{:group-id "org.saidone", :artifact-id "cral", :version "0.3.0", :analysis {"clj" ({:name cral.api.auth, :publics ({:name create-ticket, :file "cral/api/auth.clj", :line 26, :arglists ([username password & [opts]]), :doc "Logs in and returns the new authentication ticket.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Authentication%20API#/authentication/createTicket).", :type :var} {:name delete-ticket, :file "cral/api/auth.clj", :line 53, :arglists ([ticket & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes logged in ticket (logout).\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Authentication%20API#/authentication/deleteTicket).", :type :var} {:name validate-ticket, :file "cral/api/auth.clj", :line 47, :arglists ([ticket & [opts]]), :doc "Check if the specified ticket is still valid.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Authentication%20API#/authentication/validateTicket).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.activities, :publics ({:name list-activities, :file "cral/api/core/activities.clj", :line 26, :arglists ([ticket person-id] [ticket person-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of activities for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/activities/listActivitiesForPerson).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.comments, :publics ({:name create-comment, :file "cral/api/core/comments.clj", :line 43, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Creates a comment on node `node-id`. You specify the comment in a `body` like this:\n```clojure\n(model/map->CreateCommentBody {:content \"This is a comment\"))})\n```\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/comments/createComment).", :type :var} {:name delete-comment, :file "cral/api/core/comments.clj", :line 76, :arglists ([ticket node-id comment-id & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes the comment `comment-id` from node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/comments/deleteComment).", :type :var} {:name list-comments, :file "cral/api/core/comments.clj", :line 30, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of comments for the node `node-id`, sorted chronologically with the newest comment first.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/comments/listComments).", :type :var} {:name update-comment, :file "cral/api/core/comments.clj", :line 61, :arglists ([ticket node-id comment-id body] [ticket node-id comment-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Updates an existing comment `comment-id` on node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/comments/updateComment).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.downloads, :publics ({:name create-download, :file "cral/api/core/downloads.clj", :line 29, :arglists ([ticket body] [ticket body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Creates a new download node asynchronously, the content of which will be the zipped content of the **node-ids** specified in the `body` like this:\n```clojure\n(model/->CreateDownloadBody [\"514ddb33-c5ae-4f7f-a3b2-7ec529f57d54\" \"24c440c8-e015-4879-aeb3-ac3d03dd1440\"])\n```\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/downloads/createDownload).", :type :var} {:name delete-download, :file "cral/api/core/downloads.clj", :line 60, :arglists ([ticket download-id & [opts]]), :doc "Cancels the creation of a download request.\\\n**Note:** The download node can be deleted using [[nodes/delete-node]].\\\nBy default, if the download node is not deleted it will be picked up by a cleaner job which removes download nodes older than a configurable amount of time (default is 1 hour).\nInformation about the existing progress at the time of cancelling can be retrieved by calling the [[get-download]] function.\nThe cancel operation is done asynchronously.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/downloads/cancelDownload).", :type :var} {:name get-download, :file "cral/api/core/downloads.clj", :line 47, :arglists ([ticket download-id] [ticket download-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Retrieve status information for download node `download-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/downloads/getDownload).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.favorites, :publics ({:name create-favorite, :file "cral/api/core/favorites.clj", :line 41, :arglists ([ticket person-id body] [ticket person-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Favorite a site, file, or folder in the repository.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/favorites/createFavorite).", :type :var} {:name delete-favorite, :file "cral/api/core/favorites.clj", :line 71, :arglists ([ticket person-id favorite-id & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes `favorite-id` as a favorite of person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/favorites/deleteFavorite).", :type :var} {:name get-favorite, :file "cral/api/core/favorites.clj", :line 57, :arglists ([ticket person-id favorite-id] [ticket person-id favorite-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets favorite `favorite-id` for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/favorites/getFavorite).", :type :var} {:name list-favorites, :file "cral/api/core/favorites.clj", :line 27, :arglists ([ticket person-id] [ticket person-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of favorites for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/favorites/listFavorites).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.groups, :publics ({:name create-group, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 66, :arglists ([ticket body] [ticket body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Create a group.\nThe group id must start with \"GROUP_\". If this is omitted it will be added automatically.\nThis format is also returned when listing groups or group memberships. It should be noted that the other group-related operations also expect the id to start with \"GROUP_\".\nIf one or more **parent-ids** are specified then the group will be created and become a member of each of the specified parent groups.\nIf no **parent-ids** are specified then the group will be created as a root group.\nThe group will be created in the **APP.DEFAULT** and **AUTH.ALF** zones.\nYou must have admin rights to create a group.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/createGroup).", :type :var} {:name create-group-membership, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 134, :arglists ([ticket group-id body] [ticket group-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Create a group membership (for an existing person or group) within a group `group-id`.\nIf the added group was previously a root group then it becomes a non-root group since it now has a parent.\nIt is an error to specify an id that does not exist.\nYou must have admin rights to create a group membership.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/createGroupMembership).", :type :var} {:name delete-group, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 117, :arglists ([ticket group-id] [ticket group-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Delete group `group-id`.\nThe option to cascade delete applies this recursively to any hierarchy of group members.\nIn this case, removing a group member does not delete the person or sub-group itself.\nIf a removed sub-group no longer has any parent groups then it becomes a root group.\nYou must have admin rights to delete a group.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/deleteGroup).", :type :var} {:name delete-group-membership, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 166, :arglists ([ticket group-id group-member-id & [opts]]), :doc "Delete group member `group-member-id` (person or sub-group) from group `group-id`.\nRemoving a group member does not delete the person or sub-group itself.\nIf a removed sub-group no longer has any parent groups then it becomes a root group.\nYou must have admin rights to delete a group membership.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/deleteGroupMembership).", :type :var} {:name get-group-details, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 87, :arglists ([ticket group-id] [ticket group-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Get details for group `group-id`.\nYou can use the **include** parameter in `query-params` to return additional information.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/getGroup).", :type :var} {:name list-group-memberships, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 152, :arglists ([ticket group-id] [ticket group-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of the group memberships for the group `group-id`.\nYou can use the **where** parameter in `query-params` to filter the returned groups by **member-type**.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/listGroupMemberships).", :type :var} {:name list-groups, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 52, :arglists ([ticket] [ticket query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of groups.\nYou can use the **include** parameter in `query-params` to return additional information.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/listGroups).", :type :var} {:name list-user-group-memberships, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 37, :arglists ([ticket person-id] [ticket person-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of group membership information for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\nYou can use the **include** parameter in `query-params` to return additional information.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/listGroupMembershipsForPerson).", :type :var} {:name update-group-details, :file "cral/api/core/groups.clj", :line 101, :arglists ([ticket group-id body] [ticket group-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Update details (display-name) for group `group-id`.\nYou must have admin rights to update a group.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/groups/updateGroup).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.nodes, :publics ({:name copy-node, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 121, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Copy the node `node-id` to the parent folder node **target-parent-id**. The **target-parent-id** should be specified in the request `body`.\nThe new node will have the same name as the source node unless a new **name** is specified in the request `body`.\nIf the source `node-id` is a folder then all of its children are also copied.\nIf the source `node-id` is a file then its properties, aspects and tags will be copied, its ratings, comments and locks will not.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/copyNode).", :type :var} {:name create-node, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 106, :arglists ([ticket parent-id body] [ticket parent-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Create a node and add it as a primary child of node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/createNode).", :type :var} {:name create-node-assocs, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 276, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Create an association, with the given association type, between the source `node-id` and a target node.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/createAssociation).", :type :var} {:name create-secondary-child, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 219, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Create a secondary child association, with the given association type, between the parent `node-id` and a child node.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/createSecondaryChildAssociation).", :type :var} {:name delete-node, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 79, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Delete the node `node-id`. If **node-id** is a folder, then its children are also deleted.\nDeleted nodes are moved to the trashcan unless the **permanent** query parameter is set to **true**.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/deleteNode).", :type :var} {:name delete-node-assocs, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 304, :arglists ([ticket node-id target-id] [ticket node-id target-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Delete an association, or associations, from the source `node-id` to a target node for the given association type.\nIf the association type is not specified, then all peer associations, of any type, in the direction from source to target, will be deleted.\\\n**Note:** After removal of the peer association, or associations, from source to target, the two nodes may still have peer associations in the other direction.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/deleteAssociation).", :type :var} {:name delete-secondary-child, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 247, :arglists ([ticket node-id child-id] [ticket node-id child-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Delete secondary child associations between the parent `node-id` and child nodes for the given association type.\nIf the association type is not specified, then all secondary child associations, of any type in the direction from parent to secondary child, will be deleted.\nThe child will still have a primary parent and may still be associated as a secondary child with other secondary parents.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/deleteSecondaryChildAssociation).", :type :var} {:name get-node, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 51, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Get information for node `node-id`. You can use the **include** parameter in `query-params` to return additional information.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/getNode).", :type :var} {:name get-node-content, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 187, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets the content of the node with identifier `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/getNodeContent).", :type :var} {:name list-node-children, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 93, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of children of the parent node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/listNodeChildren).", :type :var} {:name list-parents, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 262, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of parent nodes that are associated with the current child `node-id`.\nThe list includes both the primary parent and any secondary parents.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/listParents).", :type :var} {:name list-secondary-children, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 234, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of secondary child nodes that are associated with the current parent `node-id`, via a secondary child association.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/listSecondaryChildren).", :type :var} {:name list-source-assocs, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 319, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of source nodes that are associated with the current target `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/listSourceAssociations).", :type :var} {:name list-target-assocs, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 291, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of target nodes that are associated with the current source `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/listTargetAssociations).", :type :var} {:name lock-node, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 139, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Places a lock on node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/lockNode).", :type :var} {:name move-node, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 168, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Move the node `node-id` to the parent folder node **target-parent-id**.\nThe **target-parent-id** is specified in the in request `body`.\nThe moved node retains its name unless you specify a new name in the request `body`.\nIf the source `node-id` is a folder, then its children are also moved.\nThe move will effectively change the primary parent.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/moveNode).", :type :var} {:name unlock-node, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 154, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes a lock on `node node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/unlockNode).", :type :var} {:name update-node, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 64, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Update the node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/updateNode).", :type :var} {:name update-node-content, :file "cral/api/core/nodes.clj", :line 201, :arglists ([ticket node-id content] [ticket node-id content query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Updates the content of the node with identifier `node-id`.\nThe **major-version** and **comment** in `query-params` can be used to control versioning behaviour.\nIf the content is versionable then a new minor version is created by default.\nOptionally a new **name** that must be unique within the parent folder can also be specified in `query-params`.\nIf specified and valid then this will rename the node. If invalid then an error is returned and the content is not updated.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/nodes/updateNodeContent).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.people, :publics ({:name create-person, :file "cral/api/core/people.clj", :line 30, :arglists ([ticket body] [ticket body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Create a person.\nIf applicable, the given person's login access can also be optionally disabled.\nYou must have admin rights to create a person.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/people/createPerson).", :type :var} {:name get-person, :file "cral/api/core/people.clj", :line 63, :arglists ([ticket person-id] [ticket person-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets information for the person **person-id**.\nYou can use the `-me-` string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/people/getPerson).", :type :var} {:name list-people, :file "cral/api/core/people.clj", :line 47, :arglists ([ticket] [ticket query-params & [opts]]), :doc "List people.\nYou can use the **include** parameter to return any additional information.\nThe default sort order for the returned list is for people to be sorted by ascending id.\nYou can override the default by using the **order-by** parameter.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/people/listPeople).", :type :var} {:name update-person, :file "cral/api/core/people.clj", :line 77, :arglists ([ticket person-id body] [ticket person-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Update the given person's details.\nYou can use the `-me-` string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\nIf applicable, the given person's login access can also be optionally disabled or re-enabled.\nYou must have admin rights to update a person — unless updating your own details.\nIf you are changing your password, as a non-admin user, then the existing password must also be supplied (using the old-password field in addition to the new password value).\nAdmin users cannot be disabled by setting enabled to false.\nNon-admin users may not disable themselves.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/people/updatePerson).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.preferences, :publics ({:name get-preference, :file "cral/api/core/preferences.clj", :line 43, :arglists ([ticket person-id preference-name] [ticket person-id preference-name query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a specific preference for person person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/preferences/getPreference).", :type :var} {:name list-preferences, :file "cral/api/core/preferences.clj", :line 27, :arglists ([ticket person-id] [ticket person-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of preferences for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nNote that each preference consists of an **id** and a **value**.\\\nThe value can be of any JSON type.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/preferences/listPreferences).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.probes, :publics ({:name probes, :file "cral/api/core/probes.clj", :line 23, :arglists ([probe-id]), :doc "Check readiness and liveness of the repository.\\\n**Note:** this endpoint is available in Alfresco 6.0 and newer versions.\\\nReturns a status of 200 to indicate success and 503 for failure.\nThe readiness probe is normally only used to check repository startup.\nThe liveness probe should then be used to check the repository is still responding to requests.\\\n**Note:** No authentication is required to call this endpoint.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/probes/getProbe).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.shared-links, :publics ({:name create-shared-link, :file "cral/api/core/shared_links.clj", :line 27, :arglists ([ticket body] [ticket body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Create a shared link to the file **node-id** in the request `body`. Also, an optional expiry date could be set,\nso the shared link would become invalid when the expiry date is reached.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/shared-links/createSharedLink).", :type :var} {:name delete-shared-link, :file "cral/api/core/shared_links.clj", :line 72, :arglists ([ticket shared-id & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes the shared link with identifier `shared-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/shared-links/deleteSharedLink).", :type :var} {:name email-shared-link, :file "cral/api/core/shared_links.clj", :line 97, :arglists ([ticket shared-id body & [opts]]), :doc "Sends email with app-specific url including identifier `shared-id`.\nThe client and recipient-emails properties are mandatory in the request body.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/shared-links/emailSharedLink).", :type :var} {:name get-shared-link, :file "cral/api/core/shared_links.clj", :line 58, :arglists ([shared-id] [shared-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets minimal information for the file with shared link identifier `shared-id`.\\\n**Note:** No authentication is required to call this endpoint.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/shared-links/listSharedLinks).", :type :var} {:name get-shared-link-content, :file "cral/api/core/shared_links.clj", :line 83, :arglists ([shared-id] [shared-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets the content of the file with shared link identifier `shared-id`.\\\n**Note:** No authentication is required to call this endpoint.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/shared-links/getSharedLinkContent).", :type :var} {:name list-shared-links, :file "cral/api/core/shared_links.clj", :line 43, :arglists ([ticket] [ticket query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Get a list of links that the current user has read permission on source node.\nThe list is ordered in descending modified order.\\\n**Note:** The list of links is eventually consistent so newly created shared links may not appear immediately.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/shared-links/listSharedLinks).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.sites, :publics ({:name create-person-site-membership-requests, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 53, :arglists ([ticket person-id body] [ticket person-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Create a site membership request for yourself on the site with the identifier of id, specified in the `body`. The result of the request differs depending on the type of site.\n- For a **public** site, you join the site immediately as a SiteConsumer.\n- For a **moderated** site, your request is added to the site membership request list. The request waits for approval from the Site Manager.\n- You cannot request membership of a private site. Members are invited by the site administrator.\n\n\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/createSiteMembershipRequestForPerson).", :type :var} {:name create-site, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 182, :arglists ([ticket body] [ticket body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Creates a default site with the given details. Unless explicitly specified, the site id will be generated from the site title.\nThe site id must be unique and only contain alphanumeric and/or dash characters.\\\n**Note:** the id of a site cannot be updated once the site has been created.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/createSite).", :type :var} {:name delete-person-site-membership, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 156, :arglists ([ticket person-id site-id & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes person `person-id` as a member of site `site-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/deleteSiteMembershipForPerson).", :type :var} {:name delete-person-site-membership-request, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 102, :arglists ([ticket person-id site-id & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes the site membership request to site `site-id` for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/deleteSiteMembershipRequestForPerson).", :type :var} {:name delete-site, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 232, :arglists ([ticket site-id] [ticket site-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes the site with `site-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/deleteSite).", :type :var} {:name get-person-site-membership, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 144, :arglists ([ticket person-id site-id & [opts]]), :doc "Gets site membership information for person `person-id` on site `site-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/getSiteMembershipForPerson).", :type :var} {:name get-person-site-membership-request, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 72, :arglists ([ticket person-id site-id] [ticket person-id site-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets the site membership request for site `site-id` for person `person-id`, if one exists.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/getSiteMembershipRequestForPerson).", :type :var} {:name get-site, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 199, :arglists ([ticket site-id] [ticket site-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets information for site `site-id`.\nYou can use the **relations** parameter in `query-params` to include one or more relate entities in a single response and so reduce network traffic.\nThe entity types in Alfresco are organized in a tree structure.\nThe **sites** entity has two children, **containers** and **members**.\nThe following relations parameter returns all the container and member objects related to the site `site-id`: `containers,members`\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/getSite).", :type :var} {:name list-person-site-membership-requests, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 39, :arglists ([ticket person-id] [ticket person-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of the current site membership requests for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/listSiteMembershipRequestsForPerson).", :type :var} {:name list-person-site-memberships, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 114, :arglists ([ticket person-id] [ticket person-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of site membership information for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\nYou can use the **where** parameter in `query-params` to filter the returned sites by **visibility** or site **preset**.\\\nExample to filter by **visibility**, use any one of:\n```clojure\n(visibility='PRIVATE')\n(visibility='PUBLIC')\n(visibility='MODERATED')\n```\nExample to filter by site **preset**:\n```clojure\n(preset='site-dashboard')\n```\nThe default sort order for the returned list is for sites to be sorted by ascending title.\\\nYou can override the default by using the **order-by** parameter in `query-params`. You can specify one or more of the following fields in the **order-by** parameter:\n- id\n- title\n- role\n\n\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/listSiteMembershipsForPerson).", :type :var} {:name list-sites, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 168, :arglists ([ticket] [ticket query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of sites in this repository.\nYou can use the **where** parameter in `query-params` to filter the returned sites by visibility or site preset.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/listSites).", :type :var} {:name update-person-site-membership-request, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 86, :arglists ([ticket person-id site-id body] [ticket person-id site-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Updates the message for the site membership request to site `site-id` for person `person-id`.\nYou can use the **-me-** string in place of `person-id` to specify the currently authenticated user.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/updateSiteMembershipRequestForPerson).", :type :var} {:name update-site, :file "cral/api/core/sites.clj", :line 216, :arglists ([ticket site-id body] [ticket site-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Update the details for the given site `site-id`. Site Manager or otherwise a (site) admin can update title, description or visibility.\\\n**Note:** the id of a site cannot be updated once the site has been created.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/sites/updateSite).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.tags, :publics ({:name create-node-tag, :file "cral/api/core/tags.clj", :line 48, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Creates a tag on the node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/tags/createTagForNode).", :type :var} {:name create-tag, :file "cral/api/core/tags.clj", :line 87, :arglists ([ticket body] [ticket body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Creates a new tag.\nYou must have admin rights to create a tag with this endpoint.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/tags).", :type :var} {:name delete-node-tag, :file "cral/api/core/tags.clj", :line 63, :arglists ([ticket node-id tag-id & [opts]]), :doc "Deletes tag *tag-id* from node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/tags/deleteTagFromNode).", :type :var} {:name delete-tag, :file "cral/api/core/tags.clj", :line 131, :arglists ([ticket tag-id]), :doc "Deletes the tag with `tag-id`. This will cause the tag to be removed from all nodes.\nYou must have admin rights to delete a tag.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/tags).", :type :var} {:name get-tag, :file "cral/api/core/tags.clj", :line 103, :arglists ([ticket tag-id] [ticket tag-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Get a specific tag with `tag-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/tags/getTag).", :type :var} {:name list-node-tags, :file "cral/api/core/tags.clj", :line 35, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of tags for node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/tags/listTagsForNode).", :type :var} {:name list-tags, :file "cral/api/core/tags.clj", :line 74, :arglists ([ticket] [ticket query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of tags in this repository.You can use the *include* parameter in `query-params` to return additional *values* information.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/tags/listTags).", :type :var} {:name update-tag, :file "cral/api/core/tags.clj", :line 116, :arglists ([ticket tag-id body] [ticket tag-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Updates the tag `tag-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/tags/updateTag).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.trashcan, :publics ({:name delete-deleted-node, :file "cral/api/core/trashcan.clj", :line 60, :arglists ([ticket node-id & [opts]]), :doc "Permanently deletes the deleted node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/trashcan/deleteDeletedNode).", :type :var} {:name get-deleted-node, :file "cral/api/core/trashcan.clj", :line 47, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets the specific deleted node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/trashcan/getDeletedNode).", :type :var} {:name get-deleted-node-content, :file "cral/api/core/trashcan.clj", :line 71, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets the content of the deleted node with identifier `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/trashcan/getDeletedNodeContent).", :type :var} {:name list-deleted-nodes, :file "cral/api/core/trashcan.clj", :line 32, :arglists ([ticket] [ticket query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of deleted nodes for the current user.\nIf the current user is an administrator deleted nodes for all users will be returned.\nThe list of deleted nodes will be ordered with the most recently deleted node at the top of the list.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/trashcan/listDeletedNodes).", :type :var} {:name restore-deleted-node, :file "cral/api/core/trashcan.clj", :line 84, :arglists ([ticket node-id body] [ticket node-id body query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Attempts to restore the deleted node `node-id` to its original location or to a new location.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/trashcan/restoreDeletedNode).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.core.versions, :publics ({:name delete-version, :file "cral/api/core/versions.clj", :line 52, :arglists ([ticket node-id version-id & [opts]]), :doc "Delete the version identified by `version-id` and `node-id`.\nIf the version is successfully deleted then the content and metadata for that versioned node will be deleted and will no longer appear in the version history. This operation cannot be undone.\nIf the most recent version is deleted the live node will revert to the next most recent version.\nWe currently do not allow the last version to be deleted. If you wish to clear the history then you can remove the **cm:versionable** aspect (via [[nodes/update-node]]) which will also disable versioning.\nIn this case, you can re-enable versioning by adding back the **cm:versionable** aspect or using the version params (major-version and comment) on a subsequent file content update.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/versions/deleteVersion).", :type :var} {:name get-version-content, :file "cral/api/core/versions.clj", :line 67, :arglists ([ticket node-id version-id] [ticket node-id version-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets the version content for `version-id` of file node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/versions/getVersionContent).", :type :var} {:name get-version-information, :file "cral/api/core/versions.clj", :line 41, :arglists ([ticket node-id version-id & [opts]]), :doc "Gets the version information for `version-id` of file node `node-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/versions/getVersion).", :type :var} {:name list-version-history, :file "cral/api/core/versions.clj", :line 27, :arglists ([ticket node-id] [ticket node-id query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets the version history as an ordered list of versions for the specified `node-id`.\nThe list is ordered in descending modified order. So the most recent version is first and the original version is last in the list.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Core%20API#/versions/listVersionHistory).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.discovery, :publics ({:name get-repo-info, :file "cral/api/discovery.clj", :line 23, :arglists ([ticket]), :doc "Retrieves the capabilities and detailed version information from the repository.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Discovery%20API#/discovery/getRepositoryInformation).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.model.aspects, :publics ({:name get-aspect, :file "cral/api/model/aspects.clj", :line 39, :arglists ([ticket aspect-id & [opts]]), :doc "Get information for aspect `aspect-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Model%20API#/aspects/getAspect).", :type :var} {:name list-aspects, :file "cral/api/model/aspects.clj", :line 26, :arglists ([ticket] [ticket query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of aspects from the data dictionary. The System aspects will be ignored by default.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Model%20API#/aspects/listAspects).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.model.types, :publics ({:name get-type, :file "cral/api/model/types.clj", :line 39, :arglists ([ticket type-id & [opts]]), :doc "Get information for type `type-id`.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Model%20API#/types/getType).", :type :var} {:name list-types, :file "cral/api/model/types.clj", :line 26, :arglists ([ticket] [ticket query-params & [opts]]), :doc "Gets a list of types from the data dictionary. The System types will be ignored by default.\\\nMore info [here](https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Model%20API#/types/listTypes).", :type :var})} {:name cral.api.search, :publics ({:name search, :file "cral/api/search.clj", :line 27, :arglists ([ticket search-request & [opts]]), :doc "Searches Alfresco\n", :type :var})} {:name cral.config, :publics ({:name config, :file "cral/config.clj", :line 20, :type :var} {:name configure, :file "cral/config.clj", :line 28, :arglists ([& [m]]), :type :var} {:name get-url, :file "cral/config.clj", :line 35, :arglists ([path]), :type :var} {:name set-log-level, :file "cral/config.clj", :line 31, :arglists ([level]), :type :var})} {:name cral.core, :publics ()} {:name cral.model.alfresco.cm, :publics ({:name asp-annullable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 74, :type :var} {:name asp-annullable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 73, :type :var} {:name asp-attachable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 134, :type :var} {:name asp-attachable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 133, :type :var} {:name asp-audio, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 170, :type :var} {:name asp-audio-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 169, :type :var} {:name asp-auditable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 70, :type :var} {:name asp-auditable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 69, :type :var} {:name asp-author, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 88, :type :var} {:name asp-author-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 87, :type :var} {:name asp-basable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 92, :type :var} {:name asp-basable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 91, :type :var} {:name asp-checked-out, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 110, :type :var} {:name asp-checked-out-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 109, :type :var} {:name asp-classifiable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 120, :type :var} {:name asp-classifiable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 119, :type :var} {:name asp-cmis-created-checked-out, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 112, :type :var} {:name asp-cmis-created-checked-out-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 111, :type :var} {:name asp-complianceable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 84, :type :var} {:name asp-complianceable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 83, :type :var} {:name asp-copiedfrom, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 106, :type :var} {:name asp-copiedfrom-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 105, :type :var} {:name asp-countable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 104, :type :var} {:name asp-countable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 103, :type :var} {:name asp-dublincore, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 90, :type :var} {:name asp-dublincore-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 89, :type :var} {:name asp-effectivity, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 100, :type :var} {:name asp-effectivity-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 99, :type :var} {:name asp-emailed, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 136, :type :var} {:name asp-emailed-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 135, :type :var} {:name asp-exif, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 168, :type :var} {:name asp-exif-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 167, :type :var} {:name asp-failed-thumbnail-source, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 164, :type :var} {:name asp-failed-thumbnail-source-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 163, :type :var} {:name asp-five-star-rating-scheme-rollups, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 132, :type :var} {:name asp-five-star-rating-scheme-rollups-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 131, :type :var} {:name asp-generalclassifiable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 122, :type :var} {:name asp-generalclassifiable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 121, :type :var} {:name asp-geographic, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 150, :type :var} {:name asp-geographic-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 149, :type :var} {:name asp-hidden-rendition, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 156, :type :var} {:name asp-hidden-rendition-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 155, :type :var} {:name asp-index-control, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 172, :type :var} {:name asp-index-control-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 171, :type :var} {:name asp-likes-rating-scheme-rollups, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 130, :type :var} {:name asp-likes-rating-scheme-rollups-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 129, :type :var} {:name asp-localizable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 176, :type :var} {:name asp-localizable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 175, :type :var} {:name asp-lockable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 116, :type :var} {:name asp-lockable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 115, :type :var} {:name asp-ml-document, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 140, :type :var} {:name asp-ml-document-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 139, :type :var} {:name asp-ml-empty-translation, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 142, :type :var} {:name asp-ml-empty-translation-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 141, :type :var} {:name asp-object, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 174, :type :var} {:name asp-object-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 173, :type :var} {:name asp-ownable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 86, :type :var} {:name asp-ownable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 85, :type :var} {:name asp-partable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 94, :type :var} {:name asp-partable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 93, :type :var} {:name asp-person-disabled, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 72, :type :var} {:name asp-person-disabled-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 71, :type :var} {:name asp-preferences, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 146, :type :var} {:name asp-preferences-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 145, :type :var} {:name asp-prevent-renditions, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 162, :type :var} {:name asp-prevent-renditions-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 161, :type :var} {:name asp-projectsummary, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 82, :type :var} {:name asp-projectsummary-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 81, :type :var} {:name asp-rateable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 128, :type :var} {:name asp-rateable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 127, :type :var} {:name asp-referencesnode, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 138, :type :var} {:name asp-referencesnode-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 137, :type :var} {:name asp-referencing, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 96, :type :var} {:name asp-referencing-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 95, :type :var} {:name asp-rendition, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 152, :type :var} {:name asp-rendition-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 151, :type :var} {:name asp-rendition2, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 154, :type :var} {:name asp-rendition2-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 153, :type :var} {:name asp-renditioned, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 160, :type :var} {:name asp-renditioned-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 159, :type :var} {:name asp-replaceable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 98, :type :var} {:name asp-replaceable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 97, :type :var} {:name asp-store-selector, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 144, :type :var} {:name asp-store-selector-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 143, :type :var} {:name asp-subscribable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 118, :type :var} {:name asp-subscribable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 117, :type :var} {:name asp-summarizable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 102, :type :var} {:name asp-summarizable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 101, :type :var} {:name asp-syndication, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 148, :type :var} {:name asp-syndication-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 147, :type :var} {:name asp-taggable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 124, :type :var} {:name asp-taggable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 123, :type :var} {:name asp-tagscope, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 126, :type :var} {:name asp-tagscope-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 125, :type :var} {:name asp-templatable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 78, :type :var} {:name asp-templatable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 77, :type :var} {:name asp-thumbnail-modification, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 166, :type :var} {:name asp-thumbnail-modification-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 165, :type :var} {:name asp-thumbnailed, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 180, :type :var} {:name asp-thumbnailed-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 179, :type :var} {:name asp-titled, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 68, :type :var} {:name asp-titled-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 67, :type :var} {:name asp-transformable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 76, :type :var} {:name asp-transformable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 75, :type :var} {:name asp-translatable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 178, :type :var} {:name asp-translatable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 177, :type :var} {:name asp-versionable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 114, :type :var} {:name asp-versionable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 113, :type :var} {:name asp-visible-rendition, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 158, :type :var} {:name asp-visible-rendition-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 157, :type :var} {:name asp-webscriptable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 80, :type :var} {:name asp-webscriptable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 79, :type :var} {:name asp-workingcopy, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 108, :type :var} {:name asp-workingcopy-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 107, :type :var} {:name assoc-attachments, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 200, :type :var} {:name assoc-attachments-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 199, :type :var} {:name assoc-avatar, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 212, :type :var} {:name assoc-avatar-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 211, :type :var} {:name assoc-basis, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 184, :type :var} {:name assoc-basis-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 183, :type :var} {:name assoc-categories, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 218, :type :var} {:name assoc-categories-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 217, :type :var} {:name assoc-contains, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 210, :type :var} {:name assoc-contains-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 209, :type :var} {:name assoc-failed-thumbnail, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 206, :type :var} {:name assoc-failed-thumbnail-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 205, :type :var} {:name assoc-formats, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 182, :type :var} {:name assoc-formats-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 181, :type :var} {:name assoc-in-zone, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 216, :type :var} {:name assoc-in-zone-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 215, :type :var} {:name assoc-member, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 214, :type :var} {:name assoc-member-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 213, :type :var} {:name assoc-ml-child, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 224, :type :var} {:name assoc-ml-child-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 223, :type :var} {:name assoc-ml-container, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 222, :type :var} {:name assoc-ml-container-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 221, :type :var} {:name assoc-original, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 192, :type :var} {:name assoc-original-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 191, :type :var} {:name assoc-parts, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 186, :type :var} {:name assoc-parts-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 185, :type :var} {:name assoc-preference-image, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 202, :type :var} {:name assoc-preference-image-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 201, :type :var} {:name assoc-ratings, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 198, :type :var} {:name assoc-ratings-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 197, :type :var} {:name assoc-references, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 188, :type :var} {:name assoc-references-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 187, :type :var} {:name assoc-rendition, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 204, :type :var} {:name assoc-rendition-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 203, :type :var} {:name assoc-replaces, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 190, :type :var} {:name assoc-replaces-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 189, :type :var} {:name assoc-subcategories, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 220, :type :var} {:name assoc-subcategories-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 219, :type :var} {:name assoc-subscribed-by, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 196, :type :var} {:name assoc-subscribed-by-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 195, :type :var} {:name assoc-translations, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 208, :type :var} {:name assoc-translations-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 207, :type :var} {:name assoc-workingcopylink, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 194, :type :var} {:name assoc-workingcopylink-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 193, :type :var} {:name audio-prefix, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 28, :type :var} {:name audio-uri, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 27, :type :var} {:name cm-prefix, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 22, :type :var} {:name cm-uri, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 21, :type :var} {:name exif-prefix, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 26, :type :var} {:name exif-uri, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 25, :type :var} {:name prop-accessed, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 238, :type :var} {:name prop-accessed-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 237, :type :var} {:name prop-addressee, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 324, :type :var} {:name prop-addressee-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 323, :type :var} {:name prop-addressees, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 326, :type :var} {:name prop-addressees-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 325, :type :var} {:name prop-album, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 380, :type :var} {:name prop-album-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 379, :type :var} {:name prop-artist, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 382, :type :var} {:name prop-artist-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 381, :type :var} {:name prop-author, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 250, :type :var} {:name prop-author-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 249, :type :var} {:name prop-authority-display-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 500, :type :var} {:name prop-authority-display-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 499, :type :var} {:name prop-authority-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 498, :type :var} {:name prop-authority-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 497, :type :var} {:name prop-auto-version, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 290, :type :var} {:name prop-auto-version-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 289, :type :var} {:name prop-auto-version-on-update-props, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 292, :type :var} {:name prop-auto-version-on-update-props-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 291, :type :var} {:name prop-automatic-update, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 410, :type :var} {:name prop-automatic-update-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 409, :type :var} {:name prop-categories, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 306, :type :var} {:name prop-categories-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 305, :type :var} {:name prop-channel-type, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 398, :type :var} {:name prop-channel-type-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 397, :type :var} {:name prop-companyaddress1, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 464, :type :var} {:name prop-companyaddress1-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 463, :type :var} {:name prop-companyaddress2, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 466, :type :var} {:name prop-companyaddress2-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 465, :type :var} {:name prop-companyaddress3, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 468, :type :var} {:name prop-companyaddress3-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 467, :type :var} {:name prop-companyemail, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 476, :type :var} {:name prop-companyemail-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 475, :type :var} {:name prop-companyfax, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 474, :type :var} {:name prop-companyfax-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 473, :type :var} {:name prop-companypostcode, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 470, :type :var} {:name prop-companypostcode-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 469, :type :var} {:name prop-companytelephone, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 472, :type :var} {:name prop-companytelephone-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 471, :type :var} {:name prop-composer, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 384, :type :var} {:name prop-composer-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 383, :type :var} {:name prop-compressor, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 400, :type :var} {:name prop-compressor-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 399, :type :var} {:name prop-content, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 414, :type :var} {:name prop-content-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 413, :type :var} {:name prop-content-property-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 514, :type :var} {:name prop-content-property-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 513, :type :var} {:name prop-content-url-hash-code, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 346, :type :var} {:name prop-content-url-hash-code-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 345, :type :var} {:name prop-contributor, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 254, :type :var} {:name prop-contributor-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 253, :type :var} {:name prop-counter, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 276, :type :var} {:name prop-counter-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 275, :type :var} {:name prop-coverage, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 262, :type :var} {:name prop-coverage-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 261, :type :var} {:name prop-created, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 230, :type :var} {:name prop-created-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 229, :type :var} {:name prop-creator, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 232, :type :var} {:name prop-creator-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 231, :type :var} {:name prop-date-time-original, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 350, :type :var} {:name prop-date-time-original-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 349, :type :var} {:name prop-dcsource, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 260, :type :var} {:name prop-dcsource-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 259, :type :var} {:name prop-deadproperties, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 406, :type :var} {:name prop-deadproperties-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 405, :type :var} {:name prop-default-home-folder-path, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 446, :type :var} {:name prop-default-home-folder-path-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 445, :type :var} {:name prop-description, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 228, :type :var} {:name prop-description-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 227, :type :var} {:name prop-destination, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 428, :type :var} {:name prop-destination-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 427, :type :var} {:name prop-email, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 440, :type :var} {:name prop-email-feed-disabled, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 488, :type :var} {:name prop-email-feed-disabled-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 487, :type :var} {:name prop-email-feed-id, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 492, :type :var} {:name prop-email-feed-id-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 491, :type :var} {:name prop-email-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 439, :type :var} {:name prop-engineer, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 386, :type :var} {:name prop-engineer-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 385, :type :var} {:name prop-expiry-date, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 300, :type :var} {:name prop-expiry-date-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 299, :type :var} {:name prop-exposure-time, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 356, :type :var} {:name prop-exposure-time-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 355, :type :var} {:name prop-f-number, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 358, :type :var} {:name prop-f-number-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 357, :type :var} {:name prop-failed-thumbnail-time, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 510, :type :var} {:name prop-failed-thumbnail-time-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 509, :type :var} {:name prop-failure-count, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 508, :type :var} {:name prop-failure-count-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 507, :type :var} {:name prop-first-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 434, :type :var} {:name prop-first-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 433, :type :var} {:name prop-five-star-rating-scheme-count, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 318, :type :var} {:name prop-five-star-rating-scheme-count-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 317, :type :var} {:name prop-five-star-rating-scheme-total, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 320, :type :var} {:name prop-five-star-rating-scheme-total-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 319, :type :var} {:name prop-flash, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 360, :type :var} {:name prop-flash-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 359, :type :var} {:name prop-focal-length, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 362, :type :var} {:name prop-focal-length-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 361, :type :var} {:name prop-from, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 268, :type :var} {:name prop-from-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 267, :type :var} {:name prop-genre, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 388, :type :var} {:name prop-genre-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 387, :type :var} {:name prop-googleusername, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 486, :type :var} {:name prop-googleusername-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 485, :type :var} {:name prop-hits, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 274, :type :var} {:name prop-hits-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 273, :type :var} {:name prop-home-folder, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 432, :type :var} {:name prop-home-folder-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 431, :type :var} {:name prop-home-folder-provider, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 444, :type :var} {:name prop-home-folder-provider-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 443, :type :var} {:name prop-identifier, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 258, :type :var} {:name prop-identifier-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 257, :type :var} {:name prop-initial-version, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 288, :type :var} {:name prop-initial-version-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 287, :type :var} {:name prop-instantmsg, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 480, :type :var} {:name prop-instantmsg-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 479, :type :var} {:name prop-is-content-indexed, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 404, :type :var} {:name prop-is-content-indexed-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 403, :type :var} {:name prop-is-indexed, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 402, :type :var} {:name prop-is-indexed-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 401, :type :var} {:name prop-iso-speed-ratings, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 364, :type :var} {:name prop-iso-speed-ratings-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 363, :type :var} {:name prop-jobtitle, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 454, :type :var} {:name prop-jobtitle-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 453, :type :var} {:name prop-last-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 436, :type :var} {:name prop-last-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 435, :type :var} {:name prop-last-thumbnail-modification, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 348, :type :var} {:name prop-last-thumbnail-modification-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 347, :type :var} {:name prop-latitude, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 342, :type :var} {:name prop-latitude-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 341, :type :var} {:name prop-likes-rating-scheme-count, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 314, :type :var} {:name prop-likes-rating-scheme-count-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 313, :type :var} {:name prop-likes-rating-scheme-total, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 316, :type :var} {:name prop-likes-rating-scheme-total-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 315, :type :var} {:name prop-locale, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 408, :type :var} {:name prop-locale-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 407, :type :var} {:name prop-location, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 456, :type :var} {:name prop-location-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 455, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-additional-info, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 304, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-additional-info-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 303, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-is-deep, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 302, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-is-deep-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 301, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-lifetime, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 298, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-lifetime-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 297, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-owner, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 294, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-owner-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 293, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-type, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 296, :type :var} {:name prop-lock-type-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 295, :type :var} {:name prop-longitude, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 344, :type :var} {:name prop-longitude-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 343, :type :var} {:name prop-manufacturer, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 366, :type :var} {:name prop-manufacturer-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 365, :type :var} {:name prop-middle-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 438, :type :var} {:name prop-middle-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 437, :type :var} {:name prop-mobile, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 462, :type :var} {:name prop-mobile-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 461, :type :var} {:name prop-model, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 368, :type :var} {:name prop-model-active, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 426, :type :var} {:name prop-model-active-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 425, :type :var} {:name prop-model-author, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 420, :type :var} {:name prop-model-author-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 419, :type :var} {:name prop-model-description, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 418, :type :var} {:name prop-model-description-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 417, :type :var} {:name prop-model-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 367, :type :var} {:name prop-model-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 416, :type :var} {:name prop-model-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 415, :type :var} {:name prop-model-published-date, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 422, :type :var} {:name prop-model-published-date-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 421, :type :var} {:name prop-model-version, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 424, :type :var} {:name prop-model-version-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 423, :type :var} {:name prop-modified, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 234, :type :var} {:name prop-modified-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 233, :type :var} {:name prop-modifier, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 236, :type :var} {:name prop-modifier-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 235, :type :var} {:name prop-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 412, :type :var} {:name prop-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 411, :type :var} {:name prop-noderef, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 332, :type :var} {:name prop-noderef-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 331, :type :var} {:name prop-organization, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 452, :type :var} {:name prop-organization-id, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 442, :type :var} {:name prop-organization-id-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 441, :type :var} {:name prop-organization-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 451, :type :var} {:name prop-orientation, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 372, :type :var} {:name prop-orientation-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 371, :type :var} {:name prop-originator, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 322, :type :var} {:name prop-originator-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 321, :type :var} {:name prop-owner, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 248, :type :var} {:name prop-owner-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 247, :type :var} {:name prop-persondescription, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 458, :type :var} {:name prop-persondescription-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 457, :type :var} {:name prop-pixel-xdimension, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 352, :type :var} {:name prop-pixel-xdimension-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 351, :type :var} {:name prop-pixel-ydimension, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 354, :type :var} {:name prop-pixel-ydimension-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 353, :type :var} {:name prop-preference-values, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 336, :type :var} {:name prop-preference-values-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 335, :type :var} {:name prop-presence-provider, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 448, :type :var} {:name prop-presence-provider-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 447, :type :var} {:name prop-presence-username, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 450, :type :var} {:name prop-presence-username-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 449, :type :var} {:name prop-published, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 338, :type :var} {:name prop-published-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 337, :type :var} {:name prop-publisher, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 252, :type :var} {:name prop-publisher-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 251, :type :var} {:name prop-rated-at, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 506, :type :var} {:name prop-rated-at-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 505, :type :var} {:name prop-rating-scheme, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 504, :type :var} {:name prop-rating-scheme-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 503, :type :var} {:name prop-rating-score, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 502, :type :var} {:name prop-rating-score-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 501, :type :var} {:name prop-release-date, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 392, :type :var} {:name prop-release-date-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 391, :type :var} {:name prop-remove-after, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 246, :type :var} {:name prop-remove-after-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 245, :type :var} {:name prop-resolution-unit, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 378, :type :var} {:name prop-resolution-unit-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 377, :type :var} {:name prop-rights, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 264, :type :var} {:name prop-rights-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 263, :type :var} {:name prop-sample-rate, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 394, :type :var} {:name prop-sample-rate-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 393, :type :var} {:name prop-sample-type, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 396, :type :var} {:name prop-sample-type-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 395, :type :var} {:name prop-sentdate, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 330, :type :var} {:name prop-sentdate-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 329, :type :var} {:name prop-size-current, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 494, :type :var} {:name prop-size-current-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 493, :type :var} {:name prop-size-quota, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 496, :type :var} {:name prop-size-quota-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 495, :type :var} {:name prop-skype, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 478, :type :var} {:name prop-skype-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 477, :type :var} {:name prop-software, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 370, :type :var} {:name prop-software-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 369, :type :var} {:name prop-store-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 334, :type :var} {:name prop-store-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 333, :type :var} {:name prop-subject, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 266, :type :var} {:name prop-subject-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 265, :type :var} {:name prop-subjectline, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 328, :type :var} {:name prop-subjectline-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 327, :type :var} {:name prop-subscriptions-private, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 490, :type :var} {:name prop-subscriptions-private-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 489, :type :var} {:name prop-summary, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 272, :type :var} {:name prop-summary-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 271, :type :var} {:name prop-summary-webscript, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 244, :type :var} {:name prop-summary-webscript-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 243, :type :var} {:name prop-tag-scope-cache, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 310, :type :var} {:name prop-tag-scope-cache-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 309, :type :var} {:name prop-tag-scope-summary, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 312, :type :var} {:name prop-tag-scope-summary-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 311, :type :var} {:name prop-taggable, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 308, :type :var} {:name prop-taggable-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 307, :type :var} {:name prop-telephone, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 460, :type :var} {:name prop-telephone-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 459, :type :var} {:name prop-template, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 240, :type :var} {:name prop-template-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 239, :type :var} {:name prop-thumbnail-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 512, :type :var} {:name prop-thumbnail-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 511, :type :var} {:name prop-title, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 226, :type :var} {:name prop-title-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 225, :type :var} {:name prop-to, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 270, :type :var} {:name prop-to-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 269, :type :var} {:name prop-track-number, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 390, :type :var} {:name prop-track-number-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 389, :type :var} {:name prop-type, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 256, :type :var} {:name prop-type-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 255, :type :var} {:name prop-updated, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 340, :type :var} {:name prop-updated-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 339, :type :var} {:name prop-user-name, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 430, :type :var} {:name prop-user-name-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 429, :type :var} {:name prop-user-status, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 482, :type :var} {:name prop-user-status-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 481, :type :var} {:name prop-user-status-time, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 484, :type :var} {:name prop-user-status-time-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 483, :type :var} {:name prop-version-label, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 284, :type :var} {:name prop-version-label-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 283, :type :var} {:name prop-version-type, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 286, :type :var} {:name prop-version-type-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 285, :type :var} {:name prop-webscript, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 242, :type :var} {:name prop-webscript-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 241, :type :var} {:name prop-working-copy-label, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 282, :type :var} {:name prop-working-copy-label-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 281, :type :var} {:name prop-working-copy-mode, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 280, :type :var} {:name prop-working-copy-mode-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 279, :type :var} {:name prop-working-copy-owner, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 278, :type :var} {:name prop-working-copy-owner-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 277, :type :var} {:name prop-x-resolution, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 374, :type :var} {:name prop-x-resolution-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 373, :type :var} {:name prop-y-resolution, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 376, :type :var} {:name prop-y-resolution-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 375, :type :var} {:name rn-prefix, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 24, :type :var} {:name rn-uri, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 23, :type :var} {:name type-authority, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 46, :type :var} {:name type-authority-container, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 50, :type :var} {:name type-authority-container-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 49, :type :var} {:name type-authority-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 45, :type :var} {:name type-category, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 56, :type :var} {:name type-category-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 55, :type :var} {:name type-category_root, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 54, :type :var} {:name type-category_root-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 53, :type :var} {:name type-cmobject, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 32, :type :var} {:name type-cmobject-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 31, :type :var} {:name type-content, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 36, :type :var} {:name type-content-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 35, :type :var} {:name type-dictionary-model, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 38, :type :var} {:name type-dictionary-model-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 37, :type :var} {:name type-failed-thumbnail, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 64, :type :var} {:name type-failed-thumbnail-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 63, :type :var} {:name type-folder, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 34, :type :var} {:name type-folder-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 33, :type :var} {:name type-link, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 40, :type :var} {:name type-link-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 39, :type :var} {:name type-ml-container, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 60, :type :var} {:name type-ml-container-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 59, :type :var} {:name type-ml-root, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 58, :type :var} {:name type-ml-root-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 57, :type :var} {:name type-person, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 48, :type :var} {:name type-person-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 47, :type :var} {:name type-rating, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 62, :type :var} {:name type-rating-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 61, :type :var} {:name type-savedquery, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 42, :type :var} {:name type-savedquery-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 41, :type :var} {:name type-systemfolder, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 44, :type :var} {:name type-systemfolder-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 43, :type :var} {:name type-thumbnail, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 66, :type :var} {:name type-thumbnail-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 65, :type :var} {:name type-zone, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 52, :type :var} {:name type-zone-localname, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 51, :type :var} {:name webdav-prefix, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 30, :type :var} {:name webdav-uri, :file "cral/model/alfresco/cm.clj", :line 29, :type :var})} {:name cral.model.auth, :publics ()} {:name cral.model.core, :publics ()} {:name cral.model.model, :publics ()} {:name cral.model.search, :publics ()} {:name cral.utils.utils, :publics ({:name call-rest, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 109, :arglists ([method url ticket] [method url ticket req] [method url ticket req opts]), :type :var} {:name camel-case, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 36, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Turn a kebab-case string into camelCase.\n", :type :var} {:name camel-case-keywordize-keys, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 58, :arglists ([m]), :doc "Recursively transforms all map keys from kebab-case to camelCase and keywordize them.\n", :type :var} {:name camel-case-stringify-keys, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 63, :arglists ([m]), :doc "Recursively transforms all map keys from kebab-case to camelCase and stringify them.\n", :type :var} {:name ex-response, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 89, :arglists ([e]), :doc "Build a response from a client exception.\n", :type :var} {:name join-vector-vals, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 70, :arglists ([m]), :doc "Recursively transforms all map vector values to comma separated string.\n", :type :var} {:name kebab-case, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 28, :arglists ([s]), :doc "Turn a camelCase string into kebab-case.\n", :type :var} {:name kebab-keywordize-keys, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 53, :arglists ([m]), :doc "Recursively transforms all map keys from camelCase to kebab-case and keywordize them.\n", :type :var} {:name ok-response, :file "cral/utils/utils.clj", :line 77, :arglists ([r return-headers]), :doc "Build a successful response.\n", :type :var})})}, :pom-str "\n\n 4.0.0\n org.saidone\n cral\n jar\n 0.3.0\n cral\n A library for consuming Alfresco Content Services public REST API\n https://saidone.org\n \n \n GNU General Public License v3.0\n https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt\n \n \n \n https://github.com/saidone75/CRAL\n scm:git:git://github.com/saidone75/CRAL.git\n scm:git:ssh://git@github.com/saidone75/CRAL.git\n 93b37aa738257ec538064139419f097fd7477d72\n \n \n src\n test\n \n \n resources\n \n \n \n \n resources\n \n \n target\n target/classes\n \n \n \n \n central\n https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/\n \n false\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n clojars\n https://repo.clojars.org/\n \n true\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n org.clojure\n clojure\n 1.11.2\n \n \n org.clojure\n data.json\n 2.5.0\n \n \n org.clj-commons\n clj-http-lite\n 1.0.13\n \n \n com.taoensso\n timbre\n 6.5.0\n \n \n\n\n\n"}