{:group-id "gorillalabs", :artifact-id "neo4j-clj", :version "5.0.0", :analysis {"clj" ({:name joplin.neo4j.database, :publics ({:name run-queries, :file "joplin/neo4j/database.clj", :line 25, :arglists ([tx & queries]), :doc "Shortcut function for running multiple queries.\n", :type :var} {:name run-query, :file "joplin/neo4j/database.clj", :line 20, :arglists ([tx query & [args]]), :doc "Shortcut function to make creating ad-hoc (string-based) queries easier.\n", :type :var} {:name with-connection, :file "joplin/neo4j/database.clj", :line 12, :arglists ([db tx-identifier & expr]), :doc "Wraps expr in Neo4j connection & transaction.\n", :type :macro})} {:name neo4j-clj.compability, :publics ({:name clj->neo4j, :file "neo4j_clj/compability.clj", :line 5, :doc "## Convert to Neo4j\n\nNeo4j expects a map of key/value pairs. The map has to be constructed as\na `Values.parameters` instance which expects the values as an `Object` array", :type :var} {:name neo4j->clj, :file "neo4j_clj/compability.clj", :line 12, :doc "## Convert from Neo4j\n\nNeo4j returns results as `StatementResults`, which contain `InternalRecords`,\nwhich contain `InternalPairs` etc. Therefore, this multimethod recursively\ncalls itself with the extracted content of the data structure until we have\nvalues, lists or `nil`.", :type :multimethod}), :doc "Deprecated, use `neo4j-clj.compatibility`.\n"} {:name neo4j-clj.compatibility, :publics ({:name clj->neo4j, :file "neo4j_clj/compatibility.clj", :line 25, :arglists ([val]), :doc "## Convert to Neo4j\n\nNeo4j expects a map of key/value pairs. The map has to be constructed as\na `Values.parameters` instance which expects the values as an `Object` array", :type :var} {:name neo4j->clj, :file "neo4j_clj/compatibility.clj", :line 37, :doc "## Convert from Neo4j\n\nNeo4j returns results as `StatementResults`, which contain `InternalRecords`,\nwhich contain `InternalPairs` etc. Therefore, this multimethod recursively\ncalls itself with the extracted content of the data structure until we have\nvalues, lists or `nil`.", :type :multimethod} {:name transform, :file "neo4j_clj/compatibility.clj", :line 46, :arglists ([m]), :type :var}), :doc "Neo4j communicates with Java via custom data structures. Those are\ncan contain lists, maps, nulls, values or combinations. This namespace\nhas functions to help to convert between Neo4j's data structures and Clojure"} {:name neo4j-clj.core, :publics ({:name config, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 14, :arglists ([options]), :doc "Constructs a Config object with the given options.\n\nThe Config object is used to create a Neo4j driver. It can be customized\nwith various options, such as logging configuration.\n\nArgs:\n options: A map containing the configuration options.\n\nReturns:\n A Config object with the given options applied.\n\nExample:\n(config {:logging (ConsoleLogging. Level/INFO)})\nThis will create a Config object with the logging level set to INFO.\n", :type :var} {:name connect, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 36, :arglists ([uri user password] [uri user password options] [uri] [uri options]), :doc "Returns a connection map from an url. Uses BOLT as the only communication\nprotocol.\n\nYou can connect using a url or a url, user, password combination.\nEither way, you can optioninally pass a map of options:\n\n`:logging` - a Neo4j logging configuration, e.g. (ConsoleLogging. Level/FINEST)", :type :var} {:name create-in-memory-connection, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 71, :arglists ([]), :deprecated "4.0.2", :doc "To make the local db visible under the same interface/map as remote\ndatabases, we connect to the local url. To be able to shutdown the local db,\nwe merge a destroy function into the map that can be called after testing.\n\n_All_ data will be wiped after shutting down the db!\n\nDeprecated: Please use `neo4j-clj.in-memory/create-in-memory-connection`\ndirectly.", :type :var} {:name create-query, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 132, :arglists ([cypher]), :doc "Convenience function. Takes a cypher query as input, returns a function that\ntakes a session (and parameter as a map, optionally) and return the query\nresult as a map.", :type :var} {:name defquery, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 141, :arglists ([name query]), :doc "Shortcut macro to define a named query.\n", :type :macro} {:name disconnect, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 66, :arglists ([db]), :type :var} {:name execute, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 126, :arglists ([sess query params] [sess query]), :type :var} {:name get-session, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 92, :arglists ([connection]), :type :var} {:name get-transaction, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 118, :arglists ([session]), :type :var} {:name retry-times, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 146, :arglists ([times body]), :type :var} {:name transaction, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 121, :arglists ([session]), :type :var} {:name with-retry, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 166, :arglists ([[connection tx & {:keys [max-times], :or {max-times 1000}}] & body]), :type :macro} {:name with-transaction, :file "neo4j_clj/core.clj", :line 157, :arglists ([connection tx & body]), :type :macro}), :doc "This namespace contains the logic to connect to Neo4j instances,\ncreate and run queries as well as creating an in-memory database for\ntesting."} {:name neo4j-clj.in-memory, :publics ({:name create-in-memory-connection, :file "neo4j_clj/in_memory.clj", :line 32, :arglists ([]), :doc "To make the local db visible under the same interface/map as remote\ndatabases, we connect to the local url. To be able to shutdown the local db,\nwe merge a destroy function into the map that can be called after testing.\n\n_All_ data will be wiped after shutting down the db!", :type :var}), :doc "This namespace contains the logic to connect to JVM-local in-memory Neo4j\ninstances, esp. for testing."})}, :pom-str "\n\n 4.0.0\n gorillalabs\n neo4j-clj\n jar\n 5.0.0\n neo4j-clj\n Clojure bindings for Neo4j using the Java driver\n https://github.com/gorillalabs/neo4j-clj\n \n \n MIT License\n \n \n \n https://github.com/gorillalabs/neo4j-clj\n scm:git:git://github.com/gorillalabs/neo4j-clj.git\n scm:git:ssh://git@github.com/gorillalabs/neo4j-clj.git\n 3bcfe3a45d1b3b2f39779ad5fc690ca3eb116d67\n \n \n src\n test\n \n \n resources\n \n \n \n \n resources\n \n \n target\n target/classes\n \n \n \n \n central\n https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/\n \n false\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n clojars\n https://repo.clojars.org/\n \n true\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n org.neo4j.driver\n neo4j-java-driver\n 5.19.0\n \n \n clj-time\n clj-time\n 0.15.2\n \n \n org.clojure\n clojure\n 1.11.2\n provided\n \n \n joplin.core\n joplin.core\n 0.3.11\n provided\n \n \n org.neo4j.test\n neo4j-harness\n 5.10.0\n provided\n \n \n\n\n\n"}