{:group-id "re-com", :artifact-id "re-com", :version "2.20.0", :analysis {"clj" ({:name re-com.core, :publics ({:name at, :file "re_com/core.clj", :line 37, :arglists ([]), :type :macro} {:name handler-fn, :file "re_com/core.clj", :line 31, :arglists ([& body]), :type :macro} {:name reflect-current-component, :file "re_com/core.clj", :line 49, :arglists ([]), :type :macro})} {:name re-com.validate, :publics ({:name validate-args-macro, :file "re_com/validate.clj", :line 3, :arglists ([args-desc args]), :doc "if goog.DEBUG is true then validate the args, otherwise replace the validation code with nil\n", :type :macro})}), "cljs" ({:name re-com.alert, :publics ({:name alert-box, :file "re_com/alert.cljs", :line 46, :arglists ([& {:keys [id alert-type heading body padding closeable? on-close class style attr parts], :or {alert-type :info}, :as args}]), :doc "Displays one alert box. A close button allows the message to be removed\n", :type :var} {:name alert-box-args-desc, :file "re_com/alert.cljs", :line 30, :type :var} {:name alert-box-parts, :file "re_com/alert.cljs", :line 26, :type :var} {:name alert-box-parts-desc, :file "re_com/alert.cljs", :line 18, :type :var} {:name alert-list, :file "re_com/alert.cljs", :line 135, :arglists ([& {:keys [alerts on-close max-height padding border-style alert-class alert-style class style attr parts src debug-as], :or {padding "4px"}, :as args}]), :doc "Displays a list of alert-box components in a v-box. Sample alerts object:\n[{:id 2\n :alert-type :warning\n :heading \"Heading\"\n :body \"Body\"\n :padding \"8px\"\n :closeable? true}\n {:id 1\n :alert-type :info\n :heading \"Heading\"\n :body \"Body\"}]", :type :var} {:name alert-list-args-desc, :file "re_com/alert.cljs", :line 119, :type :var} {:name alert-list-parts, :file "re_com/alert.cljs", :line 115, :type :var} {:name alert-list-parts-desc, :file "re_com/alert.cljs", :line 106, :type :var})} {:name re-com.box, :publics ({:name align-style, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 85, :arglists ([attribute align]), :doc "Determines the value for the flex align type attributes.\nThis parameter determines how children are aligned on the cross axis.\nThe justify parameter is a keyword.\nReference: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/#align-items-property", :type :var} {:name border, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 506, :arglists ([& {:keys [size width height min-width min-height max-width max-height margin padding border l-border r-border t-border b-border radius child class style attr src debug-as], :or {size "none"}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns hiccup which produces a border component.\nThis is the way borders are added to boxes, in favour of adding the border attributes directly to the boxes themselves.\nborder property syntax: ' || || '\n - border-width: thin, medium, thick or standard CSS size (e.g. 2px, 0.5em)\n - border-style: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset\n - color: standard CSS color (e.g. grey #88ffee)", :type :var} {:name border-args-desc, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 482, :type :var} {:name box, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 375, :arglists ([& {:keys [size width height min-width min-height max-width max-height justify align align-self margin padding child class style attr src debug-as], :or {size "none"}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns hiccup which produces a box, which is generally used as a child of a v-box or an h-box.\nBy default, it also acts as a container for further child compenents, or another h-box or v-box", :type :var} {:name box-args-desc, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 354, :type :var} {:name flex-child-style, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 18, :arglists ([size]), :doc "Determines the value for the 'flex' attribute (which has grow, shrink and basis), based on the :size parameter.\nIMPORTANT: The term 'size' means width of the item in the case of flex-direction 'row' OR height of the item in the case of flex-direction 'column'.\nFlex property explanation:\n - grow Integer ratio (used with other siblings) to determined how a flex item grows it's size if there is extra space to distribute. 0 for no growing.\n - shrink Integer ratio (used with other siblings) to determined how a flex item shrinks it's size if space needs to be removed. 0 for no shrinking.\n - basis Initial size (width, actually) of item before any growing or shrinking. Can be any size value, e.g. 60%, 100px, auto\n Note: auto will cause the initial size to be calculated to take up as much space as possible, in conjunction with it's siblings :flex settings.\nSupported values:\n - initial '0 1 auto' - Use item's width/height for dimensions (or content dimensions if w/h not specified). Never grow. Shrink (to min-size) if necessary.\n Good for creating boxes with fixed maximum size, but that can shrink to a fixed smaller size (min-width/height) if space becomes tight.\n NOTE: When using initial, you should also set a width/height value (depending on flex-direction) to specify it's default size\n and an optional min-width/height value to specify the size it can shrink to.\n - auto '1 1 auto' - Use item's width/height for dimensions. Grow if necessary. Shrink (to min-size) if necessary.\n Good for creating really flexible boxes that will gobble as much available space as they are allowed or shrink as much as they are forced to.\n - none '0 0 auto' - Use item's width/height for dimensions (or content dimensions if not specified). Never grow. Never shrink.\n Good for creating rigid boxes that stick to their width/height if specified, otherwise their content size.\n - 100px '0 0 100px' - Non flexible 100px size (in the flex direction) box.\n Good for fixed headers/footers and side bars of an exact size.\n - 60% '60 1 0px' - Set the item's size (it's width/height depending on flex-direction) to be 60% of the parent container's width/height.\n NOTE: If you use this, then all siblings with percentage values must add up to 100%.\n - 60 '60 1 0px' - Same as percentage above.\n - grow shrink basis 'grow shrink basis' - If none of the above common values above meet your needs, this gives you precise control.\nIf number of words is not 1 or 3, an exception is thrown.\nReference: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/#flexibility\nDiagram: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/#flex-container\nRegex101 testing: ^(initial|auto|none)|(\\d+)(px|%|em)|(\\d+)\\w(\\d+)\\w(.*) - remove double backslashes", :type :var} {:name flex-flow-style, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 64, :arglists ([flex-flow]), :doc "A cross-browser helper function to output flex-flow with all it's potential browser prefixes\n", :type :var} {:name gap, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 170, :arglists ([& {:keys [size width height class style attr], :as args}]), :doc "Returns a component which produces a gap between children in a v-box/h-box along the main axis\n", :type :var} {:name gap-args-desc, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 159, :type :var} {:name h-box, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 246, :arglists ([& {:keys [size width height min-width min-height max-width max-height justify align align-self margin padding gap children class style attr], :or {size "none", justify :start, align :stretch}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns hiccup which produces a horizontal box.\nIt's primary role is to act as a container for components and lays it's children from left to right.\nBy default, it also acts as a child under it's parent", :type :var} {:name h-box-args-desc, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 224, :type :var} {:name justify-style, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 70, :arglists ([justify]), :doc "Determines the value for the flex 'justify-content' attribute.\nThis parameter determines how children are aligned along the main axis.\nThe justify parameter is a keyword.\nReference: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/#justify-content-property", :type :var} {:name line, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 202, :arglists ([& {:keys [size color class style attr], :or {size "1px", color "lightgray"}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns a component which produces a line between children in a v-box/h-box along the main axis.\nSpecify size in pixels and a stancard CSS color. Defaults to a 1px lightgray line", :type :var} {:name line-args-desc, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 192, :type :var} {:name scroll-style, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 101, :arglists ([attribute scroll]), :doc "Determines the value for the 'overflow' attribute.\nThe scroll parameter is a keyword.\nBecause we're translating scroll into overflow, the keyword doesn't appear to match the attribute value", :type :var} {:name scroller, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 435, :arglists ([& {:keys [size scroll h-scroll v-scroll width height min-width min-height max-width max-height justify align align-self margin padding child class style attr src debug-as], :or {size "auto"}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns hiccup which produces a scoller component.\nThis is the way scroll bars are added to boxes, in favour of adding the scroll attributes directly to the boxes themselves.\nIMPORTANT: Because this component becomes the flex child in place of the component it is wrapping, you must copy the size attibutes to this componenet.\nThere are three scroll types:\n - h-scroll Determines how the horizontal scroll bar will be displayed.\n - v-scroll Determines how the vertical scroll bar will be displayed.\n - scroll Sets both h-scroll and v-scroll at once.\nSyntax: :auto [DEFAULT] Only show scroll bar(s) if the content is larger than the scroller.\n :on Always show scroll bar(s).\n :off Never show scroll bar(s). Content which is not in the bounds of the scroller can not be seen.\n :spill Never show scroll bar(s). Content which is not in the bounds of the scroller spills all over the place.\nNote: If scroll is set, then setting h-scroll or v-scroll overrides the scroll value", :type :var} {:name scroller-args-desc, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 407, :type :var} {:name v-box, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 311, :arglists ([& {:keys [size width height min-width min-height max-width max-height justify align align-self margin padding gap children class style attr], :or {size "none", justify :start, align :stretch}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns hiccup which produces a vertical box.\nIt's primary role is to act as a container for components and lays it's children from top to bottom.\nBy default, it also acts as a child under it's parent", :type :var} {:name v-box-args-desc, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 289, :type :var} {:name visualise-flow?, :file "re_com/box.cljs", :line 12, :type :var})} {:name re-com.buttons, :publics ({:name button, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 42, :arglists ([]), :doc "Returns the markup for a basic button\n", :type :var} {:name button-args-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 28, :type :var} {:name button-parts, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 24, :type :var} {:name button-parts-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 18, :type :var} {:name hyperlink, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 450, :arglists ([]), :doc "Renders an underlined text hyperlink component.\nThis is very similar to the button component above but styled to looks like a hyperlink.\nUseful for providing button functionality for less important functions, e.g. Cancel", :type :var} {:name hyperlink-args-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 436, :type :var} {:name hyperlink-href, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 533, :arglists ([]), :doc "Renders an underlined text hyperlink component.\nThis is very similar to the button component above but styled to looks like a hyperlink.\nUseful for providing button functionality for less important functions, e.g. Cancel", :type :var} {:name hyperlink-href-args-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 518, :type :var} {:name hyperlink-href-parts, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 514, :type :var} {:name hyperlink-href-parts-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 508, :type :var} {:name hyperlink-parts, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 432, :type :var} {:name hyperlink-parts-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 425, :type :var} {:name info-button, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 294, :arglists ([]), :doc "A tiny light grey button, with an 'i' in it. Meant to be unobtrusive.\nWhen pressed, displays a popup assumedly containing helpful information.\nPrimarily designed to be nestled against the label of an input field, explaining the purpose of that field.\nCreate a very small \"i\" icon via SVG", :type :var} {:name info-button-args-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 281, :type :var} {:name info-button-parts, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 277, :type :var} {:name info-button-parts-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 271, :type :var} {:name md-circle-icon-button, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 122, :arglists ([]), :doc "a circular button containing a material design icon\n", :type :var} {:name md-circle-icon-button-args-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 106, :type :var} {:name md-circle-icon-button-parts, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 102, :type :var} {:name md-circle-icon-button-parts-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 95, :type :var} {:name md-icon-button, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 210, :arglists ([]), :doc "a square button containing a material design icon\n", :type :var} {:name md-icon-button-args-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 194, :type :var} {:name md-icon-button-parts, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 190, :type :var} {:name md-icon-button-parts-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 183, :type :var} {:name row-button, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 370, :arglists ([]), :doc "a small button containing a material design icon\n", :type :var} {:name row-button-args-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 355, :type :var} {:name row-button-parts, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 351, :type :var} {:name row-button-parts-desc, :file "re_com/buttons.cljs", :line 344, :type :var})} {:name re-com.checkbox, :publics ({:name checkbox, :file "re_com/checkbox.cljs", :line 45, :arglists ([& {:keys [model on-change label disabled? label-class label-style class style attr parts src debug-as], :as args}]), :type :var} {:name checkbox-args-desc, :file "re_com/checkbox.cljs", :line 29, :type :var} {:name checkbox-parts, :file "re_com/checkbox.cljs", :line 25, :type :var} {:name checkbox-parts-desc, :file "re_com/checkbox.cljs", :line 19, :type :var})} {:name re-com.close-button, :publics ({:name close-button, :file "re_com/close_button.cljs", :line 39, :arglists ([]), :type :var} {:name close-button-args-desc, :file "re_com/close_button.cljs", :line 21, :type :var})} {:name re-com.config, :publics ({:name debug?, :file "re_com/config.cljs", :line 6, :type :var} {:name force-include-args-desc?, :file "re_com/config.cljs", :line 14, :type :var} {:name include-args-desc?, :file "re_com/config.cljs", :line 20, :type :var} {:name root-url-for-compiler-output, :file "re_com/config.cljs", :line 16, :type :var} {:name version, :file "re_com/config.cljs", :line 23, :type :var})} {:name re-com.core, :publics ({:name alert-box, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 38, :type :var} {:name alert-list, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 39, :type :var} {:name align-style, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 44, :type :var} {:name at, :file "re_com/core.clj", :line 37, :arglists ([]), :type :macro} {:name border, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 53, :type :var} {:name box, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 49, :type :var} {:name button, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 61, :type :var} {:name checkbox, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 87, :type :var} {:name close-button, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 69, :type :var} {:name datepicker, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 71, :type :var} {:name datepicker-dropdown, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 72, :type :var} {:name dropdown, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 75, :type :var} {:name flex-child-style, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 41, :type :var} {:name flex-flow-style, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 42, :type :var} {:name gap, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 51, :type :var} {:name h-box, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 47, :type :var} {:name h-split, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 81, :type :var} {:name handler-fn, :file "re_com/core.clj", :line 31, :arglists ([& body]), :type :macro} {:name horizontal-bar-tabs, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 108, :type :var} {:name horizontal-pill-tabs, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 110, :type :var} {:name horizontal-tabs, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 107, :type :var} {:name hyperlink, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 66, :type :var} {:name hyperlink-href, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 67, :type :var} {:name info-button, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 64, :type :var} {:name input-password, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 85, :type :var} {:name input-text, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 84, :type :var} {:name input-textarea, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 86, :type :var} {:name input-time, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 79, :type :var} {:name justify-style, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 43, :type :var} {:name label, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 113, :type :var} {:name line, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 50, :type :var} {:name make-tour, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 118, :type :var} {:name make-tour-nav, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 120, :type :var} {:name md-circle-icon-button, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 62, :type :var} {:name md-icon-button, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 63, :type :var} {:name modal-panel, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 93, :type :var} {:name multi-select, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 101, :type :var} {:name nested-grid, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 58, :type :var} {:name p, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 114, :type :var} {:name p-span, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 115, :type :var} {:name popover-anchor-wrapper, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 96, :type :var} {:name popover-border, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 97, :type :var} {:name popover-content-wrapper, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 95, :type :var} {:name popover-tooltip, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 98, :type :var} {:name progress-bar, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 90, :type :var} {:name radio-button, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 88, :type :var} {:name reflect-current-component, :file "re_com/core.clj", :line 49, :arglists ([]), :type :macro} {:name row-button, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 65, :type :var} {:name scroll-style, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 45, :type :var} {:name scroller, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 52, :type :var} {:name selection-list, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 100, :type :var} {:name show-row-data-on-alt-click, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 56, :type :var} {:name simple-v-table, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 57, :type :var} {:name single-dropdown, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 74, :type :var} {:name slider, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 89, :type :var} {:name stack-spy, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 122, :type :var} {:name start-tour, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 119, :type :var} {:name tag-dropdown, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 104, :type :var} {:name text-tag, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 105, :type :var} {:name throbber, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 91, :type :var} {:name title, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 116, :type :var} {:name tree-select, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 102, :type :var} {:name tree-select-dropdown, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 103, :type :var} {:name typeahead, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 77, :type :var} {:name v-box, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 48, :type :var} {:name v-split, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 82, :type :var} {:name v-table, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 55, :type :var} {:name vertical-bar-tabs, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 109, :type :var} {:name vertical-pill-tabs, :file "re_com/core.cljs", :line 111, :type :var})} {:name re-com.datepicker, :publics ({:name date-format, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 28, :type :var} {:name date-format-str, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 26, :type :var} {:name datepicker, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 523, :arglists ([& {:keys [model], :as args}]), :type :var} {:name datepicker-args-desc, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 503, :type :var} {:name datepicker-dropdown, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 595, :arglists ([& {:keys [src], :as args}]), :type :var} {:name datepicker-dropdown-args-desc, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 584, :type :var} {:name datepicker-parts, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 499, :type :var} {:name datepicker-parts-desc, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 468, :type :var} {:name first-weekday-of-year, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 93, :arglists ([week-day-at-start-of-week year]), :type :var} {:name iso8601->date, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 30, :arglists ([iso8601]), :type :var} {:name leap-year?, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 80, :arglists ([year]), :type :var} {:name log-formatter, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 78, :type :var} {:name month-format, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 22, :type :var} {:name previous, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 49, :arglists ([pred] [pred date] [pred date period]), :doc "If date fails pred, subtract period until true, otherwise answer date\n", :type :var} {:name to-days-vector, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 152, :arglists ([xs]), :type :var} {:name week-format, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 24, :type :var} {:name week-of-year, :file "re_com/datepicker.cljs", :line 113, :arglists ([week-day-at-start-of-week start-of-week-date-time]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.debug, :publics ({:name ->attr, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 36, :arglists ([{:keys [src debug-as], :as args}]), :type :var} {:name blue-book-icon, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 102, :type :var} {:name code-style, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 96, :type :var} {:name collision-icon, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 100, :type :var} {:name component-stack, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 65, :arglists ([el] [stack el]), :type :var} {:name confused-icon, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 103, :type :var} {:name error-style, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 97, :type :var} {:name gear-icon, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 101, :type :var} {:name globe-icon, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 104, :type :var} {:name h1-style, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 94, :type :var} {:name h2-style, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 95, :type :var} {:name index-style, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 98, :type :var} {:name log-component-stack, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 106, :arglists ([stack]), :type :var} {:name log-validate-args-error, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 148, :arglists ([element problems component-name {:keys [file line], :as src}]), :type :var} {:name log-validate-args-error-problems, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 126, :arglists ([problems]), :type :var} {:name loggable-args, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 25, :arglists ([args]), :doc "Return a version of args which is stripped of uninteresting values, suitable for logging.\n", :type :var} {:name short-component-name, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 10, :arglists ([component-name]), :doc "Returns the interesting part of component-name\n", :type :var} {:name stack-spy, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 209, :arglists ([& {:keys [component src]}]), :type :var} {:name validate-args-error, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 173, :arglists ([& {:keys [problems component args]}]), :type :var} {:name validate-args-problems-style, :file "re_com/debug.cljs", :line 83, :arglists ([]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.dmm-tracker, :publics ({:name document-event-listener, :file "re_com/dmm_tracker.cljs", :line 5, :arglists ([eventType callback]), :doc "Listen to DOM events during the bubble phase\narg1 Event type, e.g. \"click\" or \"mouseover\"\narg2 callback function\nreturn function to call to remove the event listener", :type :var} {:name IMouseMoveTracker, :file "re_com/dmm_tracker.cljs", :line 20, :type :protocol, :members ({:name -onMouseMove, :arglists ([this event]), :type :var} {:name -releaseMouseMoves, :arglists ([this event]), :type :var} {:name captureMouseMoves, :arglists ([this event]), :type :var})} {:name make-dmm-tracker, :file "re_com/dmm_tracker.cljs", :line 72, :arglists ([on-change on-drag-end]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.dropdown, :publics ({:name anchor-part, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 22, :arglists ([{:keys [label placeholder state theme]}]), :type :var} {:name auto-complete, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 224, :arglists ([& {:keys [choices text sel-start sel-end ins]}]), :doc "Return text/selection map after insertion in place of selection & completion\n", :type :var} {:name backdrop-part, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 26, :arglists ([{:keys [state transition!]}]), :type :var} {:name body-wrapper, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 61, :arglists ([{:keys [state parts theme anchor-ref popover-ref anchor-position]} & children]), :type :var} {:name capitalize-first-letter, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 237, :arglists ([text]), :doc "Capitalize the first letter leaving the rest as is\n", :type :var} {:name dropdown, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 90, :arglists ([& {:keys [model], :or {model (reagent/atom nil)}}]), :doc "A clickable anchor above an openable, floating body.\n", :type :var} {:name filter-choices-by-keyword, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 211, :arglists ([choices keyword value]), :doc "Filter a list of choices extra data within the choices vector\n", :type :var} {:name handle-free-text-insertion, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 350, :arglists ([event ins auto-complete? capitalize? choices internal-model free-text-sel-range free-text-change]), :type :var} {:name make-choice-item, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 289, :arglists ([id-fn render-fn callback internal-model opt]), :type :var} {:name nearest, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 30, :arglists ([x a b]), :type :var} {:name optimize-position!, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 33, :arglists ([anchor-el popover-el]), :doc "Returns an [x y] position for popover, relative to anchor.\nConsiders two possible vertical positions - above or below the anchor.\nPicks the vertical position whose midpoint is nearest to the viewport's midpoint.\nCalculates a left-justified horizontal position, constrained by the viewport width\nand the right edge of the anchor.\n\nIn other words, the popover slides left & right within the anchor width,\nand blinks up & down, to find the least cut-off position.", :type :var} {:name show-selected-item, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 244, :arglists ([node]), :type :var} {:name single-dropdown, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 812, :arglists ([& {:keys [choices model regex-filter? debounce-delay just-drop?], :or {debounce-delay 250}, :as args}]), :doc "Render a single dropdown component which emulates the bootstrap-choosen style. Sample choices object:\n[{:id \"AU\" :label \"Australia\" :group \"Group 1\"}\n {:id \"US\" :label \"United States\" :group \"Group 1\"}\n {:id \"GB\" :label \"United Kingdom\" :group \"Group 1\"}\n {:id \"AF\" :label \"Afghanistan\" :group \"Group 2\"}]", :type :var} {:name single-dropdown-args-desc, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 491, :type :var} {:name single-dropdown-parts, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 487, :type :var} {:name single-dropdown-parts-desc, :file "re_com/dropdown.cljs", :line 478, :type :var})} {:name re-com.input-text, :publics ({:name input-password, :file "re_com/input_text.cljs", :line 207, :arglists ([& args]), :type :var} {:name input-text, :file "re_com/input_text.cljs", :line 203, :arglists ([& args]), :type :var} {:name input-text-args-desc, :file "re_com/input_text.cljs", :line 30, :type :var} {:name input-text-parts, :file "re_com/input_text.cljs", :line 26, :type :var} {:name input-text-parts-desc, :file "re_com/input_text.cljs", :line 20, :type :var} {:name input-textarea, :file "re_com/input_text.cljs", :line 211, :arglists ([& args]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.input-time, :publics ({:name input-time, :file "re_com/input_time.cljs", :line 171, :arglists ([& {:keys [model minimum maximum], :as args, :or {minimum 0, maximum 2359}}]), :doc "I return the markup for an input box which will accept and validate times.\nParameters - refer input-time-args above", :type :var} {:name input-time-args-desc, :file "re_com/input_time.cljs", :line 153, :type :var} {:name input-time-parts, :file "re_com/input_time.cljs", :line 149, :type :var} {:name input-time-parts-desc, :file "re_com/input_time.cljs", :line 142, :type :var} {:name text->time, :file "re_com/input_time.cljs", :line 51, :arglists ([text]), :doc "return as a time int, the contents of 'text'\n", :type :var} {:name time->text, :file "re_com/input_time.cljs", :line 59, :arglists ([time]), :doc "return a string of format HH:MM for 'time'\n", :type :var} {:name valid-text?, :file "re_com/input_time.cljs", :line 66, :arglists ([text]), :doc "Return true if text passes basic time validation.\nCan't do to much validation because user input might not be finished.\nWhy? On the way to entering 6:30, you must pass through the invalid state of '63'.\nSo we only really check against the triple-extracting regular expression", :type :var} {:name valid-time?, :file "re_com/input_time.cljs", :line 74, :arglists ([time]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.modal-panel, :publics ({:name modal-panel, :file "re_com/modal_panel.cljs", :line 38, :arglists ([& {:keys [child wrap-nicely? backdrop-color backdrop-opacity backdrop-on-click class style attr parts], :or {wrap-nicely? true, backdrop-color "black", backdrop-opacity 0.6}, :as args}]), :doc "Renders a modal window centered on screen. A dark transparent backdrop sits between this and the underlying\nmain window to prevent UI interactivity and place user focus on the modal window.\nParameters:\n - child: The message to display in the modal (a string or a hiccup vector or function returning a hiccup vector)", :type :var} {:name modal-panel-args-desc, :file "re_com/modal_panel.cljs", :line 24, :type :var} {:name modal-panel-parts, :file "re_com/modal_panel.cljs", :line 20, :type :var} {:name modal-panel-parts-desc, :file "re_com/modal_panel.cljs", :line 14, :type :var})} {:name re-com.multi-select, :publics ({:name filter-items, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 38, :arglists ([group-fn filter-fn filter-text]), :doc "Filter a list of items based on a filter string using plain string searches (case insensitive). Less powerful\nthan regex's but no confusion with reserved characters", :type :var} {:name filter-items-regex, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 50, :arglists ([group-fn filter-fn filter-text]), :doc "Filter a list of items based on a filter string using regex's (case insensitive). More powerful but can cause\nconfusion for users entering reserved characters such as [ ] * + . ( ) etc.", :type :var} {:name filter-text-box, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 62, :arglists ([*filter-text placeholder *warning-message disabled? parts]), :doc "Base function (before lifecycle metadata) to render a filter text box\n", :type :var} {:name group-heading-item, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 94, :arglists ([]), :doc "Render a group heading and set up appropriate mouse events\n", :type :var} {:name items-with-group-headings, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 20, :arglists ([items group-fn id-fn]), :doc "Split a list of maps by a group key then return both the group\n", :type :var} {:name list-box, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 140, :arglists ([& {:keys [items id-fn label-fn group-fn disabled? *current-item-id group-heading-selected? click-callback double-click-callback filter-choices-text src]}]), :doc "Render a list box which can be a single list or a grouped list\n", :type :var} {:name list-item, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 118, :arglists ([]), :doc "Render a list item and set up appropriate mouse events\n", :type :var} {:name multi-select, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 259, :arglists ([& {:keys [model sort-fn src], :or {sort-fn identity}, :as args}]), :doc "Render a multi-select component which emulates the bootstrap-choosen style. Sample choices object:\n[{:id \"AU\" :label \"Australia\" :group \"Group 1\"}\n {:id \"US\" :label \"United States\" :group \"Group 1\"}\n {:id \"GB\" :label \"United Kingdom\" :group \"Group 1\"}\n {:id \"AF\" :label \"Afghanistan\" :group \"Group 2\"}]", :type :var} {:name multi-select-args-desc, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 230, :type :var} {:name multi-select-parts, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 226, :type :var} {:name multi-select-parts-desc, :file "re_com/multi_select.cljs", :line 194, :type :var})} {:name re-com.nested-grid, :publics ({:name ancestor?, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 203, :arglists ([path-a path-b]), :type :var} {:name cell-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 354, :arglists ([{:keys [column-path row-path]}]), :type :var} {:name cell-wrapper-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 357, :arglists ([{:keys [column-path row-path cell theme], :as args}]), :type :var} {:name clipboard-export-button, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 422, :arglists ([{:keys [on-export]}]), :type :var} {:name column-header-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 376, :arglists ([{:keys [column-path]}]), :type :var} {:name column-header-wrapper-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 381, :arglists ([{:keys [column-header column-path column-paths theme show?], :as props}]), :type :var} {:name controls, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 424, :arglists ([{:keys [show-export-button? hover? on-export]}]), :type :var} {:name descendant?, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 199, :arglists ([path-a path-b]), :type :var} {:name drag-overlay, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 448, :arglists ([{:keys [drag selection? mouse-x mouse-y]}]), :type :var} {:name grid-template, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 336, :arglists ([tokens & more-tokens] [tokens]), :type :var} {:name header-cross-span, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 243, :arglists ([path all-paths]), :type :var} {:name header-label, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 370, :arglists ([path]), :type :var} {:name header-main-span, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 249, :arglists ([path all-paths]), :type :var} {:name header-spacer-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 516, :arglists ([_]), :type :var} {:name header-spacer-wrapper-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 518, :arglists ([{:keys [theme x y header-spacer]}]), :type :var} {:name header-spec->header-paths, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 209, :arglists ([spec] [path acc [left & [right :as remainder]]]), :type :var} {:name item?, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 207, :type :var} {:name leaf-paths, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 222, :arglists ([paths]), :type :var} {:name level, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 420, :type :var} {:name nested-grid, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 534, :arglists ([& {:keys [column-width row-height], :or {column-width 60, row-height 30}}]), :type :var} {:name nested-grid-args-desc, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 18, :type :var} {:name nested-grid-parts, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 14, :type :var} {:name nested-grid-parts-desc, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 12, :type :var} {:name path->grid-line-name, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 333, :arglists ([path]), :type :var} {:name quantize, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 440, :arglists ([quanta threshold]), :type :var} {:name resize-button, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 284, :arglists ([& {:keys [drag]}]), :type :var} {:name resize-overlay, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 252, :arglists ([{:keys [drag mouse-x on-resize last-mouse-x mouse-y last-mouse-y]}]), :type :var} {:name row-header-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 400, :arglists ([{:keys [row-path]}]), :type :var} {:name row-header-wrapper-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 403, :arglists ([{:keys [row-path row-paths row-header theme show?], :as props}]), :type :var} {:name scroll-container, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 526, :arglists ([{:keys [scroll-top scroll-left width height]} child]), :type :var} {:name selection-part, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 463, :arglists ([_]), :type :var} {:name spec->headers*, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 225, :type :var} {:name spec?, :file "re_com/nested_grid.cljs", :line 206, :type :var})} {:name re-com.popover, :publics ({:name backdrop-args-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 130, :type :var} {:name calc-element-midpoint, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 77, :arglists ([node]), :doc "Given a node reference, calculate the absolute x and y coordinates of the node's midpoint\n", :type :var} {:name calc-pop-offset, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 233, :arglists ([arrow-pos position-offset p-width p-height]), :type :var} {:name calculate-optimal-position, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 60, :arglists ([[x y]]), :doc "Calculate the optimal :position value that results in the least amount of clipping by the screen edges\nTaken from: https://github.com/Lambda-X/cljs-repl-web/blob/0.3.1/src/cljs/cljs_repl_web/views/utils.cljs#L52\nThanks to @richiardiandrea and @tomek for this code", :type :var} {:name next-even-integer, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 229, :arglists ([num]), :type :var} {:name point, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 18, :arglists ([x y]), :type :var} {:name popover-anchor-wrapper, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 540, :arglists ([& {:keys [showing? position src], :as args}]), :doc "Renders an element or control along with a Bootstrap popover\n", :type :var} {:name popover-anchor-wrapper-args-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 527, :type :var} {:name popover-anchor-wrapper-parts, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 523, :type :var} {:name popover-anchor-wrapper-parts-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 517, :type :var} {:name popover-border, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 293, :arglists ([& {:keys [position position-offset title src], :as args}]), :doc "Renders an element or control along with a Bootstrap popover\n", :type :var} {:name popover-border-args-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 269, :type :var} {:name popover-border-parts, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 265, :type :var} {:name popover-border-parts-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 259, :type :var} {:name popover-clipping, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 242, :arglists ([node]), :type :var} {:name popover-content-wrapper, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 430, :arglists ([& {:keys [no-clip?], :as args}]), :doc "Abstracts several components to handle the 90% of cases for general popovers and dialog boxes\n", :type :var} {:name popover-content-wrapper-args-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 403, :type :var} {:name popover-content-wrapper-parts, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 399, :type :var} {:name popover-content-wrapper-parts-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 392, :type :var} {:name popover-title-args-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 175, :type :var} {:name popover-title-parts, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 171, :type :var} {:name popover-title-parts-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 165, :type :var} {:name popover-tooltip, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 625, :arglists ([& {:keys [label showing? on-cancel close-button? status anchor position no-clip? width class style attr parts src debug-as popover-color warning-color error-color info-color success-color], :or {no-clip? true, popover-color "black", warning-color "#f57c00", error-color "#d50000", info-color "#333333", success-color "#13C200"}, :as args}]), :doc "Renders text as a tooltip in Bootstrap popover style\n", :type :var} {:name popover-tooltip-args-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 601, :type :var} {:name popover-tooltip-parts, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 597, :type :var} {:name popover-tooltip-parts-desc, :file "re_com/popover.cljs", :line 589, :type :var})} {:name re-com.progress-bar, :publics ({:name progress-bar, :file "re_com/progress_bar.cljs", :line 42, :arglists ([& {:keys [model width striped? class bar-class style attr parts src debug-as], :or {width "100%"}, :as args}]), :doc "Render a bootstrap styled progress bar\n", :type :var} {:name progress-bar-args-desc, :file "re_com/progress_bar.cljs", :line 29, :type :var} {:name progress-bar-parts, :file "re_com/progress_bar.cljs", :line 25, :type :var} {:name progress-bar-parts-desc, :file "re_com/progress_bar.cljs", :line 18, :type :var})} {:name re-com.radio-button, :publics ({:name radio-button, :file "re_com/radio_button.cljs", :line 45, :arglists ([& {:keys [model value on-change label disabled? label-class label-style class style attr parts src debug-as], :as args}]), :doc "I return the markup for a radio button, with an optional RHS label\n", :type :var} {:name radio-button-args-desc, :file "re_com/radio_button.cljs", :line 29, :type :var} {:name radio-button-parts, :file "re_com/radio_button.cljs", :line 25, :type :var} {:name radio-button-parts-desc, :file "re_com/radio_button.cljs", :line 18, :type :var})} {:name re-com.selection-list, :publics ({:name label-style, :file "re_com/selection_list.cljs", :line 16, :arglists ([selected? as-exclusions?] [selected? as-exclusions? selected-color]), :type :var} {:name list-style, :file "re_com/selection_list.cljs", :line 89, :type :var} {:name selection-list, :file "re_com/selection_list.cljs", :line 148, :arglists ([& {:keys [choices model on-change id-fn label-fn multi-select? as-exclusions? required? width height max-height disabled? hide-border? item-renderer class style attr parts src debug-as], :or {multi-select? true, as-exclusions? false, required? false, disabled? false, hide-border? false, id-fn :id, label-fn :label}, :as args}]), :doc "Produce a list box with items arranged vertically\n", :type :var} {:name selection-list-args-desc, :file "re_com/selection_list.cljs", :line 122, :type :var} {:name selection-list-parts, :file "re_com/selection_list.cljs", :line 118, :type :var} {:name selection-list-parts-desc, :file "re_com/selection_list.cljs", :line 110, :type :var} {:name spacing-bordered, :file "re_com/selection_list.cljs", :line 94, :type :var} {:name spacing-unbordered, :file "re_com/selection_list.cljs", :line 102, :type :var})} {:name re-com.simple-v-table, :publics ({:name align->justify, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 63, :type :var} {:name arrow-down-icon, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 43, :arglists ([{:keys [size fill], :or {size "24px", fill "black"}}]), :type :var} {:name arrow-up-icon, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 53, :arglists ([{:keys [size fill], :or {size "24px", fill "black"}}]), :type :var} {:name clipboard-export-button, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 249, :arglists ([{:keys [columns rows on-export]}]), :type :var} {:name column-header-item, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 68, :arglists ([& _]), :type :var} {:name column-header-renderer, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 122, :arglists ([{:keys [columns parts sort-by-column column-header-height hover?]}]), :doc ":column-header-renderer AND :top-left-renderer - Render the table header\n", :type :var} {:name column-node, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 416, :arglists ([{:keys [column column-model]}]), :type :var} {:name criteria-compare, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 237, :arglists ([a b {:keys [key-fn comp-fn order], :or {key-fn :label, order :asc, comp-fn compare}}]), :type :var} {:name default-args, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 256, :type :var} {:name default-sort-criterion, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 16, :type :var} {:name descendant?, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 419, :arglists ([group-a group-b]), :type :var} {:name multi-comparator, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 242, :arglists ([criteria]), :type :var} {:name nested-column, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 361, :arglists ([& _]), :type :var} {:name nested-columns, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 423, :arglists ([{:keys [columns parts sort-by-column column-header-height hover? column-model ancestry], :as args}]), :doc ":column-header-renderer AND :top-left-renderer - Render the table header\n", :type :var} {:name row-item, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 139, :arglists ([row {:keys [id width height align vertical-align row-label-fn], :as column} cell-style parts]), :doc "Render a single row item (column) of a single row\n", :type :var} {:name row-renderer, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 161, :arglists ([{:keys [columns on-click-row on-enter-row on-leave-row striped? row-height row-style cell-style parts table-row-line-color row-index row]}]), :doc ":row-renderer AND :row-header-renderer: Render a single row of the table data\n", :type :var} {:name simple-v-table, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 270, :arglists ([& {:keys [src], :as static-args}]), :doc "Render a v-table and introduce the concept of columns (provide a spec for each).\nOf the nine possible sections of v-table, this table only supports four:\ntop-left (1), row-headers (2), col-headers (4) and rows (5)\nNote that row-style and cell-style can either be a style map or functions which return a style map:\n - (row-style row)\n - (cell-style row col)\nwhere row is the data for that row and col is the definition map for that column\n", :type :var} {:name simple-v-table-args-desc, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 210, :type :var} {:name simple-v-table-exclusive-parts, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 196, :type :var} {:name simple-v-table-exclusive-parts-desc, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 188, :type :var} {:name simple-v-table-parts, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 206, :type :var} {:name simple-v-table-parts-desc, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 200, :type :var} {:name sort-icon, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 33, :arglists ([{:keys [size fill], :or {size "24px", fill "black"}}]), :type :var} {:name tree-v-table, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 447, :arglists ([& {:keys [src], :as static-args}]), :doc "Render a v-table and introduce the concept of columns (provide a spec for each).\nOf the nine possible sections of v-table, this table only supports four:\ntop-left (1), row-headers (2), col-headers (4) and rows (5)\nNote that row-style and cell-style can either be a style map or functions which return a style map:\n - (row-style row)\nx - (cell-style row col)\nwhere row is the data for that row and col is the definition map for that column\n", :type :var} {:name update-sort-criteria, :file "re_com/simple_v_table.cljs", :line 18, :arglists ([criteria new-criterion]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.slider, :publics ({:name slider, :file "re_com/slider.cljs", :line 43, :arglists ([& {:keys [model min max step width on-change disabled? class style attr parts src debug-as], :or {min 0, max 100}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns markup for an HTML5 slider input\n", :type :var} {:name slider-args-desc, :file "re_com/slider.cljs", :line 27, :type :var} {:name slider-parts, :file "re_com/slider.cljs", :line 23, :type :var} {:name slider-parts-desc, :file "re_com/slider.cljs", :line 18, :type :var})} {:name re-com.splits, :publics ({:name drag-handle, :file "re_com/splits.cljs", :line 12, :arglists ([orientation over? parts]), :doc "Return a drag handle to go into a vertical or horizontal splitter bar:\norientation: Can be :horizontal or :vertical\nover?: When true, the mouse is assumed to be over the splitter so show a bolder color", :type :var} {:name h-split, :file "re_com/splits.cljs", :line 97, :arglists ([& {:keys [size width height split-is-px? on-split-change initial-split splitter-size margin src], :or {size "auto", initial-split 50, splitter-size "8px", margin "8px"}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns markup for a horizontal layout component\n", :type :var} {:name hv-split-args-desc, :file "re_com/splits.cljs", :line 78, :type :var} {:name hv-split-parts, :file "re_com/splits.cljs", :line 74, :type :var} {:name hv-split-parts-desc, :file "re_com/splits.cljs", :line 57, :type :var} {:name v-split, :file "re_com/splits.cljs", :line 208, :arglists ([& {:keys [size width height split-is-px? on-split-change initial-split splitter-size margin src], :or {size "auto", initial-split 50, splitter-size "8px", margin "8px"}, :as args}]), :doc "Returns markup for a vertical layout component\n", :type :var})} {:name re-com.tabs, :publics ({:name bar-tabs-args-desc, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 100, :type :var} {:name bar-tabs-parts, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 96, :type :var} {:name bar-tabs-parts-desc, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 88, :type :var} {:name horizontal-bar-tabs, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 162, :arglists ([& {:keys [model tabs on-change id-fn label-fn tooltip-fn tooltip-position class style attr parts src debug-as validate? disabled?], :or {id-fn :id, label-fn :label, tooltip-fn :tooltip}, :as args}]), :type :var} {:name horizontal-pill-tabs, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 270, :arglists ([& {:keys [model tabs on-change id-fn label-fn class style attr parts src debug-as disabled?], :or {id-fn :id, label-fn :label}, :as args}]), :type :var} {:name horizontal-tabs, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 46, :arglists ([& {:keys [model tabs on-change id-fn label-fn class style attr parts disabled?], :or {id-fn :id, label-fn :label}, :as args}]), :type :var} {:name horizontal-tabs-args-desc, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 31, :type :var} {:name horizontal-tabs-parts, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 27, :type :var} {:name horizontal-tabs-parts-desc, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 19, :type :var} {:name pill-tabs-args-desc, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 224, :type :var} {:name pill-tabs-parts, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 220, :type :var} {:name pill-tabs-parts-desc, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 212, :type :var} {:name vertical-bar-tabs, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 186, :arglists ([& {:keys [model tabs on-change id-fn label-fn class style attr parts src debug-as validate? disabled?], :or {id-fn :id, label-fn :label}, :as args}]), :type :var} {:name vertical-pill-tabs, :file "re_com/tabs.cljs", :line 291, :arglists ([& {:keys [model tabs on-change id-fn label-fn class style attr parts src debug-as disabled?], :or {id-fn :id, label-fn :label}, :as args}]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.tag-dropdown, :publics ({:name label-style, :file "re_com/tag_dropdown.cljs", :line 20, :arglists ([selected? as-exclusions?] [selected? as-exclusions? selected-color]), :type :var} {:name tag-dropdown, :file "re_com/tag_dropdown.cljs", :line 163, :arglists ([& {:as args}]), :type :var} {:name tag-dropdown-args-desc, :file "re_com/tag_dropdown.cljs", :line 142, :type :var} {:name tag-dropdown-exclusive-parts-desc, :file "re_com/tag_dropdown.cljs", :line 121, :type :var} {:name tag-dropdown-parts, :file "re_com/tag_dropdown.cljs", :line 138, :type :var} {:name tag-dropdown-parts-desc, :file "re_com/tag_dropdown.cljs", :line 129, :type :var} {:name text-tag, :file "re_com/tag_dropdown.cljs", :line 36, :arglists ([]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.text, :publics ({:name label, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 37, :arglists ([& {:keys [label on-click width class style attr parts src debug-as], :as args}]), :doc "Returns markup for a basic label\n", :type :var} {:name label-args-desc, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 25, :type :var} {:name label-parts, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 21, :type :var} {:name label-parts-desc, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 16, :type :var} {:name p, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 122, :arglists ([& children]), :doc "acts like [:p ] but uses a [:span] in place of the [:p] and adds bottom margin of 0.7ems which\nproduces the same visual result.\n\nCreates a paragraph of body text, expected to have a font-size of 14px or 15px,\nwhich should have limited width.\n\nWhy limited text width? See http://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability\n\nThe actual font-size is inherited.\n\nAt 14px, 450px will yield between 69 and 73 chars.\nAt 15px, 450px will yield about 66 to 70 chars.\nSo we're at the upper end of the preferred 50 to 75 char range.\n\nIf the first child is a map, it is interpreted as a map of styles / attributes.\n\nThis uses [:span] because React has become more unforgiving about nesting [:div]s under [:p]s and dumps\na big red warning message in DevTools.\n\nBy adding, for example, a [hyperlink] component within your `[:p]` (which contains a [:div]), you can get this warning message", :type :var} {:name p-span, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 156, :type :var} {:name title, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 89, :arglists ([& {:keys [label level underline? margin-top margin-bottom class style attr parts src debug-as], :or {margin-top "0.6em", margin-bottom "0.3em"}, :as args}]), :doc "A title with four preset levels\n", :type :var} {:name title-args-desc, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 75, :type :var} {:name title-parts, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 71, :type :var} {:name title-parts-desc, :file "re_com/text.cljs", :line 65, :type :var})} {:name re-com.theme, :publics ({:name apply, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 31, :arglists ([props ctx themes]), :type :var} {:name args, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 25, :type :var} {:name global, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 19, :type :var} {:name merge-props, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 21, :type :var} {:name named->vec, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 15, :type :var} {:name parts, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 23, :type :var} {:name props, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 50, :arglists ([ctx themes]), :type :var} {:name registry, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 8, :type :var} {:name rf, :file "re_com/theme.cljs", :line 27, :arglists ([[props ctx] theme]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.theme.blue-modern, :publics ({:name theme, :file "re_com/theme/blue_modern.cljs", :line 6, :arglists ([attr {:keys [state part], $ :variables}]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.theme.default, :publics ({:name base, :file "re_com/theme/default.cljs", :line 53, :arglists ([props {:keys [state part transition!], {:keys [sm-2]} :variables, {:keys [anchor-height]} :component-props, :as ctx}]), :type :var} {:name base-variables, :file "re_com/theme/default.cljs", :line 50, :arglists ([props ctx]), :type :var} {:name colors, :file "re_com/theme/default.cljs", :line 31, :type :var} {:name golden-section-50, :file "re_com/theme/default.cljs", :line 9, :type :var} {:name main, :file "re_com/theme/default.cljs", :line 121, :arglists ([props {:keys [state part], {:as $, :keys [sm-1 sm-2 sm-3 sm-4 sm-6 md-1 md-2 dark shadow light light-neutral border]} :variables}]), :type :var} {:name main-variables, :file "re_com/theme/default.cljs", :line 119, :arglists ([props _]), :type :var} {:name static-variables, :file "re_com/theme/default.cljs", :line 48, :type :var})} {:name re-com.theme.util, :publics ({:name args, :file "re_com/theme/util.cljs", :line 21, :arglists ([{:keys [attr class style]}]), :type :var} {:name merge-props, :file "re_com/theme/util.cljs", :line 3, :arglists ([& ms]), :type :var} {:name parts, :file "re_com/theme/util.cljs", :line 14, :arglists ([part->props]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.throbber, :publics ({:name throbber, :file "re_com/throbber.cljs", :line 39, :arglists ([& {:keys [size color class style attr parts src debug-as], :as args}]), :doc "Render an animated throbber using CSS\n", :type :var} {:name throbber-args-desc, :file "re_com/throbber.cljs", :line 28, :type :var} {:name throbber-parts, :file "re_com/throbber.cljs", :line 24, :type :var} {:name throbber-parts-desc, :file "re_com/throbber.cljs", :line 18, :type :var})} {:name re-com.tour, :publics ({:name finish-tour, :file "re_com/tour.cljs", :line 44, :arglists ([tour]), :doc "Closes all tour popovers\n", :type :var} {:name make-tour, :file "re_com/tour.cljs", :line 15, :arglists ([tour-spec]), :doc "Returns a map containing\n- A reagent atom for each tour step controlling popover show/hide (boolean)\n- A standard atom holding the current step (integer)\n- A copy of the steps parameter passed in, to determine the order for prev/next functions\nIt sets the first step atom to true so that it will be initially shown\nSample return value:\n{:steps [:step1 :step2 :step3]\n:current-step (atom 0)\n:step1 (reagent/atom true)\n:step2 (reagent/atom false)\n:step3 (reagent/atom false)}", :type :var} {:name make-tour-nav, :file "re_com/tour.cljs", :line 69, :arglists ([tour]), :doc "Generate the hr and previous/next buttons markup.\nIf first button in tour, don't generate a Previous button.\nIf last button in tour, change Next button to a Finish button", :type :var} {:name start-tour, :file "re_com/tour.cljs", :line 37, :arglists ([tour]), :doc "Sets the first popover atom in the tour to true\n", :type :var})} {:name re-com.tree-select, :publics ({:name ancestor-paths, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 246, :arglists ([path]), :type :var} {:name as-v, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 244, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name backdrop, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 175, :arglists ([{:keys [opacity on-click parts]}]), :type :var} {:name choice-checkbox, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 199, :arglists ([{:keys [parts checked? toggle! label disabled? attr]}]), :type :var} {:name choice-item, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 210, :arglists ([& {:keys [level showing? parts], :as props}]), :type :var} {:name current-choices, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 278, :arglists ([model choices]), :type :var} {:name current-groups, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 280, :arglists ([current-choices]), :type :var} {:name descendant?, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 265, :arglists ([group-v item]), :type :var} {:name field-label, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 365, :arglists ([{:keys [items group-label-fn label-fn]}]), :type :var} {:name filter-descendants, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 268, :arglists ([group-v choices]), :type :var} {:name filter-descendants*, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 271, :type :var} {:name full-groups, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 282, :arglists ([model choices]), :type :var} {:name group-item, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 221, :arglists ([& {:keys [label checked? toggle! hide-show! level showing? open? disabled? parts], :as props}]), :type :var} {:name group-label, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 276, :type :var} {:name group?, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 242, :type :var} {:name infer-groups, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 249, :arglists ([items]), :type :var} {:name infer-groups*, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 258, :type :var} {:name labelable-items, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 369, :arglists ([model choices]), :type :var} {:name offset, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 191, :arglists ([& {:keys [parts level]}]), :type :var} {:name sort-items, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 273, :arglists ([items]), :type :var} {:name toggle, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 260, :arglists ([s k]), :type :var} {:name tree-select, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 291, :arglists ([& {:keys [model choices initial-expanded-groups id-fn], :or {id-fn :id}}]), :type :var} {:name tree-select-args-desc, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 45, :type :var} {:name tree-select-dropdown, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 390, :arglists ([_]), :type :var} {:name tree-select-dropdown-args-desc, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 148, :type :var} {:name tree-select-dropdown-parts, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 27, :type :var} {:name tree-select-dropdown-parts-desc, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 16, :type :var} {:name tree-select-parts, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 41, :type :var} {:name tree-select-parts-desc, :file "re_com/tree_select.cljs", :line 31, :type :var})} {:name re-com.typeahead, :publics ({:name typeahead, :file "re_com/typeahead.cljs", :line 261, :arglists ([& {:keys [], :as args}]), :doc "typeahead reagent component\n", :type :var} {:name typeahead-args-desc, :file "re_com/typeahead.cljs", :line 234, :type :var})} {:name re-com.util, :publics ({:name ->v, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 117, :arglists ([x]), :type :var} {:name assoc-in-if-empty, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 21, :arglists ([m ks v]), :doc "Only assoc-in if no value exists at ks\n", :type :var} {:name clipboard-write!, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 213, :arglists ([s]), :type :var} {:name deep-merge, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 14, :arglists ([& vals]), :doc "Recursively merges maps. If vals are not maps, the last value wins.\n", :type :var} {:name deref-or-value, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 26, :arglists ([val-or-atom]), :doc "Takes a value or an atom\nIf it's a value, returns it\nIf it's an object that supports IDeref, returns the value inside it by derefing\n", :type :var} {:name deref-or-value-peek, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 36, :arglists ([val-or-atom]), :doc "Takes a value or an atom\nIf it's a value, returns it\nIf it's a Reagent object that supports IDeref, returns the value inside it, but WITHOUT derefing\n\nThe arg validation code uses this, since calling deref-or-value adds this arg to the watched ratom list for the component\nin question, which in turn can cause different rendering behaviour between dev (where we validate) and prod (where we don't).\n\nThis was experienced in popover-content-wrapper with the position-injected atom which was not derefed there, however\nthe dev-only validation caused it to be derefed, modifying its render behaviour and causing mayhem and madness for the developer.\n\nSee below that different Reagent types have different ways of retrieving the value without causing capture, although in the case of\nTrack, we just deref it as there is no peek or state, so hopefully this won't cause issues (surely this is used very rarely).\n", :type :var} {:name enumerate, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 149, :arglists ([coll]), :doc "(for [[index item first? last?] (enumerate coll)] ...)\n", :type :var} {:name fmap, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 8, :arglists ([f m]), :doc "Takes a function 'f' amd a map 'm'. Applies 'f' to each value in 'm' and returns.\n(fmap inc {:a 4 :b 2}) => {:a 5 :b 3}", :type :var} {:name get-element-by-id, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 61, :arglists ([id]), :type :var} {:name hiccup?, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 229, :type :var} {:name insert-nth, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 113, :arglists ([vect index item]), :type :var} {:name item-for-id, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 133, :arglists ([id v & {:keys [id-fn], :or {id-fn :id}}]), :doc "Takes a vector of maps 'v'. Returns the first item in 'v' whose id-fn (default :id) matches 'id'.\nReturns nil if id not found", :type :var} {:name now->utc, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 203, :arglists ([]), :doc "Return a goog.date.UtcDateTime based on local date/time.\n", :type :var} {:name pad-zero, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 65, :arglists ([s len]), :doc "Left pad a string 's' with '0', until 's' has length 'len'. Return 's' unchanged, if it is already len or greater\n", :type :var} {:name pad-zero-number, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 72, :arglists ([num len]), :doc "return 'num' as a string of 'len' characters, left padding with '0' as necessary\n", :type :var} {:name part, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 231, :arglists ([x props & [default]]), :type :var} {:name pluralize, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 91, :arglists ([num singular & [plural]]), :doc "Return a pluralized phrase, appending an s to the singular form if no plural is provided.\nFor example:\n (pluralize 5 \"month\") => \"5 months\"\n (pluralize 1 \"month\") => \"1 month\"\n (pluralize 1 \"radius\" \"radii\") => \"1 radius\"\n (pluralize 9 \"radius\" \"radii\") => \"9 radii\"\n From https://github.com/flatland/useful/blob/194950/src/flatland/useful/string.clj#L25-L33", :type :var} {:name position-for-id, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 126, :arglists ([id v & {:keys [id-fn], :or {id-fn :id}}]), :doc "Takes a vector of maps 'v'. Returns the position of the first item in 'v' whose id-fn (default :id) matches 'id'.\nReturns nil if id not found", :type :var} {:name px, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 77, :arglists ([val & negative]), :doc "takes a number (and optional :negative keyword to indicate a negative value) and returns that number as a string with 'px' at the end\n", :type :var} {:name px-n, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 82, :arglists ([& vals]), :doc "takes n numbers (could also be strings) and converts them to a space separated px string\ne.g. (px-n 10 2 30 4) => '10px 2px 30px 4px' for use in :padding, :margin etc.\nMost useful when the args are calculations\ne.g. (px-n top-margin (inc h-width) (- top-margin 5) (dec h-width))\nNote: Doesn't support :negative like px above but it will work with negative numbers", :type :var} {:name reduce->, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 238, :type :var} {:name remove-id-item, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 139, :arglists ([id v & {:keys [id-fn], :or {id-fn :id}}]), :doc "Takes a vector of maps 'v', each of which has an id-fn (default :id) key.\nReturn v where item matching 'id' is excluded", :type :var} {:name remove-nth, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 106, :arglists ([v n]), :doc "Removes the item at position n from a vector v, returning a shrunk vector\n", :type :var} {:name sum-scroll-offsets, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 156, :arglists ([node]), :doc "Given a DOM node, I traverse through all ascendant nodes (until I reach body), summing any scrollLeft and scrollTop values\nand return these sums in a map", :type :var} {:name table->tsv, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 219, :arglists ([columns rows]), :type :var} {:name tsv-line, :file "re_com/util.cljs", :line 216, :arglists ([row]), :type :var})} {:name re-com.v-table, :publics ({:name bottom-left-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 232, :arglists ([bottom-left-renderer column-footer-height class style attr]), :doc "Render section 3 - the content component\n", :type :var} {:name bottom-right-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 448, :arglists ([bottom-right-renderer column-footer-height class style attr]), :doc "Render section 9 - the content component\n", :type :var} {:name column-footer-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 350, :arglists ([column-footer-renderer scroll-x class style attr]), :doc "The column-footer section 'content' component. Takes a function that renders column-footers and draws all of\nthem in section 6 (sections explained below).\nThis component is also responsible for setting the horizontal scroll position of this section based on scroll-x\n\nArguments:\n - column-footer-renderer function that knows how to render column-footers\n - scroll-x current horizontal scrollbar position in px\n", :type :var} {:name column-footer-viewport, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 368, :arglists ([column-footer-renderer scroll-x row-viewport-width column-footer-height class style attr content-class content-style content-attr]), :doc "Render section 6 - the viewport component (which renders the content component as its child)\n", :type :var} {:name column-header-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 246, :arglists ([column-header-renderer scroll-x class style attr]), :doc "The column-header section 'content' component. Takes a function that renders column-headers and draws all of\nthem in section 4 (sections explained below).\nThis component is also responsible for setting the horizontal scroll position of this section based on scroll-x\n\nArguments:\n - column-header-renderer function that knows how to render column-headers\n - scroll-x current horizontal scrollbar position in px\n", :type :var} {:name column-header-viewport, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 264, :arglists ([column-header-renderer scroll-x column-header-selection-fn [selection-renderer on-mouse-down on-mouse-enter on-mouse-leave] selection-allowed? row-viewport-width column-header-height content-rows-width class style attr sel-class sel-style sel-attr content-class content-style content-attr]), :doc "Render section 4 - the viewport component (which renders the content component as its child)\n", :type :var} {:name px, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 21, :type :var} {:name row-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 293, :arglists ([row-renderer key-fn top-row-index rows scroll-x scroll-y class style attr]), :doc "The rows section 'content' component. Takes a function that renders rows and draws all of them in section 5 (sections explained below).\nWhen in virtual? mode, only a screen-full of rows are passed to this component at any one time.\nThis component is also responsible for setting the horizontal and vertical scroll position of this section based on scroll-x and scroll-y\n\nArguments:\n - row-renderer function that knows how to render rows (will be passed the 0-based row-index and row to render)\n - key-fn function/keyword that returns a unique id out of the row map/object, or nil to use the row's 0-based row-index\n - top-row-index the 0-based index of the row that is currently at the top of the viewport (for virtual mode)\n - rows a vector of row maps (or objects) to render\n - scroll-x current horizontal scrollbar position in px\n - scroll-y current horizontal scrollbar position in px\n", :type :var} {:name row-footer-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 401, :arglists ([row-footer-renderer key-fn top-row-index rows scroll-y class style attr]), :doc "The row-footer section 'content' component. Takes a function that renders row-footers and draws all of\nthem in section 8 (sections explained below).\nWhen in virtual? mode, only a screen-full of row-footers are passed to this component at any one time.\nThis component is also responsible for setting the vertical scroll position of this section based on scroll-y\n\nArguments:\n - row-footer-renderer function that knows how to render row-footers (will be passed the 0-based row-index and row to get the data from)\n - key-fn function/keyword that returns a unique id out of the row map/object, or nil to use the row's 0-based row-index\n - top-row-index the 0-based index of the row that is currently at the top of the viewport (for virtual mode)\n - rows a vector of row maps (or objects) to render the row-footers from\n - scroll-y current horizontal scrollbar position in px\n", :type :var} {:name row-footer-viewport, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 427, :arglists ([row-footer-renderer key-fn top-row-index rows scroll-y row-viewport-height content-rows-height class style attr content-class content-style content-attr]), :doc "Render section 8 - the viewport component (which renders the content component as its child)\n", :type :var} {:name row-header-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 176, :arglists ([row-header-renderer key-fn top-row-index rows scroll-y class style attr]), :doc "The row-header section 'content' component. Takes a function that renders row-headers and draws all of\nthem in section 2 (sections explained below).\nWhen in virtual? mode, only a screen-full of row-headers are passed to this component at any one time.\nThis component is also responsible for setting the vertical scroll position of this section based on scroll-y\n\nArguments:\n - row-header-renderer function that knows how to render row-headers (will be passed the 0-based row-index and row to get the data from)\n - key-fn function/keyword that returns a unique id out of the row map/object, or nil to use the row's 0-based row-index\n - top-row-index the 0-based index of the row that is currently at the top of the viewport (for virtual mode)\n - rows a vector of row maps (or objects) to render the row-headers from\n - scroll-y current horizontal scrollbar position in px\n", :type :var} {:name row-header-viewport, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 202, :arglists ([row-header-renderer key-fn top-row-index rows scroll-y row-header-selection-fn [selection-renderer on-mouse-down on-mouse-enter on-mouse-leave] selection-allowed? row-viewport-height content-rows-height class style attr sel-class sel-style sel-attr content-class content-style content-attr]), :doc "Render section 2 - the viewport component (which renders the content component as its child)\n", :type :var} {:name row-viewport, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 320, :arglists ([row-renderer key-fn top-row-index rows scroll-x scroll-y row-selection-fn [selection-renderer on-mouse-down on-mouse-enter on-mouse-leave] selection-allowed? row-viewport-height row-viewport-width row-viewport-id content-rows-height content-rows-width class style attr sel-class sel-style sel-attr content-class content-style content-attr]), :doc "Render section 5 - the viewport component (which renders the content component as its child)\n", :type :var} {:name scrollbar, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 32, :arglists ([& {:keys [type width on-change], :or {width 10}}]), :doc "Render a horizontal or vertical scrollbar\n\nArguments:\n - type [keyword] scrollbar type (:horizontal or :vertical)\n - length [number] px size of the long edge. If not specified, scrollbar will fill space provided\n - width [optional number, default = 10] px size of the short edge\n - content-length [number] px length of the content this scrollbar will be in charge of\n - scroll-pos [number] current px scroll position for the beginning of the scrollbar 'thumb'\n - on-change [fn] called every time the thumb is dragged. Args: new-scroll-pos\n - style [map] CSS style map\n ", :type :var} {:name scrollbar-margin, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 18, :type :var} {:name scrollbar-thickness, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 17, :type :var} {:name scrollbar-tot-thick, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 19, :type :var} {:name show-row-data-on-alt-click, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 23, :arglists ([row row-index event]), :doc "Make a call to this function in the click event of your row renderer, then every time they Alt+Click on a row,\nThe raw cljs object used to render that row will be popped into DevTools :-)\nHere is what the line might look like:\n:on-click (handler-fn (v-table/show-row-data-on-alt-click row row-index event))", :type :var} {:name top-left-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 162, :arglists ([top-left-renderer column-header-height class style attr]), :doc "Render section 1 - the content component\n", :type :var} {:name top-right-content, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 387, :arglists ([top-right-renderer column-header-height class style attr]), :doc "Render section 7 - the content component\n", :type :var} {:name v-table, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 533, :arglists ([& {:keys [model virtual? row-height row-viewport-width row-viewport-height max-row-viewport-height src], :or {virtual? true}, :as args}]), :doc "Renders a scrollable table with optional fixed column and row headers and footers, totalling nine addressable sections\nBy default, it only displays rows that are visible, so is very efficient for large data structures\nThe table supports click+drag selections within the rows section (5), row header section (2) and col header section (4)\n\nThe table is laid out using an h-box for the outer component, with four v-box 'container\nsections' sitting next to each other:\n\n+-----+---------+-----+-+\n| | | | |\n| | | | |\n| | | | |\n|LEFT | MIDDLE |RIGHT|VS\n| | | | |\n| | | | |\n| | | | |\n|- - -|- - - - -|- - -|-|\n+-----+---HS----+-----+-+\n\nThe four 'container section' v-boxes are named:\n - LEFT: contains the row headers (and corresponding two corner sections)\n - MIDDLE: contains the main content area (the rows), along with column headers and footers and the horizontal scrollbar (HS)\n - RIGHT: contains the row footers (and corresponding two corner sections)\n - VS: contains the vertical scrollbar\n\nEach container section holds 'sections' which are numbered:\n\n+-----+---------+-----+\n| 1 | 4 | 7 |\n+-----+---------+-----+-+\n| | | | |\n| 2 | 5 | 8 |VS\n| | | | |\n+-----+---------+-----+ +\n| 3 | 6 | 9 |\n+-----+---------+-----+\n +---HS----+\n\nThe nine 'sections' are named:\n - 1: top-left\n - 2: row-headers\n - 3: bottom-left\n - 4: column-headers\n - 5: rows\n - 6: column-footers\n - 7: top-right\n - 8: row-footers\n - 9: bottom-right\n\nThe corner sections (1, 3, 7, 9) are fixed (i.e. do not scroll) and consist of a single 'content' area\n\nThe other sections are scrollable: (2, 8) vertical, (4, 6) horizontal and (5) vertical & horizontal as\na 'viewport' onto their (potentially larger) 'content' area\n\n\nArguments:\n\n - model [mandatory atom containing vector of maps (or other data structures)]\n The data to be displayed, consisting of rows. Each row is normally a map but could be anything)\n Rows MUST contain a unique id (specified via :key-fn arg)\n They are passed to the row-renderer (section 5), row-header-renderer (section 2) and row-footer-renderer (section 8)\n NOTE: data for sections 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 are not included in model\n\n - key-fn [optional fn or keyword to extract a unique id from the row data, or not specified/nil to indicate\n that v-table should use the internally generated 0-based row-id]\n A row is passed to key-fn and it returns the unique identifier for that row\n\n - virtual? [optional bool, default = true]\n When true, use virtual feature where only a screen-full (viewport) of rows are rendered at any one time\n Use true for tables with many rows to reduce initialisation time and resource usage\n You can use false for smaller tables to improve performance of vertical scrolling\n\n - remove-empty-row-space? [optional bool, default = true]\n Specifies whether to remove empty row space (the space between the last row and the horizontal scrollbar)\n for small tables that don't fill the space available to the v-table\n This will cause the horizontal scrollbar section to be nestled against the last row, and whatever is\n underneath the v-table to be brought up with it\n\n - max-width [optional string, default = nil (table will fill available space)]\n MAXIMUM width of the entire v-table\n NOTE: This is specified as a normal CSS value, e.g. \"1024px\" or \"90%\"\n\n\n ========== SECTION 1 - top-left\n\n - top-left-renderer [optional (fn [])]\n Render the top left section\n Height is determined by the :column-header-height arg\n Width is determined by the component itself\n Passed args: none\n\n\n ========== SECTION 2 - row-headers\n\n - row-header-renderer [optional (fn [row-index row])]\n Render a single row header\n Height is determined by the row-height arg\n Width is determined by the component itself\n Passed args: row-index (0-based), row (a map, or other data structure from model)\n\n - row-header-selection-fn [optional (fn [selection-event coords ctrlKey shiftKey event])]\n If provided, indicates that the row header section is selectable via click+drag\n Passed args: see row-selection-fn below for details\n Use the :row-header-selection-rect style-part to style the selection rectangle\n\n\n ========== SECTION 3 - bottom-left\n\n - bottom-left-renderer [optional (fn [])]\n Render the bottom left section\n Height is determined by the column-footer-height arg\n Width is determined by the component itself\n Passed args: none\n\n NOTE: The width of the LEFT container section (encompassing sections 1, 2 and 3 above)\n is determined by the widest section\n\n\n ========== SECTION 4 - column-headers\n\n - column-header-renderer [optional (fn [])]\n Render the entire column header\n Height is determined by the column-header-height arg\n Width is determined by the width available to the v-table OR the row-viewport-width arg if specified\n Passed args: none\n\n - column-header-height [optional number, default = 0]\n px height of the column header section\n\n - column-header-selection-fn [optional (fn [selection-event coords ctrlKey shiftKey event])]\n if provided, indicates that the column header section is selectable via click+drag\n Passed args: see row-selection-fn below for details\n Use the :column-header-selection-rect style-part to style the selection rectangle\n\n\n ========== SECTION 5 - rows (main content area)\n\n - row-renderer [mandatory (fn [row-index row])]\n Render a single content row\n [DJ] Wants to state that columns are not virtual and all horizontal content is rendered\n Height is determined by the row-height arg\n Width is determined by the width available to the v-table OR the row-viewport-width arg if specified\n Passed args: row-index (0-based), row (a map, or other data structure from model)\n\n - row-height [mandatory number]\n px height of each row\n\n - row-content-width [mandatory number]\n px width of the content rendered by row-renderer\n\n - row-viewport-width [optional number, default = nil (take up all available width)]\n px width of the row viewport area\n If not specified, takes up all width available to it\n\n - row-viewport-height [optional number, default = nil (take up all available height)]\n px height of the row viewport area\n If not specified, takes up all height available to it\n\n - max-row-viewport-height [optional number, default = nil (determined by parent height and number of rows)]\n MAXIMUM px height of the row viewport area\n Conveniently excludes height of col header and footer and horizontal scrollbar\n For this to be effective, the parent of the v-table component should have ':size none'\n\n - row-selection-fn [optional (fn [selection-event coords ctrlKey shiftKey event])]\n If provided, indicates that the row section is selectable via click+drag\n The fn will be called (on mouse-down, mouse-move and mouse-up) with four positional args\n Passed args:\n selection-event: One of :selection-start, :selecting or :selection-end\n coords: {:start-row integer ;; rows are returned as zero-based row numbers (except column-header which returns px)\n :end-row integer\n :start-col integer ;; cols are returned as px offsets\n :end-col integer}\n ctrlKey: When true, Control key is currently pressed\n shiftKey: When true, Shift key is currently pressed\n event The original MouseEvent (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent)\n Use the :selection-rect style-part to style the selection rectangle\n\n\n ========== SECTION 6 - column-footers\n\n - column-footer-renderer [optional (fn [])]\n Render the entire column footer\n Height is determined by the column-footer-height arg\n Width is determined by the width available to the v-table OR the row-viewport-width arg if specified\n Passed args: none\n\n - column-footer-height [optional number, default = 0]\n px height of the column footer section\n\n\n ========== SECTION 7 - top right\n\n - top-right-renderer [optional (fn [])]\n Render the top right section\n Height is determined by the column-header-height arg\n Width is determined by the component itself\n Passed args: none\n\n\n ========== SECTION 8 - row-footers\n\n - row-footer-renderer [optional (fn [row-index row])]\n Render a single row footer\n Height is determined by the row-height arg\n Width is determined by the component itself\n Passed args: row-index (0-based), row (a map, or other data structure from model)\n\n\n ========== SECTION 9 - bottom-right\n\n - bottom-right-renderer [optional (fn [])]\n Render the bottom right section\n Height is determined by the column-footer-height arg\n Width is determined by the component itself\n Passed args: none\n\n NOTE: The width of the RIGHT container section (encompassing sections 7, 8 and 9 above)\n is determined by the widest section\n\n\n ========== Scrolling the table so that a block of rows/columns become visible\n\n - scroll-rows-into-view [optional atom map]\n Set this argument to scroll the table to a particular row range\n map example:\n {:start-row 12 ;; Start row number (zero-based) to be scrolled into view\n :end-row 14} ;; End row number to be scrolled into view\n\n - scroll-columns-into-view [optional atom map]\n Set this argument to scroll the table to a particular column range (in this case columns are pixels!)\n map example:\n {:start-col 200 ;; Start column px offset to be scrolled into view\n :end-col 300} ;; End column px offset to be scrolled into view\n\n\n ========== Styling different parts of the table (and setting attributes for those parts)\n\n - class Add extra class(es) to the outer container\n\n - parts [optional nested map]\n Allows classes, styles and attributes (e.g. custom event handlers) to be specified for each part of the table\n\n Keys can be:\n\n - :wrapper The outer container of the table\n\n - :left-section The left v-box container section of the table, containing:\n - :top-left Top left section (1)\n - :row-headers Row header viewport section (2)\n - :row-header-selection-rect The row-header rectangle used for click+drag selection of row headers\n - :row-header-content The v-box containing one row header (row-header-render renders in here)\n - :bottom-left Bottom left section (3)\n\n - :middle-section The middle v-box container section of the table, containing:\n - :column-headers Column header viewport section (4)\n - :column-header-selection-rect The column-header rectangle used for click+drag selection of column headers\n - :column-header-content The box containing the column header (column-header-render renders in here)\n - :rows Main row viewport section (5)\n - :row-selection-rect The ROW rectangle used for click+drag selection of rows\n Defaults to being above the rows (:z-index 1). Set to 0 to place it underneath rows\n - :row-content The v-box containing one row (row-render renders in here)\n - :column-footers Column footer viewport section (6)\n - :column-footer-content The box containing the column footer (column-footer-render renders in here)\n - :h-scroll The horizontal scrollbar\n\n - :right-section The right container section v-box of the table, containing:\n - :top-right Top right section (7)\n - :row-footers Row footer viewport section (8)\n - :row-footer-content The v-box containing one row footer (row-footer-render renders in here)\n - :bottom-right Bottom right section (9)\n\n - :v-scroll-section The v-box containing the vertical scrollbar:\n - :v-scroll The vertical scrollbar\n ", :type :var} {:name v-table-args-desc, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 494, :type :var} {:name v-table-parts, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 490, :type :var} {:name v-table-parts-desc, :file "re_com/v_table.cljs", :line 462, :type :var})} {:name re-com.validate, :publics ({:name alert-type?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 190, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name alert-types, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 169, :type :var} {:name alert-types-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 210, :type :var} {:name align-options, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 167, :type :var} {:name align-options-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 208, :type :var} {:name align-style?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 188, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name arg-names-known?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 49, :arglists ([defined-args passed-args problems]), :doc "returns problems conjed with a problem map for every passed-arg that is not in defined-args.\n", :type :var} {:name button-size?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 191, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name button-sizes, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 170, :type :var} {:name button-sizes-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 211, :type :var} {:name css-class?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 381, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a valid CSS style.\nOtherwise returns a warning map", :type :var} {:name css-style?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 368, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a valid CSS style.\nOtherwise returns a warning map", :type :var} {:name css-styles, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 294, :type :var} {:name date-like?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 465, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if arg satisfies cljs-time.core/DateTimeProtocol typically goog.date.UtcDateTime or goog.date.Date,\notherwise false/error.", :type :var} {:name extension-attribute?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 391, :arglists ([attr]), :doc "Returns truthy if the attribute name is an extension attribute, that is data-* or aria-*, otherwise falsey.\n", :type :var} {:name extension-attrs, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 292, :type :var} {:name extract-arg-data, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 33, :arglists ([args-desc]), :doc "Package up all the relevant data for validation purposes from the xxx-args-desc map into a new map\n", :type :var} {:name hash-map-with-name-keys, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 29, :arglists ([v]), :type :var} {:name hiccup?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 488, :type :var} {:name html-attr?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 406, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a valid HTML, SVG or event attribute.\nOtherwise returns a warning map.\nNotes:\n - Prevents :class and :style attributes", :type :var} {:name html-attrs, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 222, :type :var} {:name ifn-or-nil?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 483, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a function, keyword or nil, otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name input-status-type?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 193, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name input-status-types, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 172, :type :var} {:name input-status-types-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 213, :type :var} {:name invalid-html-attrs, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 399, :arglists ([attrs]), :doc "Returns the subset of HTML attributes contained in the passed argument that are not valid HTML attributes.\n", :type :var} {:name justify-options, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 166, :type :var} {:name justify-options-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 207, :type :var} {:name justify-style?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 187, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name left-string, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 17, :arglists ([obj max-len]), :doc "Converts obj to a string and truncates it to max-len chars if necessary.\nWhen truncation is necessary, adds an elipsis to the end", :type :var} {:name log-warning, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 23, :arglists ([& args]), :doc "Sends a message to the DeV Tools console as an warning. Returns true to indicate 'not and error' condition\n", :type :var} {:name make-code-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 202, :arglists ([codes]), :doc "Given a vector or list of codes, create a [:span] hiccup vector containing a comma separated list of the codes\n", :type :var} {:name map-atom?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 505, :arglists ([arg arg-is-atom?]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is an atom containing a map\n", :type :var} {:name map-or-atom?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 522, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a map (or a map within an atom), otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name nillable-string-or-atom?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 527, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a string/nil (or a string/nil within an atom), otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name number-or-string?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 477, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a number or a string, otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name part?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 490, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a part, otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name parts?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 428, :arglists ([keys]), :doc "Returns a function that validates a value is a map that contains `keys` mapped to values that are maps containing\n`class`, `:style` and/or `:attr`.", :type :var} {:name popover-status-type?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 194, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name popover-status-types, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 173, :type :var} {:name popover-status-types-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 214, :type :var} {:name position-options, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 175, :type :var} {:name position-options-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 216, :type :var} {:name position?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 196, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name regex?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 471, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a valid regular expression, otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name required-args?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 58, :arglists ([required-args passed-args problems]), :doc "returns problems conjed with a problem map for every required-args that is not in passed-args.\n", :type :var} {:name scroll-options, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 168, :type :var} {:name scroll-options-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 209, :type :var} {:name scroll-style?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 189, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name set-or-atom?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 533, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a set (or a set within an atom), otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name string-or-atom?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 512, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a string (or a string within an atom), otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name string-or-hiccup?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 351, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is either valid hiccup or a string, otherwise false/error\n", :type :var} {:name throbber-size?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 192, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name throbber-sizes, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 171, :type :var} {:name throbber-sizes-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 212, :type :var} {:name title-level-type?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 195, :arglists ([arg]), :type :var} {:name title-levels, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 174, :type :var} {:name title-levels-list, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 215, :type :var} {:name validate-arg-against-set, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 180, :arglists ([arg arg-name valid-set]), :doc "Validates the passed argument against the expected set\n", :type :var} {:name validate-args, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 132, :arglists ([arg-defs passed-args]), :doc "Calls three validation tests:\n - Are arg names valid?\n - Have all required args been passed?\n - Specific validation function calls to check arg values if specified\n\nIf they all pass, returns nil.\n\nNormally used as the first function of an `or` at the beginning of a component render function, so that either the\nvalidation problem component will be rendered in place of the component or nil will skip to the component rendering\nnormally.\n\nUsed to use {:pre... at the beginning of functions and return booleans. Stopped doing that as throws and causes\nlong ugly stack traces. We rely on walking the dom for data-rc-src attributes in the debug/validate-args-problem\ncomponent instead.", :type :var} {:name validate-args-macro, :file "re_com/validate.clj", :line 3, :arglists ([args-desc args]), :doc "if goog.DEBUG is true then validate the args, otherwise replace the validation code with nil\n", :type :macro} {:name validate-fns?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 66, :arglists ([args-with-validators passed-args problems]), :doc "Gathers together a list of args that have a validator and...\nreturns true if all argument values are valid OR are just warnings (log warning to the console).\nOtherwise log an error to the console and return false.\nValidation function args (2 arities supported):\n - Arg 1: The arg to be validated (note that this is stripped from it's enclosing atom if required, this is always a value)\n - Arg 2: (optional) true if the arg is wrapped in an atom, otherwise false\nValidation function return:\n - true: validation success\n - false: validation failed - use standard error message\n - map: validation failed - includes two keys:\n :status - :error: log to console as error\n :warning: log to console as warning\n :message - use this string in the message of the warning/error", :type :var} {:name vector-atom?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 500, :arglists ([arg arg-is-atom?]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is an atom containing a vector\n", :type :var} {:name vector-of-maps?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 356, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a vector of maps (either directly or contained in an atom), otherwise false/error\nNotes:\n - actually it also accepts a list of maps (should we rename this? Potential long/ugly names: sequential-of-maps?, vector-or-list-of-maps?)\n - vector/list can be empty\n - only checks the first element in the vector/list", :type :var} {:name vector-or-atom?, :file "re_com/validate.cljs", :line 517, :arglists ([arg]), :doc "Returns true if the passed argument is a vector (or a vector within an atom), otherwise false/error\n", :type :var})})}, :pom-str "\n\n 4.0.0\n re-com\n re-com\n jar\n 2.20.0\n re-com\n Reusable UI components for Reagent\n https://github.com/day8/re-com.git\n \n \n MIT\n \n \n \n https://github.com/day8/re-com\n scm:git:git://github.com/day8/re-com.git\n scm:git:ssh://git@github.com/day8/re-com.git\n cb87d9a19b0ccf1f8c5aedefb8d3c57007f5fbc3\n \n \n src\n test\n \n \n run/resources\n \n \n \n \n run/resources\n \n \n target\n target/classes\n \n \n \n \n central\n https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/\n \n false\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n clojars\n https://repo.clojars.org/\n \n true\n \n \n true\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n org.clojure\n clojure\n 1.11.1\n provided\n \n \n org.clojure\n clojurescript\n 1.11.132\n \n \n closure-compiler-unshaded\n com.google.javascript\n \n \n google-closure-library\n org.clojure\n \n \n google-closure-library-third-party\n org.clojure\n \n \n provided\n \n \n thheller\n shadow-cljs\n 2.27.2\n provided\n \n \n reagent\n reagent\n 1.1.0\n provided\n \n \n org.clojure\n core.async\n 1.3.618\n \n \n com.andrewmcveigh\n cljs-time\n 0.5.2\n \n \n clj-stacktrace\n clj-stacktrace\n 0.2.8\n test\n \n \n binaryage\n devtools\n 1.0.3\n test\n \n \n\n\n\n"}