{:group-id "org.clojure", :artifact-id "tools.deps", :version "0.19.1421", :analysis {"clj" ({:name clojure.tools.deps, :publics ({:name calc-basis, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 730, :arglists ([merged-edn] [merged-edn {:keys [resolve-args classpath-args], :as argmaps}]), :doc "Calculates and returns the runtime basis from a merged deps edn map, modifying\n resolve-deps and make-classpath args as needed.\n\n merged-edn - a merged deps edn map\n args - an optional map of arguments to constituent steps, keys:\n :resolve-args - map of args to resolve-deps, with possible keys:\n :extra-deps\n :override-deps\n :default-deps\n :threads - number of threads to use during deps resolution\n :trace - flag to record a trace log\n :classpath-args - map of args to make-classpath-map, with possible keys:\n :extra-paths\n :classpath-overrides\n\nReturns the runtime basis, which is the initial deps edn map plus these keys:\n :libs - lib map, per resolve-deps\n :classpath - classpath map per make-classpath-map\n :classpath-roots - vector of paths in classpath order", :type :var} {:name combine-aliases, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 188, :arglists ([edn-map alias-kws]), :doc "Find, read, and combine alias maps identified by alias keywords from\na deps edn map into a single args map.", :type :var} {:name create-basis, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 790, :arglists ([{:keys [dir root user project extra aliases], :as params}]), :doc "Create a basis from a set of deps sources and a set of aliases. By default, use\nroot, user, and project deps and no argmaps (essentially the same classpath you get by\ndefault from the Clojure CLI).\n\nEach dep source value can be :standard, a string path, a deps edn map, or nil.\nSources are merged in the order - :root, :user, :project, :extra.\n\nAliases refer to argmaps in the merged deps that will be supplied to the basis\nsubprocesses (tool, resolve-deps, make-classpath-map).\n\nOptions:\n :dir - directory root path, defaults to current directory\n :root - dep source, default = :standard\n :user - dep source, default = :standard\n :project - dep source, default = :standard (\"deps.edn\")\n :extra - dep source, default = nil\n :aliases - coll of aliases, default = nil\n\nThe following subprocess argmap args can be provided:\n Key Subproc Description\n :replace-deps tool Replace project deps\n :replace-paths tool Replace project paths\n :extra-deps resolve-deps Add additional deps\n :override-deps resolve-deps Override coord of dep\n :default-deps resolve-deps Provide coord if missing\n :extra-paths make-classpath-map Add additional paths\n :classpath-overrides make-classpath-map Replace lib path in cp\n\nReturns a runtime basis, which is the initial merged deps edn map plus these keys:\n :basis-config - the create-basis params used\n :argmap - effective argmap (after resolving and merging argmaps from aliases)\n :libs - lib map, per resolve-deps\n :classpath - classpath map per make-classpath-map\n :classpath-roots - vector of paths in classpath order", :type :var} {:name create-edn-maps, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 775, :arglists ([{:keys [root user project extra], :as params, :or {root :standard, user :standard, project :standard}}]), :doc "Create a set of edn maps from the standard dep sources and return\nthem in a map with keys :root :user :project :extra", :type :var} {:name find-edn-maps, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 120, :arglists ([] [project-edn-file]), :doc "Finds and returns standard deps edn maps in a map with keys\n :root-edn, :user-edn, :project-edn\nIf no project-edn is supplied, use the deps.edn in current directory", :type :var} {:name find-latest-version, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 883, :arglists ([{:keys [lib procurer]}]), :doc "Find versions of lib across all registered procurer types, and return\nlatest version of coord from the first procurer type that has any coords,\nstarting with :mvn, then :git. If none are found, return nil.", :type :var} {:name join-classpath, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 613, :arglists ([roots]), :doc "Takes a coll of string classpath roots and creates a platform sensitive classpath\n", :type :var} {:name lib-location, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 196, :arglists ([lib coord deps-config]), :doc "Find the file path location of where a lib/coord would be located if procured\nwithout actually doing the procuring!", :type :var} {:name make-classpath, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 618, :arglists ([lib-map paths classpath-args]), :deprecated "0.9.745", :doc "Takes a lib map, and a set of explicit paths. Extracts the paths for each chosen\nlib coordinate, and assembles a classpath string using the system path separator.\nThe classpath-args is a map with keys that can be used to modify the classpath\nbuilding operation:\n\n :extra-paths - extra classpath paths to add to the classpath\n :classpath-overrides - a map of lib to path, where path is used instead of the coord's paths\n\nReturns the classpath as a string.", :type :var} {:name make-classpath-map, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 594, :arglists ([deps-edn-map lib-map classpath-args]), :doc "Takes a merged deps edn map and a lib map. Extracts the paths for each chosen\nlib coordinate, and assembles a classpath map. The classpath-args is a map with\nkeys that can be used to modify the classpath building operation:\n :extra-paths - extra classpath paths to add to the classpath\n :classpath-overrides - a map of lib to path, where path is used instead of the coord's paths\n\nReturns a map:\n :classpath map of path entry (string) to a map describing where its from, either a :lib-name or :path-key entry.\n :classpath-roots coll of the classpath keys in classpath order", :type :var} {:name merge-edns, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 143, :arglists ([deps-edn-maps]), :doc "Merge multiple deps edn maps from left to right into a single deps edn map.\n", :type :var} {:name prep-libs!, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 679, :arglists ([lib-map {:keys [action current log], :or {current false}} config]), :doc "Takes a lib map and looks for unprepped libs, optionally prepping them.\n\nOptions:\n :action - what to do when an unprepped lib is found, one of:\n :prep - if unprepped, prep\n :force - prep regardless of whether already prepped\n :error (default) - don't prep, error\n :current - boolean, default = false. Whether to prep current project\n :log - print to console based on log level (default, no logging):\n :info - print only when prepping\n :debug - :info + print for each lib considered", :type :var} {:name print-tree, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 522, :arglists ([lib-map]), :doc "Print lib-map tree to the console\n", :type :var} {:name resolve-added-libs, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 852, :arglists ([{:keys [existing add procurer]}]), :doc "Given an existing map of current libs and a map of libs to add,\nresolve and download the transitive set of libs that fulfill the\nadded libs and/or detect libs that conflict with the existing libs.\nResults are printed as edn.\n\nKeys in input map:\n :existing - map of current lib to coord\n :add - map of lib to coords to add\n :procurer - procurer config from basis, if any\n\nReturns a map of:\n :added - map of added libs to resolved coords (has :paths)\n :conflict - coll of requested libs that conflict with existing libs", :type :var} {:name resolve-deps, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 479, :arglists ([deps-map args-map]), :doc "Takes a deps configuration map and resolves the transitive dependency graph\nfrom the initial set of deps. args-map is a map with several keys (all\noptional) that can modify the results of the transitive expansion:\n\n :extra-deps - a map from lib to coord of deps to add to the main deps\n :override-deps - a map from lib to coord of coord to use instead of those in the graph\n :default-deps - a map from lib to coord of deps to use if no coord specified\n :trace - boolean. If true, the returned lib map will have metadata with :trace log\n :threads - long. If provided, sets the number of concurrent download threads\n\nReturns a lib map (map of lib to coordinate chosen).", :type :var} {:name root-deps, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 101, :arglists ([]), :doc "Read the root deps.edn resource from the classpath at the path\nclojure/tools/deps/deps.edn", :type :var} {:name slurp-deps, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 94, :arglists ([dep-file]), :doc "Read a single deps.edn file from disk and canonicalize symbols,\nreturn a deps map. If the file doesn't exist, returns nil.", :type :var} {:name tool, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 632, :arglists ([project-edn tool-args]), :doc "Transform project edn for tool by applying tool args (keys = :paths, :deps) and\nreturning an updated project edn.", :type :var} {:name user-deps-path, :file "clojure/tools/deps.clj", :line 108, :arglists ([]), :doc "Use the same logic as clj to calculate the location of the user deps.edn.\nNote that it's possible no file may exist at this location.", :type :var})} {:name clojure.tools.deps.specs, :publics ({:name explain-deps, :file "clojure/tools/deps/specs.clj", :line 131, :arglists ([deps-map]), :doc "If a spec is invalid, return a message explaining why, suitable\nfor an error message", :type :var} {:name valid-deps?, :file "clojure/tools/deps/specs.clj", :line 126, :arglists ([deps-map]), :doc "Determine whether the deps map is valid according to the specs\n", :type :var})} {:name clojure.tools.deps.tool, :publics ({:name install-tool, :file "clojure/tools/deps/tool.clj", :line 29, :arglists ([lib coord as]), :doc "Procure the lib+coord, install the tool to the user tools dir (with lib, coord)\n", :type :var} {:name list-tools, :file "clojure/tools/deps/tool.clj", :line 69, :arglists ([]), :doc "Return seq of available tool names\n", :type :var} {:name remove-tool, :file "clojure/tools/deps/tool.clj", :line 79, :arglists ([tool]), :doc "Removes tool installation, if it exists. Returns true if it exists and was deleted.\n", :type :var} {:name resolve-tool, :file "clojure/tools/deps/tool.clj", :line 47, :arglists ([tool]), :doc "Resolve a tool by name, look up and return:\n{:lib lib\n :coord coord}\nOr nil if unknown.", :type :var} {:name usage, :file "clojure/tools/deps/tool.clj", :line 57, :arglists ([tool]), :doc "Resolve a tool and return it's usage data, which may be nil.\nThrows ex-info if tool is unknown.", :type :var})} {:name clojure.tools.deps.tree, :publics ({:name calc-trace, :file "clojure/tools/deps/tree.clj", :line 48, :arglists ([] [opts]), :doc "Like calc-basis, but create and return the dep expansion trace. The trace\ncan be passed to trace->tree to get tree data.\n\nThe opts map includes the same opts accepted by clojure.tools.deps/create-basis.\nBy default, uses the root, user, and project deps and no argmaps (essentially the same\nclasspath you get by default from the Clojure CLI).\n\nEach dep source value can be :standard, a string path, a deps edn map, or nil.\nSources are merged in the order - :root, :user, :project, :extra.\n\nAliases refer to argmaps in the merged deps that will be supplied to the basis\nsubprocesses (tool, resolve-deps, make-classpath-map).\n\nOptions:\n :dir - directory root path, defaults to current directory\n :root - dep source, default = :standard\n :user - dep source, default = :standard\n :project - dep source, default = :standard (\"./deps.edn\")\n :extra - dep source, default = nil\n :aliases - coll of aliases of argmaps to apply to subprocesses", :type :var} {:name print-tree, :file "clojure/tools/deps/tree.clj", :line 106, :arglists ([tree {:keys [indent], :or {indent 2}, :as opts}] [{:keys [children], :as tree} indented opts]), :doc "Print the tree to the console.\nOptions:\n :indent Indent spacing (default = 2)\n :hide-libs Set of libs to ignore as deps under top deps, default = #{org.clojure/clojure}", :type :var} {:name trace->tree, :file "clojure/tools/deps/tree.clj", :line 17, :arglists ([trace]), :doc "Convert a deps trace data structure into a deps tree.\n\nA deps tree has the structure of the full dependency expansion.\nEach node of the tree is a map from lib to coord-info with at least these keys:\n :lib - library symbol\n :coord - the coord map that was used (may not be the original coord if replaced\n due to default-deps or override-deps)\n :include - boolean of whether this node is included in the returned deps\n :reason - why the node was or was not included\n :children - vector of child nodes", :type :var})})}, :pom-str "\n 4.0.0\n tools.deps\n 0.19.1421\n tools.deps\n\n \n org.clojure\n pom.contrib\n 1.2.0\n \n\n \n \n puredanger\n Alex Miller\n \n \n\n \n \n true\n 1.10.3\n 1.8.2\n 3.8.8\n\n \n 1.11.1\n \n\n \n \n org.clojure\n clojure\n ${clojure.version}\n \n \n org.apache.maven.resolver\n maven-resolver-api\n ${resolverVersion}\n \n \n org.apache.maven.resolver\n maven-resolver-spi\n ${resolverVersion}\n \n \n org.apache.maven.resolver\n maven-resolver-impl\n ${resolverVersion}\n \n \n org.apache.maven.resolver\n maven-resolver-util\n ${resolverVersion}\n \n \n org.apache.maven.resolver\n maven-resolver-connector-basic\n ${resolverVersion}\n \n \n org.apache.maven.resolver\n maven-resolver-transport-file\n ${resolverVersion}\n \n \n org.apache.maven.resolver\n maven-resolver-transport-http\n ${resolverVersion}\n \n \n org.apache.maven\n maven-resolver-provider\n ${mavenVersion}\n \n \n org.apache.maven\n maven-core\n ${mavenVersion}\n \n \n com.google.guava\n guava\n \n \n \n \n org.slf4j\n slf4j-nop\n 1.7.36\n test\n \n \n org.clojure\n data.xml\n 0.2.0-alpha9\n \n \n org.clojure\n tools.gitlibs\n 2.5.197\n \n \n org.clojure\n tools.cli\n 1.1.230\n \n \n com.cognitect.aws\n api\n 0.8.686\n \n \n org.eclipse.jetty\n jetty-http\n \n \n org.eclipse.jetty\n jetty-client\n \n \n org.eclipse.jetty\n jetty-util\n \n \n \n \n org.eclipse.jetty\n jetty-http\n 9.4.53.v20231009\n \n \n org.eclipse.jetty\n jetty-client\n 9.4.53.v20231009\n \n \n org.eclipse.jetty\n jetty-client\n 9.4.53.v20231009\n \n \n com.cognitect.aws\n endpoints\n\n \n \n com.cognitect.aws\n s3\n 848.2.1413.0\n \n \n javax.inject\n javax.inject\n 1\n \n \n\n \n \n \n src/main/resources\n true\n \n \n \n \n org.apache.maven.plugins\n maven-resources-plugin\n 3.1.0\n \n \n \n com.theoryinpractise\n clojure-maven-plugin\n 1.7.1\n true\n \n ${clojure.warnOnReflection}\n true\n \n \n \n clojure-compile\n none\n \n \n clojure-test\n test\n \n test\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n scm:git:git@github.com:clojure/tools.deps.git\n scm:git:git@github.com:clojure/tools.deps.git\n git@github.com:clojure/tools.deps.git\n v0.19.1421\n \n\n \n \n clojars\n https://clojars.org/repo/\n \n \n\n"}