September 2024 Community Call


Our September Community Call will be all about GPU Frameworks on Thursday, September 12, 12pm ET/11am CT/10am MT/9am PT.

What can they do for you? What can’t they do? When should you be using one? What even are GPU frameworks?

Whether you are looking to add GPU support to an existing codebase or want to create a new GPU-capable application we will discuss different available options. Some common options include:

  • Directives based (OpenACC, OpenMP-Target)
  • Library based (Kokkos, alpaka, etc.)
  • Vendor language extensions (CUDA, HIP, SYCL)
  • Rely on other existing frameworks (e.g. pytorch)

Come join us to learn and discuss with the US-RSE community!

Registration details

Information on how to register for the Zoom meeting will be sent via email and posted in the #general channel on Slack. The registration link can also be found in the pinned messages and channel description of the #communitycalls channel on Slack.