw data in the sample dataset, by passing the pattern *raw.fif to parse_folder(). We’ll omit the subject and subjects_dir parameters from the Report constructor, but we’ll also pass render_bem=False to the parse_folder() method — otherwise we would get a warning about not being able to render MRI and trans files without knowing the subject. To save some processing time in this tutorial, we’re also going to disable rendering of the butterfly plots for the Raw data by passing raw_butterfly=False.

Which files are included depends on both the pattern parameter passed to parse_folder() and also the subject and subjects_dir parameters provided to the Report constructor.

report = mne.Report(title="parse_folder example")
    data_path=data_path, pattern="*raw.fif", render_bem=False, raw_butterfly=False
)"report_parse_folder_basic.html", overwrite=True)

By default, the power spectral density and SSP projectors of the Raw files are not shown to speed up report generation. You can add them by passing raw_psd=True and projs=True to the Report constructor. Like in the previous example, we’re going to omit the butterfly plots by passing raw_butterfly=False. Lastly, let’s also refine our pattern to select only the filtered raw recording (omitting the unfiltered data and the empty-room noise recordings).

pattern = "sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw.fif"
report = mne.Report(title="parse_folder example 2", raw_psd=True, projs=True)
    data_path=data_path, pattern=pattern, render_bem=False, raw_butterfly=False
)"report_parse_folder_raw_psd_projs.html", overwrite=True)

This time we’ll pass a specific subject and subjects_dir (even though there’s only one subject in the sample dataset) and remove our render_bem=False parameter so we can see the MRI slices, with BEM contours overlaid on top if available. Since this is computationally expensive, we’ll also pass the mri_decim parameter for the benefit of our documentation servers, and skip processing the .fif files.

report = mne.Report(
    title="parse_folder example 3", subject="sample", subjects_dir=subjects_dir
report.parse_folder(data_path=data_path, pattern="", mri_decim=40)"report_parse_folder_mri_bem.html", overwrite=True)

Now let’s look at how Report handles Evoked data (we will skip the MRIs to save computation time).

The MNE sample dataset we’re using in this example has not been baseline-corrected; so let’s apply baseline correction this now for the report!

To request baseline correction, pass a baseline argument to Report, which should be a tuple with the starting and ending time of the baseline period. For more details, see the documentation on apply_baseline. Here, we will apply baseline correction for a baseline period from the beginning of the time interval to time point zero.

Lastly, we want to render the “whitened” evoked data, too. Whitening requires us to specify the path to a covariance matrix file via the cov_fname parameter of Report.

Now, let’s put all of this together! Here we use a temporary directory for speed so we can render a single Evoked instance, using just EEG channels.

baseline = (None, 0)
cov_fname = sample_dir / "sample_audvis-cov.fif"
pattern = "sample_audvis-ave.fif"
evoked = mne.read_evokeds(sample_dir / pattern)[0].pick("eeg").decimate(4)
report = mne.Report(
    title="parse_folder example 4", baseline=baseline, cov_fname=cov_fname
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as path: / pattern)
        path, pattern=pattern, render_bem=False, n_time_points_evokeds=5
    )"report_parse_folder_evoked.html", overwrite=True)

Adding custom HTML (e.g., a description text)#

The add_html() method allows you to add custom HTML to your report. This feature can be very convenient to add short descriptions, lists, or reminders to your report (among many other things you can think of encoding in HTML).

report = mne.Report(title="Report on hypothesis 1")

my_html = """
<p>We have the following hypothesis:</p>
<li>There is a difference between images showing man-made vs. natural
<li>This difference manifests itself most strongly in the amplitude of the
N1 ERP component</li>
<p>Below we show several plots and tests of the data.</p>

report.add_html(title="Hypothesis", html=my_html)"report_add_html.html", overwrite=True)

Estimated memory usage: 0 MB

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