{:group-id "clj-jgit", :artifact-id "clj-jgit", :version "1.1.0", :analysis {"clj" ({:name clj-jgit.diff, :publics ({:name diff-raw-text, :file "clj_jgit/diff.clj", :line 18, :arglists ([a b & {:keys [comparator-mode], :or {comparator-mode :default}}]), :doc "Compare given `RawText` instances `a` and `b`, returns a new `org.eclipse.jgit.diff.EditList` instance\n", :type :var} {:name diff-string, :file "clj_jgit/diff.clj", :line 25, :arglists ([a b & {:keys [comparator-mode], :or {comparator-mode :default}}]), :doc "Compare given strings `a` and `b`, returns a new `org.eclipse.jgit.diff.EditList` instance\n", :type :var} {:name diff-string-formatted, :file "clj_jgit/diff.clj", :line 90, :arglists ([a b & {:keys [comparator-mode context-lines output-stream], :or {comparator-mode :default, context-lines 3, output-stream (ByteArrayOutputStream.)}}]), :doc "Compare given strings `a` and `b` and write a patch-style formatted string to given `:output-stream`. Always returns\nthe `output-stream`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:comparator-mode Keyword that sets how whitespace changes are handled:\n `:ws-ignore-all` Ignores all whitespace\n `:ws-ignore-leading` Ignore leading whitespace\n `:ws-ignore-trailing` Ignores trailing whitespace\n `:ws-ignore-change` Ignores whitespace occurring between non-whitespace characters\n `:default` No special treatment\n:context-lines `integer` that sets the number of lines of context shown before and after a modification.\n (default: 3)\n:output-stream The `OutputStream` instance the formatted diff is written to. Note that the returned stream is not\n flushed or closed, when in doubt use `with-open`.\n (default: (ByteArrayOutputStream.))\n", :type :var} {:name get-diff-formatter, :file "clj_jgit/diff.clj", :line 30, :arglists ([& {:keys [abbreviation-length binary-file-threshold context-lines detect-renames? monitor output-stream path-filter quote-paths? repository], :or {context-lines 3, repository nil, output-stream (ByteArrayOutputStream.), binary-file-threshold 52428800, quote-paths? nil, path-filter TreeFilter/ALL, detect-renames? nil, monitor nil, abbreviation-length 7}}]), :doc "Returns a new `org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffFormatter` instance. Note that depending on the used `format` method some\noptions are ignored, i.e. setting a `prefix` or `path-filter` has no effect when formatting raw-text-diffs.\n\n Options:\n :abbreviation-length `integer` that sets the number of digits to show for commit-ids.\n (default: 7)\n :binary-file-threshold `integer` that sets the maximum file size for text files, in bytes.\n Files larger than this size will be assumed to be binary, even if they aren't.\n (default: 52428800)\n :context-lines `integer` that sets the number of lines of context shown before and after a modification.\n (default: 3)\n :detect-renames? `boolean` that sets rename detection. Ignored if `repository` is not set. Once enabled the\n detector can be configured away from its defaults by obtaining the instance directly by\n invoking `getRenameDetector()` on the formatter instance. Ignored when `:repository` is nil.\n (default: false)\n :monitor Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.\n (default: nil)\n :output-stream The `OutputStream` instance the formatted diff is written to.\n (default: (ByteArrayOutputStream.))\n :path-filter An `org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter` instance that limits the result, i.e.:\n `(PathFilter/create \"project.clj\")`. See `org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter` namespace\n for all available filters or implement your own.\n (default: PathFilter/ALL)\n :prefix-new A purely cosmetic `string` used as path prefix for the new side in the output. Can be empty\n but not nil.\n (default: \"b/\")\n :prefix-old A purely cosmetic `string` used as path prefix for the old side in the output. Can be empty\n but not nil.\n (default: \"a/\")\n :quote-paths? `boolean` that sets whether path names should be quoted. By default, the setting of\n `git config core.quotePath` is used. Ignored when `:repository` is nil.\n :repository `Repository` instance the formatter can load object contents from. Once a repository has\n been set, the formatter must be released to ensure the internal ObjectReader is able to\n release its resources.\n (default: nil)\n", :type :var} {:name get-raw-text, :file "clj_jgit/diff.clj", :line 13, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Returns a new `org.eclipse.jgit.diff.RawText` instance for given string `s`\n", :type :var} {:name raw-text-comparator-modes, :file "clj_jgit/diff.clj", :line 7, :type :var})} {:name clj-jgit.internal, :publics ({:name bound-commit, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 33, :arglists ([repo rev-walk rev-commit]), :doc "Find a RevCommit object in a RevWalk and bound to it.\n", :type :var} {:name canonical-tree-parser, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 98, :arglists ([repo commit-ref]), :doc "Returns a new `org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.CanonicalTreeParser` instance that reflects the repo state at given `commit-ref`\n", :type :var} {:name close-rev-walk, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 18, :arglists ([rev-walk]), :doc "If given `rev-walk` is a JGit RevWalk instance release any of it's used resources, returns nil either way\n", :type :var} {:name get-head-commit, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 109, :arglists ([repo]), :doc "Return HEAD RevCommit instance\n", :type :var} {:name get-refs, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 86, :arglists ([repo prefix]), :type :var} {:name new-rev-walk, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 13, :arglists ([repo]), :doc "Creates a new RevWalk instance (mutable), it's a good idea to use `close-rev-walk` once you are done. ;)\n", :type :var} {:name new-tree-walk, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 24, :arglists ([repo rev-commit]), :doc "Create new recursive TreeWalk instance (mutable)\n", :type :var} {:name ref-database, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 82, :arglists ([repo]), :type :var} {:name ref-spec, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 10, :arglists ([str]), :type :var} {:name Resolvable, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 38, :doc "Protocol for things that resolve ObjectId's.\n", :type :protocol, :members ({:name resolve-object, :arglists ([commit-ish repo]), :doc "Find ObjectId instance for any Git name: commit-ish, tree-ish or blob. Accepts ObjectId instances and just passes them through.\n", :type :var})} {:name rev-tree-by-commit, :file "clj_jgit/internal.clj", :line 90, :arglists ([rev-walk rev-commit & {:keys [dispose-rev-walk?], :or {dispose-rev-walk? true}}]), :doc "Get a new `RevTree` instance for given `rev-commit`, auto-closes given `rev-walk` unless optional `:dispose-rev-walk?` arg is set to `false`\n", :type :var})} {:name clj-jgit.porcelain, :publics ({:name *cred-provider*, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 48, :dynamic true, :type :var} {:name *known-hosts-file*, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 52, :dynamic true, :type :var} {:name *ssh-key-dir*, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 49, :dynamic true, :type :var} {:name *ssh-key-name*, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 50, :dynamic true, :type :var} {:name *ssh-key-passphrase*, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 51, :dynamic true, :type :var} {:name *transport-callback*, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 154, :dynamic true, :type :var} {:name blame-result, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1803, :arglists ([blame]), :type :var} {:name branch-list-modes, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 264, :type :var} {:name branch-rebase-modes, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1072, :type :var} {:name branch-upstream-modes, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 309, :type :var} {:name checkout-stage-modes, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 363, :type :var} {:name clone-cmd, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 475, :arglists ([uri]), :type :var} {:name diff-supported-algorithms, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1822, :type :var} {:name discover-repo, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 33, :doc "Discover a Git repository in a path.\n", :type :multimethod} {:name fetch-cmd, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 794, :arglists ([repo]), :type :var} {:name fetch-recurse-submodules-modes, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 799, :type :var} {:name get-blob, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1883, :arglists ([repo commit path]), :type :var} {:name get-blob-id, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1878, :arglists ([repo commit path]), :type :var} {:name git-add, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 237, :arglists ([repo file-patterns & {:keys [update? working-tree-iterator], :or {update? false, working-tree-iterator nil}}]), :doc "Add file contents to the index. `file-patterns` is either a String with a repository-relative path of the\nfile/directory to be added or coll of Strings with paths. If a directory name is given all files in the directory are\nadded recursively. Fileglobs (e.g. *.txt) are not yet supported.\n\n Options:\n\n :update? If set to true, the command only matches file-patterns\n against already tracked files in the index rather than\n the working tree. That means that it will never stage new\n files, but that it will stage modified new contents of\n tracked files and that it will remove files from the index\n if the corresponding files in the working tree have been\n removed. (default: false)\n :working-tree-iterator Set the WorkingTreeIterator to be used. If nil a standard\n FileTreeIterator is used. (default: nil)\n", :type :var} {:name git-blame, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1826, :arglists ([repo path & {:keys [diff-algo follow-mv? jgit? reverse start text-comparator], :or {diff-algo nil, follow-mv? false, jgit? false, reverse nil, start nil, text-comparator nil}}]), :doc "Show blame result for given `path`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:diff-algo Keyword that sets the used diff algorithm, supported algorithms:\n :histogram\n :myers\n (default: nil)\n:follow-mv? If true renames are followed using the standard FollowFilter\n behavior used by RevWalk (which matches git log --follow in the\n C implementation). This is not the same as copy/move detection\n as implemented by the C implementation's of git blame -M -C.\n (default: false)\n:jgit? If true returns the JGit object instead. (default: false)\n:reverse Compute reverse blame (history of deletes). Map of format\n {:start Resolvable :end Resolvable}:\n :start Oldest commit to traverse from. Result file will be\n loaded from this commit's tree.\n :end Most recent commit(s) to stop traversal at. Usually\n an active branch tip, tag, or HEAD. Accepts a single\n Resolvable or a coll with those.\n (default: nil)\n:start A Resolvable that sets the start commit. (default: nil)\n:text-comparator Pass a JGit RawTextComparator. (default: nil)\n", :type :var} {:name git-branch-attached?, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 304, :arglists ([repo]), :doc "Is the given `repo` on a branch (true) or in a detached HEAD state?\n", :type :var} {:name git-branch-create, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 314, :arglists ([repo branch-name & {:keys [force? start-point upstream-mode], :or {force? false, start-point nil, upstream-mode nil}}]), :doc "Create a new local branch for given `repo`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:force? If true and the branch with the given name already exists, the\n start-point of an existing branch will be set to a new :start-point;\n if false, the existing branch will not be changed.\n (default: false)\n:start-point String that corresponds to the start-point option; if null, the\n current HEAD will be used. (default: nil)\n:upstream-mode Optional keyword that configures branch tracking:\n :no-track\n :set-upstream\n :track\n (default: nil)\n", :type :var} {:name git-branch-current, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 290, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [jgit?], :or {jgit? false}}]), :doc "The current branch name of given `repo`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:jgit? If true returns the unmodified output by JGit. (default: false)\n", :type :var} {:name git-branch-delete, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 344, :arglists ([repo branch-names & {:keys [force?], :or {force? false}}]), :doc "Delete one or several branches. `branch-names` may be either a string or a coll of strings. The result is a list with\nthe (full) names of the deleted branches. Note that we don't have a option corresponding to the -r option; remote\ntracking branches are simply deleted just like local branches.\n\n Options:\n\n :force? true corresponds to the -D option, false to the -d option. If false a check\n will be performed whether the branch to be deleted is already merged into\n the current branch and deletion will be refused in this case.\n (default: false)\n", :type :var} {:name git-branch-list, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 271, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [jgit? list-mode], :or {jgit? false, list-mode :local}}]), :doc "Get a list of branch names for given `repo`. Returns a seq of strings.\n\nOptions:\n\n:jgit? If true returns a seq with JGit objects instead. (default: false)\n:list-mode :all, :local or :remote (default: :local)\n", :type :var} {:name git-checkout, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 368, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [all-paths? create-branch? force? monitor name orphan? paths stage start-point upstream-mode], :or {all-paths? false, create-branch? false, start-point nil, stage nil, name nil, paths nil, upstream-mode nil, force? false, monitor nil, orphan? false}}]), :doc "Checkout a branch to the working tree.\n\nOptions:\n\n:all-paths? Do a path checkout on the entire repository. If this option is set,\n neither the :create-branch? nor :name option is considered. In\n other words, these options are exclusive. (default: false)\n:create-branch? If true a branch will be created as part of the checkout and set to\n the specified :start-point. (default: false)\n:force? If true and the branch with the given name already exists, the\n start point of an existing branch will be set to a new start-point;\n if false, the existing branch will not be changed. (default: false)\n:monitor Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.\n (default: nil)\n:name The name of the branch or commit to check out, or the new branch name.\n When only checking out paths and not switching branches, use\n :start-point to specify from which branch or commit to check out\n files. When :create-branch? is set to true, use this option to set\n the name of the new branch and :start-point to specify the\n start-point of the branch. (default: nil)\n:orphan? Whether to create a new orphan branch. If true , the name of the new\n orphan branch must be set using :name. The commit at which to start\n the new orphan branch can be set using :start-point; if not\n specified, \"HEAD\" is used. (default: false)\n:paths String or coll of strings with path(s) to check out. If this option is\n set, neither the :create-branch? nor :name option is considered.\n In other words, these options are exclusive. (default: nil)\n:stage When checking out the index, check out the specified stage for\n unmerged paths. This can not be used when checking out a branch, only\n when checking out the index. Keywords:\n :base Base stage (#1)\n :ours Ours stage (#2)\n :theirs Theirs stage (#3)\n (default: nil)\n:start-point String that corresponds to the --start-point option. When checking\n out :paths and this is not specified or null, the index is used.\n When creating a new branch, this will be used as the start point. If\n null, the current HEAD will be used. (default: nil)\n:upstream-mode Optional keyword that configures branch tracking when creating a new\n branch with :create-branch?.\n Modes are:\n :no-track\n :set-upstream\n :track\n (default: nil)\n\nUsage examples:\n\nCheck out an existing branch:\n\n (git-checkout repo :name \"feature\");\n\nCheck out paths from the index:\n\n (git-checkout repo :paths [\"file1.txt\" \"file2.txt\"]);\n\nCheck out a path from a commit:\n\n (git-checkout repo :start-point \"HEAD\" :paths \"file1.txt\");\n\nCreate a new branch and make it the current branch:\n\n (git-checkout repo :create-branch? true :name \"newbranch\");\n\nCreate a new tracking branch for a remote branch and make it the current branch:\n\n (git-checkout repo :create-branch? true :name \"stable\"\n :upstream-mode :set-upstream :start-point \"origin/stable\");\n", :type :var} {:name git-cherry-pick, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 468, :type :var} {:name git-clean, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1773, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [dirs? dry-run? force? ignore? paths], :or {dirs? false, dry-run? false, force? false, ignore? true, paths nil}}]), :doc "Remove untracked files from the working tree.\n\nOptions:\n\n:dirs? If true directories are also cleaned. (default: false)\n:dry-run? When true the paths in question will not actually be deleted.\n (default: false)\n:force? If force is set, directories that are git repositories will also be\n deleted. (default: false)\n:ignore? Don't report/clean files or dirs that are ignored by a `.gitignore`.\n (default: true)\n:paths String or coll of strings with repository-relative paths to limit the\n cleaning to. (default: nil)\n", :type :var} {:name git-clone, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 481, :arglists ([uri & {:keys [bare? branch callback clone-all? clone-branches clone-subs? dir depth git-dir no-checkout? mirror? monitor remote tags], :or {branch "master", callback nil, remote nil, tags :auto-follow, bare? false, clone-branches nil, dir nil, mirror? false, clone-subs? false, clone-all? true, git-dir nil, no-checkout? false, monitor nil, depth nil}}]), :doc "Clone a repository into a new working directory from given `uri`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:bare? Whether the cloned repository shall be bare. (default: false)\n:branch The initial branch to check out when cloning the repository. Can be\n specified as ref name (\"refs/heads/master\"), branch name\n (\"master\") or tag name (\"v1.2.3\"). If set to nil \"HEAD\"\n is used. (default: \"master\")\n:callback Register a progress callback. See JGit CloneCommand.Callback\n interface. (default: nil)\n:clone-all? Whether all branches have to be fetched. (default: true)\n:clone-branches String or coll of strings of branch(es) to clone. Ignored when\n :clone-all? is true. Branches must be specified as full ref\n names (e.g. \"refs/heads/master\"). (default: nil)\n:clone-subs? If true; initialize and update submodules. Ignored when :bare?\n is true. (default: false)\n:dir The optional directory associated with the clone operation. If\n the directory isn't set, a name associated with the source uri\n will be used. (default: nil)\n:depth Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits. (default: nil)\n:git-dir The repository meta directory (.git). (default: nil = automatic)\n:no-checkout? If set to true no branch will be checked out after the clone.\n This enhances performance of the clone command when there is no\n need for a checked out branch. (default: false)\n:mirror? Set up a mirror of the source repository. This implies that a\n bare repository will be created. Compared to :bare?, :mirror?\n not only maps local branches of the source to local branches of\n the target, it maps all refs (including remote-tracking branches,\n notes etc.) and sets up a refspec configuration such that all\n these refs are overwritten by a git remote update in the target\n repository. (default: false)\n:monitor Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.\n (default: nil)\n:remote The remote name used to keep track of the upstream repository for the\n clone operation. If no remote name is set, \"origin\" is used.\n (default: nil)\n:tags Set the tag option used for the remote configuration explicitly.\n Options:\n :auto-follow - Automatically follow tags if we fetch the thing they point at.\n :fetch-tags - Always fetch tags, even if we do not have the thing it points at.\n :no-tags - Never fetch tags, even if we have the thing it points at.\n (default: :auto-follow)\n", :type :var} {:name git-commit, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 597, :arglists ([repo message & {:keys [all? allow-empty? amend? author committer insert-change-id? no-verify? only reflog-comment sign? signing-key signing-pw signing-provider], :or {sign? nil, signing-pw nil, only nil, reflog-comment "", all? false, committer nil, signing-key nil, insert-change-id? false, author nil, allow-empty? true, no-verify? false, signing-provider nil, amend? false}}]), :doc "Record changes to given `repo`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:all? If set to true the Commit command automatically stages files that\n have been modified and deleted, but new files not known by the\n repository are not affected. This corresponds to the parameter -a\n on the command line. (default: false)\n:allow-empty? Whether it should be allowed to create a commit which has the\n same tree as it's sole predecessor (a commit which doesn't\n change anything). By default when creating standard commits\n (without specifying paths) JGit allows to create such commits.\n When this flag is set to false an attempt to create an \"empty\"\n standard commit will lead to an EmptyCommitException.\n (default: true)\n:amend? Used to amend the tip of the current branch. If set to true, the\n previous commit will be amended. This is equivalent to --amend\n on the command line. (default: false)\n:author A map of format {:name \"me\" :email \"me@foo.net\"}. If no\n author is explicitly specified the author will be set to the\n committer or to the original author when amending. (default: nil)\n:committer A map of format {:name \"me\" :email \"me@foo.net\"}. If no\n committer is explicitly specified the committer will be deduced\n from config info in current repository, with current time.\n (default: nil)\n:insert-change-id? If set to true a change id will be inserted into the commit\n message. An existing change id is not replaced. An initial change\n id (I000...) will be replaced by the change id.\n (default: nil)\n:no-verify? Whether this commit should *not* be verified by the pre-commit and\n commit-msg hooks. (default: false)\n:only String or coll of strings. If set commit dedicated path(s) only.\n Full file paths are supported as well as directory paths; in the\n latter case this commits all files/directories below the specified\n path. (default: nil)\n:reflog-comment Override the message written to the reflog or pass nil to specify\n that no reflog should be written. If an empty string is passed\n Git's default reflog msg is used. (default: \"\")\n:sign? Sign the commit? If nil the git config is used (commit.gpgSign).\n Note that unprotected GPG keys are currently not supported by JGit.\n (default: nil)\n:signing-key The GPG key id used for signing. If nil the git config is used (user.signingKey).\n (default: nil)\n:signing-pw The key password for the default credentials provider.\n (default: nil)\n:signing-provider Pass a custom CredentialsProvider instance, overrides :signing-pw.\n (default: nil)\n", :type :var} {:name git-config-get, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 713, :arglists ([git-config config-key]), :doc "Return Git config value as string for given Git `config-key`. Note that config keys that are not explicitly set in\nglobal/current repo config will always return nil and not the default value.", :type :var} {:name git-config-load, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 693, :arglists ([repo]), :doc "Return mutable JGit StoredConfig object for given `repo`.\n", :type :var} {:name git-config-save, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 699, :arglists ([git-config]), :doc "Save given `git-config` to repo's `.git/config` file.\n", :type :var} {:name git-config-set, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 720, :arglists ([git-config config-key config-value]), :doc "Set given `config-value` for given Git `config-key`, always returns the passed JGit StoredConfig object.\n", :type :var} {:name git-diff, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 728, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [cached? context-lines destination-prefix new-tree old-tree new-commit old-commit output-stream path-filter monitor name-and-status-only? source-prefix], :or {new-commit nil, context-lines -1, source-prefix "a/", old-tree nil, old-commit nil, output-stream (ByteArrayOutputStream.), path-filter PathFilter/ALL, new-tree nil, name-and-status-only? false, destination-prefix "b/", monitor nil, cached? false}}]), :doc "Diff given `repo`, returns a OutputStream instance. Passing no other arguments is equivalent to running git status.\nUse `:new-commit` and `:old-commit` to specify a range for the diff, i.e.:\n\n (git-diff repo :old-commit \"aaae79\" :new-commit \"HEAD\")\n\n Options:\n\n :context-lines `integer` that sets the number of lines of context shown before and after a modification.\n (default: 3)\n :monitor Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.\n (default: nil)\n :destination-prefix A purely cosmetic `string` used for the new side in the output. Can be empty but not nil.\n (default: \"b/\")\n :name-and-status-only? If true only returns a vector with DiffEntries (filename and change status)\n (default: false)\n :new-commit Any `Resolvable` commit-ref used as end point for the diff.\n default: nil (HEAD)\n :new-tree Same as :new-tree but takes a CanonicalTreeParser instance. Takes precedence over :new-commit.\n default: nil (HEAD)\n :old-commit Any `Resolvable` commit-ref used as starting point for the diff.\n default: nil (HEAD)\n :old-tree Same as :old-tree but takes a CanonicalTreeParser instance. Takes precedence over :old-commit.\n default: nil (HEAD)\n :path-filter An `org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter` instance that limits the result, i.e.:\n `(PathFilter/create \"project.clj\")`. See `org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter` namespace for\n all available filters or implement your own.\n (default: PathFilter/ALL)\n :output-stream The `OutputStream` instance the formatted diff is written to. Ignored if\n `:name-and-status-only?` is true.\n (default: ByteArrayOutputStream.)\n :source-prefix A purely cosmetic `string` used for the old side in the output. Can be empty but not nil.\n (default: \"a/\")", :type :var} {:name git-fetch, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 809, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [callback check-fetched? dry-run? force? monitor recurse-subs ref-specs remote rm-deleted-refs? tag-opt thin?], :or {tag-opt nil, callback nil, rm-deleted-refs? nil, remote nil, ref-specs nil, thin? true, dry-run? false, check-fetched? false, force? false, recurse-subs nil, monitor nil}}]), :doc "Fetch changes from upstream `repo`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:callback Register a progress callback. See JGit FetchCommand.Callback\n interface. (default: nil)\n:check-fetched? If set to true, objects received will be checked for validity.\n (default: false)\n:dry-run? Whether to do a dry run. (default: false)\n:force? Update refs affected by the fetch forcefully? (default: false)\n:monitor Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.\n (default: nil)\n:recurse-subs Keyword that corresponds to the --(no-)recurse-submodules\n options. If nil use the value of the\n submodule.name.fetchRecurseSubmodules option configured per\n submodule. If not specified there, use the value of the\n fetch.recurseSubmodules option configured in git config. If not\n configured in either, :on-demand is the built-in default.\n :no\n :on-demand\n :yes\n (default: nil)\n:ref-specs String or coll of strings of RefSpecs to be used in the fetch\n operation. (default: nil)\n:remote The remote (uri or name) used for the fetch operation. If no\n remote is set \"origin\" is used. (default: nil)\n:rm-deleted-refs? If set to true, refs are removed which no longer exist in the\n source. If nil the Git repo config is used, if no config could\n be found false is used. (default: nil)\n:tag-opt Keyword that sets the specification of annotated tag behavior\n during fetch:\n :auto-follow Automatically follow tags if we fetch the thing\n they point at.\n :fetch-tags Always fetch tags, even if we do not have the\n thing it points at.\n :no-tags Never fetch tags, even if we have the thing it\n points at.\n (default: nil)\n:thin? Sets the thin-pack preference for fetch operation. (default: true)\n", :type :var} {:name git-fetch-all, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 884, :arglists ([repo] [repo remote]), :doc "Fetch all refs from upstream `repo`\n", :type :var} {:name git-init, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 891, :arglists ([& {:keys [bare? dir git-dir initial-branch], :or {bare? false, dir ".", git-dir nil, initial-branch "master"}}]), :doc "Initialize and return a new Git repository, if no options are passed a non-bare repo is created at user.dir\n\nOptions:\n\n:bare? Whether the repository is bare or not. (default: false)\n:dir The optional directory associated with the init operation. If no directory\n is set, we'll use the current directory. (default: \".\")\n:git-dir Set the repository meta directory (.git). (default: nil = use default)\n:initial-branch Set the initial branch of the new repository. (default: \"master\")\n", :type :var} {:name git-log, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 938, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [all? jgit? max-count paths range rev-filter since skip until], :or {max-count nil, range nil, skip nil, since nil, rev-filter nil, all? false, until nil, paths nil, jgit? false}}]), :doc "Returns a seq of maps representing the commit history for current branch of given `repo`. `:range` is equal to\nsetting both ยด:since` and `:until`. To include the commit referenced by `:since ObjectId` in the returned seq append\nthe ObjectId with a `^`, i.e. `:since \"d13c67^\"`.\n\n Options:\n\n :all? Add all refs as commits to start the graph traversal from.\n (default: false)\n :jgit? If true returns a seq with the untouched JGit objects instead.\n (default: false)\n :max-count Limit the number of commits to output. (default: nil)\n :paths String or coll of strings; show only commits that affect any of the\n specified paths. The path must either name a file or a directory exactly\n and use / (slash) as separator. Note that regex expressions or wildcards\n are not supported. (default: nil)\n :range Map with format {:since Resolvable :until Resolvable}. Adds the range\n since..until. (default: nil)\n :rev-filter Set a RevFilter for the LogCommand. (default: nil)\n :since Same as --not until, or ^until; `until` being a Resolvable, i.e.\n \"HEAD\", ObjectId, etc. (default: nil)\n :skip Number of commits to skip before starting to show the log output.\n (default: nil)\n :until Resolvable (\"master\", ObjectId, etc) to start graph traversal from.\n (default: nil)\n", :type :var} {:name git-ls-remote, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1469, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [heads? remote tags? upload-pack], :or {heads? false, remote nil, tags? false, upload-pack nil}}]), :doc "List references in a remote `repo`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:heads? Whether to include refs/heads. (default: false)\n:remote The remote (uri or name) used for the fetch operation. If nil, the\n repo config will be used. (default: nil)\n:tags? Whether to include refs/tags in references results. (default: false)\n:upload-pack The full path of executable providing the git-upload-pack service on\n remote host. (default: nil)\n", :type :var} {:name git-merge, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1012, :arglists ([repo refs & {:keys [commit? ff-mode message monitor squash? strategy], :or {commit? true, ff-mode nil, message nil, monitor nil, squash? false, strategy :recursive}}]), :doc "Merge given `refs` into current branch. `refs` may be anything supported by the Resolvable protocol, which also\nincludes any sequential? with Resolvable(s), i.e. [\"HEAD\", ObjectId, \"d13c67\"].\n\n Options:\n\n :commit? true if this command should commit (this is the default behavior). false\n if this command should not commit. In case the merge was successful but\n this flag was set to false a MergeResult with status\n MergeResult.MergeStatus.MERGED_NOT_COMMITTED is returned. (default: true)\n :ff-mode Keyword that corresponds to the --ff/--no-ff/--ff-only options. If nil\n use the value of the merge.ff option configured in git config. If this\n option is not configured --ff is the built-in default.\n :ff\n :ff-only\n :no-ff\n (default: nil)\n :message Set the commit message to be used for the merge commit (in case one is\n created). (default: nil)\n :monitor Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface. (default: nil)\n :squash? If true, will prepare the next commit in working tree and index as if a\n real merge happened, but do not make the commit or move the HEAD.\n Otherwise, perform the merge and commit the result. In case the merge was\n successful but this flag was set to true a MergeResult with status\n MergeResult.MergeStatus.MERGED_SQUASHED or\n MergeResult.MergeStatus.FAST_FORWARD_SQUASHED is returned. (default: false)\n :strategy The MergeStrategy to be used. A method of combining two or more trees\n together to form an output tree. Different strategies may employ different\n techniques for deciding which paths (and ObjectIds) to carry from the input\n trees into the final output tree:\n :ours Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the first\n input tree.\n :recursive Recursive strategy to merge paths.\n :resolve Simple strategy to merge paths.\n :simple-two-way Simple strategy to merge paths, without simultaneous\n edits.\n :theirs Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the second\n input tree.\n (default: :recursive)\n", :type :var} {:name git-notes, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1888, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [ref], :or {ref "commits"}}]), :doc "Return list of note objects for given `:ref`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:ref The name of the ref in \"refs/notes/\" to read notes from. Note, the default\n value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.\n (default: \"commits\")\n", :type :var} {:name git-notes-add, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1920, :arglists ([repo message & {:keys [commit ref], :or {commit nil, ref "commits"}}]), :doc "Add a note for a given `:commit` and `:ref`, replacing any existing note for that commit.\n\nOptions:\n\n:commit The RevCommit object the note should be added to. When nil the current \"HEAD\"\n is used. (default: nil)\n:ref The name of the ref in \"refs/notes/\" to read notes from. Note, the default\n value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.\n (default: \"commits\")\n", :type :var} {:name git-notes-append, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1940, :arglists ([repo message & {:keys [commit ref], :or {commit nil, ref "commits"}}]), :doc "Append a note for a given `:commit` and `:ref`, given message is concatenated with a `\n` char.\n\n Options:\n\n :commit The RevCommit object the note should be added to. When nil the current \"HEAD\"\n is used. (default: nil)\n :ref The name of the ref in \"refs/notes/\" to read notes from. Note, the default\n value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.\n (default: \"commits\")\n ", :type :var} {:name git-notes-show, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1903, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [ref], :or {ref "commits"}}]), :doc "Return note string for given `:ref`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:ref The name of the ref in \"refs/notes/\" to read notes from. Note, the default\n value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.\n (default: \"commits\")\n", :type :var} {:name git-pull, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1082, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [ff-mode monitor rebase-mode recurse-subs remote remote-branch strategy tag-opt], :or {ff-mode nil, monitor nil, rebase-mode nil, recurse-subs nil, remote nil, remote-branch nil, strategy :recursive, tag-opt nil}}]), :doc "Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch.\n\nOptions:\n\n:ff-mode Keyword that corresponds to the --ff/--no-ff/--ff-only options. If\n nil use the value of pull.ff configured in git config. If pull.ff\n is not configured fall back to the value of merge.ff. If merge.ff\n is not configured --ff is the built-in default.\n :ff\n :ff-only\n :no-ff\n (default: nil)\n:monitor Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.\n (default: nil)\n:rebase-mode Keyword that sets the rebase mode to use after fetching:\n :rebase Equivalent to --rebase: use rebase instead of merge\n after fetching.\n :merges Equivalent to --rebase-merges: the local merge commits are included in the rebase.\n :interactive Equivalent to --interactive: use interactive rebase.\n :none Equivalent to --no-rebase: merge instead of rebasing.\n When nil use the setting defined in the git configuration, either\n branch.[name].rebase or, if not set, pull.rebase. This setting\n overrides the settings in the configuration file.\n (default: nil)\n:recurse-subs Corresponds to the --recurse-submodules/--no-recurse-submodules\n options. If nil use the value of the\n submodule.name.fetchRecurseSubmodules option configured per\n submodule. If not specified there, use the value of the\n fetch.recurseSubmodules option configured in git config. If not\n configured in either, :on-demand is the built-in default.\n :no\n :on-demand\n :yes\n (default: nil)\n:remote The remote (uri or name) to be used for the pull operation. If no\n remote is set, the branch's configuration will be used. If the\n branch configuration is missing \"origin\" is used.\n (default: nil)\n:remote-branch The remote branch name to be used for the pull operation. If nil,\n the branch's configuration will be used. If the branch\n configuration is missing the remote branch with the same name as\n the current branch is used. (default: nil)\n:strategy Keyword that sets the merge strategy to use during this pull\n operation:\n :ours Simple strategy that sets the output tree to\n the first input tree.\n :recursive Recursive strategy to merge paths.\n :resolve Simple strategy to merge paths.\n :simple-two-way Simple strategy to merge paths, without\n simultaneous edits.\n :theirs Simple strategy that sets the output tree to\n the second input tree.\n (default: :recursive)\n:tag-opt Keyword that sets the specification of annotated tag behavior\n during fetch:\n :auto-follow Automatically follow tags if we fetch the thing\n they point at.\n :fetch-tags Always fetch tags, even if we do not have the\n thing it points at.\n :no-tags Never fetch tags, even if we have the thing it\n points at.\n (default: nil)\n\nExample usage:\n\n(gitp/with-identity {:name \"~/.ssh/id_rsa\" :exclusive true}\n (gitp/git-pull repo :remote \"my-remote\"))\n", :type :var} {:name git-push, :file "clj_jgit/porcelain.clj", :line 1180, :arglists ([repo & {:keys [all? atomic? dry-run? force? monitor options output-stream receive-pack ref-lease-specs ref-specs refs remote tags? thin?], :or {options nil, tags? false, remote nil, ref-specs nil, output-stream nil, all? false, receive-pack nil, atomic? false, refs nil, thin? false, ref-lease-specs nil, dry-run? false, force? false, monitor nil}}]), :doc "Update remote refs along with associated objects for given `repo`.\n\nOptions:\n\n:all? Push all branches under `refs/heads/*`, equal to\n :refs \"refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*\". (default: false)\n:atomic? Requests atomic push (all references updated, or no updates).\n (default: false)\n:dry-run? Whether to run the push operation as a dry run. (default: false)\n:force? Corresponds to --force option. (default: false)\n:monitor Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.\n (default: nil)\n:options String or coll of strings that corresponds to --push-option=